Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3393: unbeatable

Wang Fan couldn't help but feel a little speechless when he looked at Hong Hu who was constantly sniffing on the ground like a dog.

This guy should not be called Hong Hu, but Hong Gou. And he really couldn't figure out that there was such an operation.

You have a good nose, you can smell the breath of people, Wang Fan can still understand, but you can smell the breath of the formation technique, what the **** is this?

"Senior Sister, are we going to do it? This Hong Hu is the second arrogant of the Black Sect. It's a bit difficult to deal with."

Wang Fan looked at Luo Yan and said.

His words are naturally very reasonable.

As the second arrogant of the Black Shamen, Hong Hu's strength is absolutely beyond doubt.

His level of danger is definitely higher than the previous Yan 98 people.

Luo Yan glanced at Wang Fan and sneered, "Naturally, I am about to do it. The people at the Heishamen almost killed me, and now this guy has taken the initiative to send it to the door, why not do it?"

As she said, she suddenly looked at Wang Fan and asked, "Is there any excess of the Immortal King-level magical weapon on you?"

Wang Fan twitched his mouth and shook his head quickly, "Nothing."

He was a little speechless in his heart, immortal king-level magic weapon, is there any extra?

That's all useful, whether it's used to save lives.

"Huh?" Luo Yan couldn't help frowning, "No more? Why, don't you want to kill this Honghu?"

"You have to think about it clearly, he is the second arrogant of the Heisha Sect, and he is sure to be able to enter the Cloud Palace."

"Now if you don't kill him, when you enter Wangyun Palace, he will kill you. Not only you, but your Vast Sky Clan people will also be in danger."

"This person is an absolutely dangerous person, he is not dead, it is very likely that you died."

Wang Fan was a little depressed, his expression became serious, "Sister, are you sure? How sure?"

Luo Yan said, "As long as you accidentally explode an Immortal King-level magical weapon around him, I am 60% sure. You explode two pieces, 80% sure, if you explode three pieces, he will die."

Wang Fan was a little frightened when he heard it, this is really...

It was the first time he heard this kind of falsehood.

Wang Fan began to think.

There are still some Immortal King-level magical weapons on him, but not many.

Three pieces are indeed very painful.

You know, these immortal king-level magical instruments are all things used to save lives.

As for the Immortal King-level magical instruments plundered in the emptiness secret realm, Wang Fan hadn't had time to sacrifice, so naturally he couldn't explode himself.

"Well, I am willing to help Senior Sister." In the end, Wang Fan decided to take action.

Because this Hong Hu is indeed a great threat.

If he kills this Hong Hu again, he can almost think of the expression of that strong man in the Black Shamen after he goes out.

"Okay." Luo Yan also nodded, and then began to adjust her state.

At a certain moment, her eyes suddenly opened, "Do it!"

Almost the moment she spoke, Wang Fan had already moved a lot and disappeared completely.

In the next moment, he had already appeared outside, and at the same time, four Immortal King-class magical weapons flew out directly, blasting towards Honghu from four directions at an extremely fast speed.

"Looking for death!" As the second evildoer of the Heisha Sect, Hong Hu is naturally very perceptive. Not only does he have a good nose, but he also has a keen perception.

When Wang Fan almost rushed out and threw out the Immortal King-level magical weapon, Hong Hu, who was still lying on the ground, had already jumped frantically.

He roared, the breath in his body ran wildly, and the realm of the fairy king instantly enveloped the entire space.

Feeling the breath, Wang Fan also had a numb scalp. He also didn't hesitate at all. He was extremely decisive, "Blast, burst, burst, burst!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

In an instant, there were four explosions in a row, and the four Immortal King-class magical instruments exploded at the same time.

The violent fluctuations swept away, forming one wave after another, directly covering Hong Hu.

However, Wang Fan was horrified to see that Hong Hu's body had begun to grow wildly.

In just an instant, he had changed from a normal person to the size of tens of meters.

The whole person looks like an ancient giant.

Wang Fan has a numb scalp, what the **** is this?

The violent explosive air wave bombarded his body, and his body was immediately torn out countless blood fog.

In the same way, his body was bombarded by that air wave back and forth again and again.

But despite this, he did not fall, let alone be bombarded and killed.

Instead, bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes, and his breath became more violent.


Hong Hu turned his head and looked directly at where Wang Fan was.

Then he lifted his footsteps, raised a violent roar, and killed Wang Fan.

Wang Fan had a numb scalp. He didn't hesitate to grab the Slaughter Shotgun, triggered its internal restraint, and blasted towards Hong Hu.

At the same time, the violent great sword power spread, madly condensed in the void, and soon formed a giant sword.

The huge sword swallowed brilliant brilliance, just like an ancient divine sword, it fell down from mid-air and slashed straight towards Hong Hu.

Not only that, in front of Wang Fan, there were countless knives gathering, and soon a river of knives formed, whizzing around, rolling towards Honghu.

Wang Fan at this moment can be said to be all means.

However, Hong Hu is really too strong, not only his own cultivation base is strong, his strength is also very strong, and his body is even more powerful to the extreme.

He blasted out with a punch, and countless red spear patterns collapsed. Although there were still some curled on him, it was only torn out **** mouths.

When the divine sword smashed, it was also unable to suppress him. He grabbed a sledgehammer in his hand and blasted the divine sword.

In a rumbling sound, the Excalibur had already collapsed.

Although his feet were also crushed into the ground, and blood was sprayed from his mouth, it did not disintegrate his combat effectiveness.

The river of knives swept back, hurting him, but not killing him either.

He is still moving towards Wang Fan.

At this moment, Hong Hu was like a monster in front of Wang Fan, an invincible monster.

Wang Fan looked at the approaching Hong Hu with despair in his eyes.

The cultivation base gap is still too big, the second floor of the Immortal King, the ninth floor of the Immortal King, there is a difference of seven realms.

If this Hong Hu is only the ninth floor of the ordinary Immortal King, Wang Fan may be able to suppress and kill.

But this Hong Hu was the second arrogant of the Black Shamen, second only to Ling Xuan.

"Senior Sister, if you don't do anything, I will be killed." In desperation, Wang Fan could only ask for help.

At the same time, he was cursing secretly in his heart, whether he was pitted.

However, this Hong Hu is like a stone man, only Wang Fan is in his eyes.

Even, he didn't seem to hear Wang Fan's voice.

The rumbling voice resounded, and he was still approaching Wang Fan, faster and faster.

The earthquake trembled, and countless cracks in the footprints appeared on the ground, as if he would be crushed by him at any time.


Just as Hong Hu was about to approach Wang Fan, Luo Yan, who was hiding in the dark, finally made a move.

She was like a ray of light, shot out from Hong Hu's back, and directly pierced Hong Hu's back with a sword.


There was a sound.

Luo Yan's sword pierced Hong Hu's body without any barriers.

There was a boom.

In the next second, Hong Hu fell down.

His body began to shrink rapidly, and soon returned to normal, but he lost his breath.

Watching this scene, Wang Fan couldn't help but blinked.

Not only was he a little dazed, but Luo Yan over there was a little dazed.

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