Sure enough, just before the monk descended on the third level of the immortal king, all the three immortal kings hidden away from the ninth level jumped out.

A distance of hundreds of miles is not considered a distance to the Monk Immortal King.

Therefore, in just a moment of effort, the ninth floor of the three immortal kings had surrounded the monk, and directly took away his Wangyun Ling by thunder.

Watching this scene, Wang Fan was sighed, and at the same time he became more careful.

The routines of these monks are too deep, and conspiracies emerge in endlessly. Once they step in accidentally, they may be dead.

Wang Fan did not dare to touch the third floor of the immortal king and the ninth floor of the three immortal kings, but instead hurried to another direction.

A full day has passed, and he has never encountered a suitable goal to do anything.

On this day, he was looking for a target, and suddenly he noticed a spiritual energy fluctuation not far away.

Without any hesitation, Wang Fan hurried over.

I saw three ninth-floor cultivators besieging a woman on a clearing.

The woman's cultivation is also on the ninth floor of the Immortal King, and her strength is also very powerful.

Facing the siege of three powerful people in the same realm, she did not lose the wind at all.

Watching this scene, Wang Fan couldn't help but frown slightly.

It stands to reason that this level of battle is not something he can intervene at all.

However, the three immortal kings on the ninth floor were actually from the Black Shamen, which made him a bit difficult.

Do you want to make a move or not?

If you make a move, not only is you dangerous, but even if you kill the three Black Shamen cultivators, who can guarantee that the woman will not do anything against him?

But if he doesn't make a move, Wang Fan is really unwilling.

Heishamen disciples, but they are all his potential enemies, with such a good opportunity now, if he does not kill, I am afraid that there will be no such opportunity in the future.

"Don't struggle. Although you are strong, you are definitely not the opponent of the three of us."

"If you hand over the Wangyun Order in your hand, we will immediately stop, and we won't force you to leave the emptiness, you can still plunder others at that time."

"If you don't make it, if you continue to fight, I'm afraid you will lose your life."

The three Immortal Kings of the Heisha Gate couldn't attack the woman for a long time, and his expression became impatient.

After a while, one of them couldn't help it anymore and spoke.

When the woman heard this, she couldn't help but snorted, "If you want the Wangyun Ling in the hands of this king, you are dreaming."

"If you get out now, nothing can happen to this king. Otherwise, if this king doesn't die, this king will be your nightmare at the black evil gate."

"What's more, do you really think that you can kill this king? A bunch of ants, it's just plain talking."

The woman was very disdainful, and her shot was even more aggressive.

The three Heishamen had ugly faces, but they really didn't want to give up this fat sheep.

You must know that until the assessment has been carried out, almost anyone who can stay has multiple Wangyun orders on his body.

And this woman is so tough, she must have more Wangyun Ling.

How can they let go of such a fat sheep?

However, if the battle continues, even if they can really kill the woman, they will probably pay a heavy price.

"This king is no longer interested in spending it with you, let me die." At this moment, the woman suddenly burst into radiance.

In an instant, the aura on her body began to soar in the craziness peak, and soon reached the realm of Xianzun.

As soon as she pointed out, in an instant, the sky and the earth roared, and the sword intent flowed one by one, and went crazy towards the assassination of the three.

The terrifying power of kendo is heart palpitating.

When the three Heishamen disciples saw this scene, their expressions changed drastically.

They didn't even think that this woman still possessed this secret technique.

You should know that this kind of secret method of improving strength temporarily and also improving across borders is almost absent in intermediate states, and only the big powers in high-level states have it.

However, now, this woman, who doesn't know which intermediate state is from, is showing up.

"You want to die?"

The expressions of the three Heishamen changed wildly. They gritted their teeth, burned their essence and blood and Shouyuan without hesitation, and their weapons blasted out frantically.

But despite this, it was still a bit late.

Boom boom boom!

With three successive sounds, the three Black Shamen disciples were blown out, and they were already severely injured in an instant.

The woman was also uncomfortable, staggered, and fell straight from the air, her face turned pale.

Both lose out.

The woman watched this scene, and a touch of disappointment appeared in her eyes. She looked at the three people unwillingly, her figure flashed, and she disappeared in place.

At this moment, she had already suffered severe damage and backlash because of the forcible use of secret methods, and she would not be able to leave without leaving.

She must find a place to heal her injuries.

The three Heishamen disciples also had pale faces, but despite this, they still stood up with difficulty.

They did not dare to chase, but planned to find a place to heal their injuries.

Because the woman's previous blow was so terrible that it almost killed them.

In this crisis-ridden void, once they encounter other monks, there is only one dead end.

In the dark, Wang Fan's eyes suddenly brightened when he saw this scene.

This is really a godsend.

However, just when he was about to do it, he suddenly discovered that thousands of miles away, two immortal kings of the Black Shamen on the ninth floor rushed towards this side frantically.

Behind the two immortal kings on the ninth floor, there are several cultivators on the eighth floor of the Heisha Gate and the seventh floor of the immortal king.

Obviously, these three people had already sent a message when they besieged the woman.

Wang Fan's face was a little gloomy.

Because in this situation, if he did it, it would be too dangerous, and there is a high probability that he will be surrounded.

Once he is surrounded, it is estimated that there is only one dead end.

"If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent. Fight!" Wang Fan only hesitated briefly before making a decision.

He didn't hesitate at all, and immediately disappeared in place with a large space, and appeared in front of the three immortal kings on the ninth floor in the next second.

The three immortal kings on the Ninth Floor saw this scene, their expressions suddenly changed.

"who is it?"

However, Wang Fan didn't answer them at all. Instead, he grabbed three Immortal King-level magical artifacts and threw them out, and chose to blew himself without hesitation.

The ninth-floor cultivator of the Immortal King, even if it is seriously injured, should not be underestimated.

They still have hole cards, and their counterattacks are terrible.

Therefore, Wang Fan didn't dare to give them a chance at all, instead he chose to explode the magic weapon of the Immortal King without any hesitation.

Boom boom boom!

There were three explosions, and the three immortal kings on the ninth floor had no time to shoot, and their bodies were already shattered by the explosion.

The terrifying wave of air dissipated and rolled up to a great height.

Wang Fan quickly took away their space ring at the moment when the air wave started, and at the same time, a large space moved and disappeared in place.

But despite this, he was still affected by the blast, and his entire back became bloody.

Hundreds of miles away, the ninth floor of the Heishamen Immortal King who rushed to see this scene changed their expressions.

"Asshole, dare you!"

"you wanna die!"

"Shangqiongbi and drop Huangquan will kill you!"

The extremely angry voice came from their mouths, and they did not hesitate to follow the fluctuations in the space, chasing and killing Wang Fan.

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