Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3713: Do you dare to appear here?

Boom boom boom!

Along with the crazy movement of the Supreme Profound Scripture, the fairy veins in front of Wang Fan began to tremble crazily.

A series of rich and extreme fairy auras poured out frantically, converging towards Wang Fan's body.

Wang Fan was like a hungry child, absorbing those fairy auras frantically, pulling them towards his dantian.

In this way, under Wang Fan's crazy cultivation, the entire immortal vein became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the aura in Wang Fan's body began to increase continuously.

Under Wang Fan's crazy cultivation, soon, an immortal vein was completely absorbed and completely turned into ashes.

Without hesitation, Wang Fan threw out the second immortal vein and started practicing.

If anyone saw this scene, they would definitely be surprised.

Because no one has ever been able to absorb immortal veins uncontrollably like Wang Fan.

You know, a person's endurance is limited, and the aura that dantian can store is also limited.

This is like a bottle. If the bottle is filled with water, even if you pour it inside, it won’t help. The water will overflow.

But Wang Fan is different, his body is like a bottomless pit, not online at all.

If you can look inside, you can find that not only Wang Fan's Dantian is absorbing those fairy auras.

Wang Fan's physical body, and even his blood, were absorbing those fairy auras.

Especially Wang Fan's bloodline, the speed of devouring the spiritual energy of the immortal, is simply more terrifying than the physical body and Dantian combined.

Wang Fan naturally felt this scene too, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

He is also very curious about his bloodline now.

Is there really a peerless power in your ancestors? Otherwise, how could he have such a bloodline against the sky?

It's just that Wang Fan didn't care so much, instead he was still running the Supreme Profound Sutra frantically, absorbing those immortal spiritual energy cultivation.

Because he clearly felt that the enhancement of blood and physical body were both a good thing for him, and both could improve his combat effectiveness.

Under this kind of unrestrained absorption and cultivation, two immortal veins were turned into ashes, three immortal veins were turned into ashes, and four immortal veins were turned into ashes...

In a short period of time, Wang Fan has consumed more than a dozen immortal veins.

However, after these dozen or so immortal veins were consumed, although his cultivation was improving, he did not break through. On the contrary, the strength of the flesh and blood has improved a lot.

Despite this, Wang Fan felt that he was much stronger at this moment than before.

Before he faced the three evildoers of Gu Lian, Ning Bei, and Huang Zhao, he might still be a little jealous.

But now, he can definitely kill easily.

I don't know how long it took, when all the immortal veins were consumed, Wang Fan's cultivation reached the fifth floor of Immortal Venerable.

"Xianzun is now on the fifth floor. With my current strength, even if it is facing the general ninth floor of the Immortal, there should be no danger."

Two brilliant lights flashed in Wang Fan's eyes and couldn't help muttering to himself.

However, one hundred and one immortal veins only allowed him to rise to the fifth level of the immortal, which still made him a little disappointed.

This speed of improvement is still a bit too slow.

"Hey, although the strength has improved a lot, this cultivation base..." Wang Fan couldn't help but feel a little bitter when he looked at the immortal pulse powder on the ground.

He felt like a gold swallowing beast, which was simply too good to swallow.

If this continues, when he wants to cultivate to the peak of the Immortal Venerable, or to the Immortal Emperor, when will he get it?

"No matter how much it is, the most urgent thing is to go out to dig out the veins. Of course, the revenge that was hunted down that day can also be reported."

A cold light flashed in Wang Fan's eyes, he straightened up and left the place.

This time, he did not move forward cautiously, but directly released his breath, Yukong ran towards the place where he had previously dug the fairy vein mine.

The reason why he went there was because he wanted to dig more immortal veins, and he wanted revenge.

Now that his strength has improved, he desperately wants to fight a battle to prove his strength.

Of course, there is another point, that is, the speed of robbing and earning Xianmai is really fast.

For those who have not offended him, he doesn't do anything, nor does he do it.

But what kind of courtesy is he to those enemies who chase him?

Immortal vein mine area.

Still extremely lively.

Some monks are digging hard, while some monks are constantly scanning the surroundings and paying attention.

Four monks were standing in one of the prescriptions.

Of these four people, three were Xianzun on the 7th floor, and one on the 6th floor.

And the sixth floor of the Immortal Venerable is Hong Yu.

Xue Qiang and Jing Ming were killed, and Hong Yu was forced to hand over the space ring. He naturally hated Wang Fan.

So he called three immortals on the seventh floor, and wanted to deal with Wang Fan.

However, they failed to catch up with Wang Fan, and watched Wang Fan escape.

At this moment, the faces of the four of them are a little unsightly.

Especially Hong Yu.

You know, he invited these three over, but it cost a lot of money.

It's just that now, Wang Fan hasn't found it, but the price still needs to be given. It's strange that he can be willing.

Not only Hong Yu was not reconciled, but the three Immortal Venerable Seventh Floor were not reconciled.

Although they also grabbed some immortal veins here, there are not many of those that can be grabbed by the three. Compared with the hundred immortal veins in Wang Fan's body, it was even worse.


Suddenly, a loud noise came out, followed by an excited voice, "Someone over there dug out an immortal vein."

When these words came out, many cultivators present went crazy.

The eyes of Hong Yu's four lit up, and they immediately rushed towards that side.

The cultivators who had just dug the immortal veins were besieged by countless people before they could react.

The roaring sound continued to resound, the immortal yuan exploded in the air, and soon some monks were cut and fell directly.

The cultivators who dug out the Immortal Veins were also very powerful. If it were normal, they would not be afraid of being snatched by others at all, and had the ability to protect themselves.

But now it's different. Hong Yu has three immortals on the seventh floor.

When the Seventh Floor of Xianzun shot, they naturally couldn't stand it. After a short time, all a few people had been killed, and Xianmai was also snatched into the hands of the Seventh Floor of the three Xianzun.

"There are only thirteen immortal veins, it's really bad luck!" The seventh-layer immortal who had won the space ring, just swept his mental power, and couldn't help but say something disappointed.

He wants to kill Wang Fan urgently now. If this is done, how long will they be able to grab a hundred immortal veins?

The rest of the monks who participated in the snatch, although not reconciled, did not dare to say much.

Three immortals on the seventh floor, in this area, absolutely no one dares to provoke them.

Because this area belongs to a desolate area, the average late-stage cultivator of Immortal Venerable doesn't even bother to come here, they all dig immortal veins in a better area.

And these three people would not have come here if it weren't for Wang Fan.


Just as the three of them robbed the Immortal Vessel, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly heard from a distance.

In the next second, these people saw Wang Fan appearing in the air.

Seeing Wang Fan, the three Immortal Venerables on the seventh floor, and the monks who had chased Wang Fan, their eyes all turned red.

"Wang Fan, do you dare to appear here?"

One of the monks yelled, his eyes hot instantly, and he rushed towards Wang Fan frantically.

That's a hundred fairy veins!

Wang Fan laughed loudly, "Squad, why don't you dare to show up here? Dare to hit the young man, pay attention and die!"


When the words fell, Wang Fan blasted out with a punch, and the monk was completely destroyed on the spot.

The audience is dead!

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