Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3745: Try the sword

Whoosh whoosh!

Wang Fan's legs set off ear-piercing sonic booms in mid-air, engulfing the violent Xian Yuan, and slammed directly towards Gu Yu.

Gu Yu's complexion changed drastically, and he shouted angrily, the immortal yuan inside his body came out, and at the same time his fists began to dance wildly.

Bang bang bang bang came out a series of explosions, and in a short period of time, the two faced each other dozens of moves.

Wang Fan was shocked and backed away again and again, only feeling his legs numb, and he was about to break.

Compared to Wang Fan, Gu Yu was nowhere near. His arms trembled crazily, bloodshot spilled from the corner of his mouth, and there were even more signs of cracking at the tiger's mouth.

The cultivators around saw this scene and were stunned again.

This Wang Fan is really strong.

The fifth floor of Xianzun, to be able to fight against the ninth floor of Xianzun to this point, is really enchanting.

Murongxian couldn't help but shook his head slightly, "Have you practiced for nothing in Weishan? It seems that your use of strength and spiritual energy is still not enough."

Wang Fan narrowed his eyebrows, "Senior Sister Murong, what do you mean?"

Murongxian said, "Your physical power is used well, and you have almost done it without wasting or distracting. But your control of your aura is much worse."

"Because every one of your moves will waste at least 30% of your aura. Do you know why those martial arts are divided into ranks, and different ranks have different powers?"

"It's because those martial arts have unique distances and aura operation methods. Those martial arts pursue the greatest strength at the least cost."

"Although you didn't use martial arts just now, you just attacked with fists and feet, but the truth is the same."

"If you can converge with one point of the aura and hit all ten percent of the aura, then your battle will increase countless times again."

"Even if you don't use martial arts, even ordinary moves are not much weaker than ordinary martial arts."

When Wang Fan heard this, he nodded thoughtfully.

In fact, with his cultivation base on the fifth floor of the Immortal Venerable, he was able to achieve only 30% of the spiritual energy wasted, which is already very good.

You know, the ancient jade in front of him, every time he makes a shot, at least 50% of his aura is wasted.

Otherwise, how could Wang Fan be his opponent?

However, Wang Fan didn't think he was just wasting 30% of his aura, how good or proud he was.

Instead, he thought that he was indeed a lot worse.

"Huh, come again."

Gu Yu glanced at Murongxian with a sullen face, did not speak, but shouted angrily, and continued to kill Wang Fan.

He had already seen Murongxian's strength, and he was definitely a strong immortal emperor.

This kind of character, he still dare not provoke.

However, he sneered at Murongxian's instructions.

Who doesn't understand this truth?

Understandably belonging to Dong, it is not easy to achieve aura without wasting.

When Wang Fan saw Gu Yu slaying, he also held the Primordial Sword in his hand.

This time, he didn't use Celestial Slash again, but swiped with one sword and one sword.

With every sword cut, his mental power will pay close attention to the direction of the spiritual energy on the divine sword, and at the same time think about ways to find ways to improve.

After dozens of swords passed, Wang Fan's control of spiritual energy was finally much stronger.

From the previous waste of 30%, only 20% was wasted.

Similarly, the power of each of his swords has also become much stronger.

Gu Yu felt this scene, and at the same time he was shocked, he was also very angry.

Wang Fan was really growing, really improving, and he actually did it.

However, Wang Fan actually used his ancient jade as a grindstone, which simply made him unbearable.

He Guyu, that is also a person with a face and a face.

Gu Yu was crazy.

He slashed frantically with a big knife in his hand, just like crazy, and even displayed powerful martial arts.

However, Wang Fan did not face him head-on, and once he felt the danger, he would directly use his space to move and avoid.

He is still honing his sword skills, controlling his aura use as much as possible.

Ancient jade is a very good grindstone, and there is no need to worry about being killed. This kind of opportunity is rare.

Gu Yu couldn't attack Wang Fan for a long time. On the contrary, his injuries continued to increase, and his heart became even more impatient.

He became more and more aware of Wang Fan's difficulty.

Compared with Wang Fan, his so-called genius is not even a shit.

If he really loses in Wang Fan's hands, no, even now, he feels ashamed of himself.

The dignified ninth-floor immortal statue is expected to step into the existence of the immortal emperor, but he couldn't attack the fifth floor of the immortal venerable for a long time, and was used by the opponent to try his sword.

Murongxian couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Wang Fan's talent is still very strong, and his comprehension is not bad.

She also didn't expect that Wang Fan would have done so well in a short time.

What a genius.

After dozens of moves, Gu Yu finally couldn't hold back the pressure anymore, and Wang Fan pierced his pubic area with a sword.

The pubic field penetrated, and the ancient jade fell to the ground instantly, yelling up to the sky, becoming a waste person.

Wang Fan couldn't help but constrict his eyebrows slightly.

He hasn't been able to fully control his aura so far, and every sword cut out will still consume more than 10%.

It's a pity that this ancient jade is too useless. At this time, it has been penetrated through the pubic area by myself, and it can no longer exert the tempering effect.

"It seems that you are giving me tricks and trying the sword for me. Let's spare your life today and get out of here."

"Become an ordinary person in the future, if you dare to target me, or target my martial arts palace, don't blame me for being rude."

Wang Fan was also a rare kind of kindness. Without killing Gu Yu, he coldly left a word and kicked him thousands of miles away.

As for whether Gu Yu would be thrown to death, Wang Fan didn't worry anymore.

With a kick of the ancient jade, Wang Fan quickly grabbed a few pills to restore spiritual energy and took it, then looked at the group of five powerful monks.

There was a smirk in his eyes, "Come on, let's go together."

When the words fell, he raised the sword and killed him.

Those monks were extremely frightened and terrified when they saw this scene.

Only facing Wang Fan, they had to fight and could only meet frantically.

As for escape?

No one thought about it at all.

Murongxian is still here, how did they escape?

It can be said that before the ten immortal emperors of the five major forces came out, they couldn't escape at all.

Wang Fan held the Primordial Excalibur and flew crazy among the monks.

Every time he swiped his sword, he would chop off a head.

Along with the improvement in the control of the aura, Wang Fan's combat effectiveness has naturally become stronger.

He doesn't need to use martial arts at all, just a simple sword can cut out the power that is not weaker than ordinary martial arts.

Not only that, but even less aura is consumed.


This is a massacre.

It didn't take long for the cultivators of the five major forces in the periphery to be killed by most.

They are all a little scared, they are really scared.

Wang Fan is too strong.

Below the eighth floor of Xianzun, almost all of them must die with one sword.

Even the eighth floor of Xianzun couldn't catch Wang Fan's ten swords.

As for the ninth floor of the Immortal Venerable, they have already followed the Immortal Emperor into the Martial Palace, except for the ancient jade that was kicked away just now, there is no one else.

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