Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3741: Five Great Immortals

Wang Fan's face was gloomy, but his heart was even more solemn.

He didn't dare to be careless at all, holding a short sword and continued to fight.

At this point, he can only fight to the death, otherwise once the qi in his heart is gone, then he will not be far from death.

The three of them also gritted their teeth, but their physical strength was still much different than that of Wang Fan.

If it only consumes a little energy, perhaps the impact is not big, but it consumes too much, then it's different. Both consciousness and reaction will be severely affected.

After nearly a hundred moves, Wang Fan finally beheaded the three of them, and at the same time he sat down without strength.


It's really exhausting!

But it's also worth it.

Because after this battle, his divine refining art has once again improved a lot.

Wang Fan didn't dare to go directly, but stayed where he was and recovered.

The top of the tower.

The Red Devil saw the six subordinates being beheaded one after another, and he was almost furious.

He clenched his fists, and a horrible red glow appeared on his body. He really wanted to rush out and kill the **** Wang Fan.

But looking at the skinny monk not far away, he finally pressed it down.

"Hmph, you are lucky."

The Red Devil snorted coldly on the tip of his nose, and grabbed a teleportation charm in his hand. The next second, the teleportation charm was crushed and he disappeared here.

Almost the moment he disappeared, the skinny monk trembled suddenly.

Along with the trembling of his body, a lot of spiritual energy appeared in the void at the top of the tower, and his flesh and blood began to slowly grow.

At the same time, the illusory spikes that had been nailed to him also began to dissipate.

The fifth floor.

Wang Fan didn't know what happened at the top of the tower. He rested for a long time before moving up.

The sixth floor is empty.

The seventh floor is empty.

The eighth floor is empty.

Wang Fan almost collapsed.

What about the good chance?

Taking a deep breath, Wang Fan continued to walk towards the ninth floor.

But as soon as he reached the ninth floor, his face changed.

On the ninth floor, he unexpectedly saw a refined man.

This elegant man was sitting cross-legged on a chair, and the school hospital was looking at him at the moment.

At the first sight of this elegant man, Wang Fan felt a huge crisis.

He said without hesitation, "Senior, excuse me."

After all, turn around and leave.

However, just as he turned around, he felt the space close, and he was actually restrained.

Wang Fan scolded his mother in his heart, and quickly said, "Senior, I just want to find some opportunities, and I have absolutely no intention of offending."

Damn, what the **** is going on?

Why are there people on the top of the tower? Is it also the so-called body refining?

It's just that when he killed the Quartet a moment ago, why didn't this guy show up.

Is it possible that he can't move and is trapped?

Does this count as an initiative to send it to the door?

"Little guy, don't be afraid, I am not a person in the body." The elegant man beckoned, and Wang Fan immediately floated in front of him uncontrollably.

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get out yet." The elegant man's voice was gentle, without even the slightest bit of hostility.

Of course, Wang Fan would not think this guy was gentle.

With such a strong strength and such a defense against the sky, can he be a gentle person?

If you are a gentle person, I am afraid that you will not be able to practice this step.

However, Wang Fan was a little relieved when he heard that the other party was not in the same line of body refining.

However, he did not dare to speak, and waited for the following.

"You are fighting below, I saw it, it's good, it's good." The elegant man was like a babble.

But soon, his face just couldn't help but change, "Little guy, you have the breath of Xian'er, do you know her?"

Wang Fan shook his heart.


Who is that?

With his brain running fast, Wang Fan quickly thought of someone.


Thinking of Murongxian, he quickly nodded, "Know, know, Murongxian is a very good friend of mine, and I have saved her life several times."

Judging from the other party's name for Murongxian, it was obviously not an enemy. At this time, Wang Fan naturally wanted to establish a relationship.

He didn't want to be killed so unclearly.

"How many times have you saved Xian'er?" The elegant man stared at Wang Fan weirdly, "If I'm not mistaken, you're only on the fifth floor of Xianzun, right?"

Wang Fan hurriedly said, "Senior, this is a sly mountain, and the cultivation base is sealed. Outside, Senior Sister Murong is worse than me, but here, he is not as good as me. I really saved her several times. "

The elegant man nodded, "That's true."

Next, he started talking about tuberculosis again.

Wang Fan is drowsy.

This old thing doesn't give himself a chance, he keeps talking about it.

Of course, he only dared to think about this, and he didn't dare to say it at all.

I don't know how long it took, the elegant man finally finished talking, and threw a space ring to Wang Fan, "Okay, kid, you can go out."

"By the way, this space ring is for Xian'er. Since you know her, you can do it for you. Don't try to embezzle it, otherwise, you will die."

Wang Fan cursed inwardly, but smiled on his face, "Where do you dare?"

As he said, he couldn't help but asked cautiously, "Senior, what's my chance? Do I have nothing?"

"You?" The elegant man laughed, he waved his hand casually, and with a bang, Wang Fan only felt the sky spinning, and the next moment he flew out.

With a loud bang, Wang Fan felt as if he had landed from a height of thousands of miles, and his body bones were about to fall apart.

He got up with difficulty, glanced around, and suddenly found that many people were looking at him strangely.

"I--" Wang Fan's scolding heart was gone, and he walked away without saying a word.

"Don't run, chase!"

"Wang Fan is out!"

"He must have gotten the chance of the Great Emperor."

After Wang Fan ran away, all those people recovered and chased after him like crazy.

That anger in Wang Fan's heart.

what is this?

The most important thing is that he is not at the peak and can't run.

Wang Fan just thought of this when a fragrant wind hit him, and then a soft jade hand grabbed him and ran towards the exit at a very fast speed.

Wang Fan turned his head and glanced at Murongxian.

At this moment, Murongxian's face was not as cold as before, but a little blush, as if he was a little excited.

Neither of them spoke. Murongxian didn't ask Wang Fan if he got anything from the top of the tower, nor did Wang Fan say.

In this way, the two quickly reached the exit.

Without hesitation, Murongxian grabbed Wang Fan and blasted out.

Beyond the sly mountain.

Ancient, Ning, Huang, San Xiumen, Tiansha Sect, and the five great forces sent five immortal emperors to station here, waiting for Wang Fan to appear.

They already knew what had happened in Deception Mountain, and their people had been wiped out.

Even the immortal emperors such as Gu Xingyang were dead.

It was precisely because of this that they dared not enter the Devil Mountain again, but stayed here.

At the same time, the five major forces have also sent another group of people to kill Wu Gong.

The successive losses made them completely angry.

They wanted to take the martial arts palace to vent their anger and force Wang Fan to show up.

When Murongxian brought Wang Fan out, the five immortal emperors opened their eyes almost at the same time.

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