Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3696: Violent Yun Fei

"court death!"

"kill him!"

A group of monks were shocked, and obviously did not expect that Wang Fan would dare to commit suicide and come back alone.

Wang Fan didn't care about them at all. He immediately approached the monk who opened his mouth and blasted out a punch.


A fist suddenly rose, rushing into the sky.

The monk only felt a huge pressure hitting him in an instant. Under that shocking fist, he didn't even have time to defend, and Wang Fan's fist had already fallen on them.


With a blast, the man was blasted out and fell to the ground severely.

At this time, the rest of the cultivators had already recovered, and various magical instruments were sacrificed one after another, and they all killed Wang Fan.

Wang Fan's face changed, and he no longer fixed a magic formula. The immortal essence in his body burst out like a flash flood. The next moment, the Primordial Sword was sacrificed.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

With a series of noises, the heads of several monks were cut, and they flew directly into the sky.

At the same time, Wang Fan was also hit by several attacks, and his whole body flew out, with numerous wounds on his body.

But fortunately, it is not fatal.

Wang Fan's body was too strong, and those monks' attacks only hurt his skin and flesh, not his shin bones at all.

"Kill me? Did you kill it? A bunch of trash, trash!"

When Wang Fan felt this scene, he was very happy in his heart. He provoked a lot of disdain, grabbing the Primordial Excalibur and killed him.

"God Slash!"

With a roar, the Primordial Divine Sword was like a long dragon, and it slashed directly.

The two monks at the forefront had their defenses like tofu, they were torn to pieces in an instant, and even the whole person was split into two.

"No, we are not opponents."


At this moment, the other monks were finally terrified, and they trembled with fear.

I don't know who screamed, so everyone was like a frightened bird, and started a lifeless run.

"Want to go?" Wang Fan smiled when he saw this scene. "What are you running? Don't run, come on, let's fight a battle and never die."

He roared and started to chase up quickly, and at the same time put away the Primordial Excalibur.

It is really invincible, so naturally only Xianyuan and Primordial Sword can be used.

But if he is strong enough, Wang Fan naturally still wants to temper his tactics.

Now that these people are afraid and choose to escape, Wang Fan naturally does not have the need to continue to use Xian Yuan against the enemy.

When those monks heard Wang Fan's words, they almost vomited blood.

This is really a shame.

Wang Fan didn't care about how many of them they were. He chased and killed these people while still laughing.

"A bunch of rubbish, what are you running? Are you not all geniuses? I think it is natural rubbish? You said you are so rubbish, you dare to come in and kill me and give someone a head?"

Wang Fan cursed, banging his punch on one of the monks' head, and that monk's head was directly exploded.

Wang Fan didn't stop his hands, his figure flickered and kicked out again.

The two monks from the side exploded in horror for Xian Yuan defense, and at the same time stretched their arms forward, trying to resist Wang Fan's whip leg.

But with two loud bangs, both of them flew upside down, spraying blood mist from their mouths.


It's really too strong!

They simply can't imagine how a human body can be so tough.

You know, even if it is a general immortal emperor's great power, the physical body may not be as strong as Wang Fan.

Wang Fan frantically pursued and swept all the way, before beheading all the monks, and then began to flee.

It's just that he stopped short after running.

In front of him, there appeared a woman wearing a purple scarf.

This woman gave Wang Fan an extremely dangerous aura, and Wang Fan instantly became vigilant.

Xian Yuan ran away in his body, communicated with the Primordial Excalibur Spiritually, and planned to take a blow.

However, at the moment he was about to attack, the Zisha woman suddenly spoke, "Wang Fan?"

As she said, the scarf slipped off her face, revealing a beautiful face.

Wang Fan was stunned.

Wang Fan was stunned.

"Yun Fei?"

He couldn't believe his eyes.

How could Yun Fei appear here, is she an illusion?

"Wang Fan!"

When Wang Fan was sluggish, Yun Fei's eyes were filled with water mist, and she immediately rushed towards Wang Fan.

Before Wang Fan could react, Yun Fei had already plunged into his arms and started crying.

Wang Fan has determined that this woman is Yun Fei.

For a time, his mood was extremely complicated.

After a goodbye that year, how long had it been, he actually met Yun Fei again.

The most incredible thing is that Yun Fei's strength is so powerful.

Wang Fan felt that he was not necessarily her opponent.

"Why are you here?"

After a long while, Wang Fan couldn't help but ask.

"I heard you are here, so I came."

Yun Fei's answer was simple.

Wang Fan wanted to ask how she heard that she was here.

Just the words came to the lips, still did not ask.

We have already met, is there any point in asking these?

"A good couple of dogs and men. The people who killed us dare to be here for me and me. It's just looking for death!"

Just as the two were immersed in the past, an untimely voice suddenly sounded.

In the next second, eight human figures appeared in front of the two.

Looking at the eight people who appeared, Wang Fan and Yun Fei couldn't help but change slightly.

The anger surged from Wang Fan's heart, he was planning to shoot.

With a whistle, Yun Fei had already killed out like lightning.

Boom boom boom boom!

With a series of harsh explosions, Wang Fan only saw an afterimage flashing past, and then he saw four of the eight people collapsed physically and fell down.

Wang Fan opened his mouth wide, a little dumbfounded.

Is it so strong?

He really didn't expect that after years of absence, Yun Fei would have become so strong.

Also, this is too violent, right?

The other four are also very confused.

One of them opened his mouth, "You—"

However, Yun Fei gave a cold snort, and the character "you" did not fall. She had already rushed to the opponent and blasted the opponent's head with a punch.

"You wait for death!"

An icy voice came from Yun Fei's mouth, her figure flashed, and she once again killed the last three.

The expressions of the three people changed drastically, and almost immediately began to flee.

But, where can I escape?

Yun Fei's speed was too fast, it was like a meteor passing by, and then the three of them were blown up in a burst of sound.

Eight people, five immortal statues on the fourth floor, and three immortal statues on the fifth floor, were blown up.

There was almost no fight back.

Wang Fan fell on Yun Fei and couldn't help swallowing, "Yun Fei, you--"

He found that he was starting to feel a little afraid of this woman.

If this is a fight, he really is not necessarily Yun Fei's opponent.

However, Yun Fei returned to her previous tenderness. Looking at Wang Fan, her tenderness was like a waterway, "They are too hateful, didn't they scare you?"

Wang Fan opened his mouth, just about to say something.


Two more figures appeared not far away, followed by angry voices, "Asshole, you killed my ancient family?"

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