Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3727: growing up

This guy is not strong, but his ability to cause trouble seems very strong.

What the ancient Ning family Tiansha Sect, even if he Murongxian is not from the Eastern Region, but after spending so long in Guishan, he knows that those are all powerful outside forces.

How many people did Wang Fan offend?

Not long after Wang Fan's voice fell, a cold voice came out.

"Arrogant! The mere ants dare to speak up here and provoke my ancient family, it is really looking for death!"

With an angry shout, a young man jumped up directly, and appeared on the ring in the next second.

When the monks around saw this person, they couldn't help but shook their heads.

Some cultivators wanted to remind, but it was too late, the other party had already gone up.

"From the ancient family?" Wang Fan looked at the cultivator opposite, but asked with a smile.

"Yes, this deity belongs to the ancient family, dare you—" the monk responded coldly.

"That's a lot of nonsense." It's a pity that Wang Fan didn't give him a chance to speak. He jumped up and killed him directly.

In an instant, Wang Fan rushed in front of him and blasted a punch directly.

The monk sneered, and didn't mean to retreat at all, then he threw a punch.

Fist and fist!


There was a loud noise.

There was a cracking sound of bone fracture, and the monk flew out immediately.

Wang Fan frowned slightly, but then he was furious.

His figure flashed and directly rushed up.

The monk's body hadn't landed before it was smashed into a sieve by his fists.

He just killed Xue Kai, but such a trash came up in a blink of an eye. Who do you look down on? Is it deliberately consuming his physical strength?

The scene is terribly quiet.

But soon, another monk rushed into the ring.

This monk is not a person from the ancient family and other forces, but a powerful person with other strengths.

He came to Guishan, originally for the purpose of experience, so naturally he would not be afraid of fighting because of Wang Fan's strength.

Ten seconds later, such a monk was defeated, but he did not die.

In this way, Wang Fan showed his power in the arena, and within a short period of time, he had already fought 39 consecutive games.

Thirty-nine games, thirty-nine wins.

After so many battles, he was also a little tired, and very tired and tired.

After all, although his physical body is strong, his cultivation base and spiritual power cannot be used. After fighting for a long time, he will still be tired, and his physical strength cannot be supplemented at all.

Of course, even if he felt tired, Wang Fan had no plans to stop.

He can't give up halfway, even if he can't win a hundred games in a row today, he still has to see where his limits are.

Only by breaking the limit can we improve further.

At the same time, with the passage of such a long time, the Gu Jianing family and other powerful monks also received news and rushed over here one after another.

Before long, more than 20 people from those forces came.

Some of these people were originally experienced in Guishan Mountain, while some came here specifically to hunt down Wang Fan.

They looked at Wang Fan on the ring, their eyes were extremely cold, and they made no secret of their murderous intent.

Wang Fan, a fifth-tier cultivator of the Immortal Venerable, actually slapped their forces in the face, which is simply a shame.

If they couldn't kill Wang Fan, they would simply have trouble sleeping and eating.

The monks of the Tiansha Sect and the Sanxiu Sect are relatively better, after all, they are the Sect, and their feelings are not so strong.

But Gu Ninghuang, the three family power monks, is different.

They really wanted to smash Wang Fan's body into pieces immediately.


With another sound, Wang Fan swept an enemy off the ring, then looked down the stage and said proudly, "Who else?"


Without hesitation, a monk directly came to power.

As soon as he took the stage, he stared at Wang Fan with a sneer, "Wang Fan, the deity is a free repairman——"


As soon as Wang Fan heard that he was a casual repairer, where he was willing to listen to his nonsense, he rushed out.

After the eight moves, the monk was directly cut down on the spot.

Wang Fan looked at the audience and said frantically, "San Xiu Sect, Heavenly Sect Sect, Gu Clan, Ning Clan, Huang Clan, aren't all the powerhouses of these forces dead?"

"Aren't you trying to kill me? Come on? Where's your master? Where's the strong? Send this kind of trash up to find death?"

Wang Fan's voice fell, and the twenty-odd people were completely angry.

"you wanna die!"

"The deity killed you!"

"The mere ants, dare to be arrogant, today is your death date!"

There were roars, and the cultivators immediately began to step on stage one after another.

As soon as they took the stage, they started the crazy desperate mode.

Naturally, Wang Fan was not afraid, fighting back frantically and fighting frantically.

Rao is very strong as Wang Fan, but under the frenzied desperation of more than 20 monks, he still suffered some injuries.

When he killed all more than twenty people, his body was already bloodstained.

Especially the double fists are completely bloody.

Wang Fan did not flinch, he was planning to continue.

Murongxian below suddenly said, "Come down, it's okay."

Wang Fan was slightly startled, but shook his head.

He once again held up the battle for two more games before he stepped out of the ring.

At the moment when he stepped off the ring, Wang Fan felt relieved and almost fell. Fortunately, Murongxian supported him.


It's really tired.

Wang Fan felt that he was really about to lose it.

Now he just wants to ignore everything and sleep well for three days and three nights.

Murongxian helped Wang Fan to leave, and soon returned to the small courtyard.

She cooked some porridge for Wang Fan, and after Wang Fan ate it, he immediately rested.

He is really too tired.

For the next three days, Wang Fan would go to fight every day.

His winning streak is getting more and more, getting closer and closer to one hundred games.

On the first day, Wang Fan won 68 games in a row.

On the second day, Wang Fan won 73 games in a row.

On the third day, Wang Fan won seventy-nine games in a row.

From the record point of view, Wang Fan didn't seem to have much promotion.

But in fact it is not the case.

You know, with his daily battles, his reputation will increase, and the strong ones he will face will be stronger.

In this case, it is still terrifying that he can improve every day.

The most important thing is that it is unable to replenish the energy consumed, the more difficult it will become later.

It is already extremely difficult for him to win seventy-nine games in a row.

Even Murongxian would not be able to do this step.

At the same time, the outside world.

Guning and Huang Sanjia, as well as Sanxiu Sect and Tiansha Sect, also knew what had happened to Guishan.

The expressions of the senior officials of these forces have become gloomy.

Wang Fan's promotion like this is not a good thing for these forces.

The most important thing is that most of the powerhouses that Wang Fan beheaded on the ring these days are people from their five major forces.

In three or four days, at least a dozen immortal experts in each clan died in Wang Fan's hands. This was a real feud.

"Continue to send people in, we must kill this Wang Fan. This time, we will send a hundred Immortal Venerable Peak directly in, without giving him a chance, and completely beheaded."

"If you meet in the ring, then fight in the ring. If you are not in the ring, then go together and besieged."

"In short, this Wang Fan will die."

The top five powers quickly made a decision and directly sent a hundred immortal peaks at once.

At the same time, Wu Gong and Nangong Dai also learned about what happened to Guishan.

She couldn't help laughing. "Interesting little guy."

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