Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3365: Sister Mighty

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The mysterious woman said that as long as he reached the location of the opponent, Zongmu could be blocked for him.

Wang Fan did not hesitate or doubt at all, and chose to believe without hesitation.

There is no way for him.

Because of the hiding at such a close distance, plus the time required to arrange hiding restrictions, he was not sure that he could escape Zongmu's detection.

In this way, he can only choose to believe in the mysterious woman.

What's more, in his opinion, if the mysterious woman wanted to kill him, she would have already killed him, so she didn't need to play with this method.

Although Wang Fan didn't like the feeling that his destiny was being controlled by others, he had nothing to do at this moment.

He hates it.

Hate yourself is still too weak.

If he is strong enough and a mere Zongmu, how can he escape?

"In the hands of my Zongmu, you still want to run away? It's just a dream! The mere ants dare to play with my Zongmu. Today, you are bound to frustrate you."

Zong Mu coldly looked at Wang Fan who was constantly fleeing, his expression gloomy and terrifying.

He walked in the void, and soon chased Wang Fan.

It didn't take long before he had chased Wang Fan not far away.

However, instead of rushing to kill Wang Fan immediately, he waved it casually.


In an instant, an immortal blade appeared out of thin air, and then severely slashed towards Wang Fan's body.

Obviously, this Zongmu wanted to play on Wang Fan, to ravage Wang Fan, and then kill.

Wang Fan, who fled in front of him, couldn't help feeling a little desperate after seeing Zong Mu catching up.

This Zongmu is really too strong, he can't escape at all.

He even felt despair, and he was even ready to fight to the death and then be cut.

However, he never expected that Zongmu didn't kill him, but instead hit an immortal blade.

Wang Fan was shocked, then guessed Zongmu's intention.

His physical power ran wildly around his body, and at the same time a line of defense appeared behind him.


The Xianyuan sharp blade hit Wang Fan, and in a squeaky sound, it only instantly tore his defenses and hit his body.

Although that sharp blade did not cause any substantial impact on Wang Fan, Wang Fan deliberately caused a wound on his back, and his figure staggered.

Because he knew that only in this way would Zongmu continue to "play" with him.

Otherwise, once Zongmu found out that his attack could not have any effect on his Wang Fan, he might not have the patience to continue playing.

Even if you have the patience to continue playing, the next storm of attack will definitely be stronger.

"Ant, you keep running. I want to see how long you can hold on and where you can go."

Zong Mu sneered when he saw Wang Fan's condition.

He waved his hands again and again, and quickly shot several sharp blades again.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi.

Those sharp blades kept hitting Wang Fan, tearing open wounds.

It made Wang Fan's whole body look like a **** man.

However, Wang Fan not only didn't panic, but became pleasantly surprised.

Because in this short period of time, his mental power has been swept up to that mysterious woman.

Without any hesitation, Wang Fan burned his life-saving essence and blood crazily in an instant, and a large space moved and disappeared in place.

With a bang, almost his body had just disappeared, and Zong Mu's next attack had already landed on the ground where he was before.

The ground was broken open by a sharp blade, and a gully with a width of one hundred meters appeared.

Wang Fan had appeared hundreds of miles away, and then ran away desperately.

"Huh?" Zong Mu was slightly startled when he saw this scene.

He had never expected that Wang Fan, who had been seriously injured to the point of dying, would suddenly burst out at such a terrifying speed and appear thousands of miles away.

But he soon understood something, and his face became more gloomy.

This cunning bastard, his Zongmu was actually fooled again.

Obviously, Wang Fan's previous injuries and conditions were all pretended, otherwise, how could such a terrifying speed erupt now?

At this time, Zong Mu actually felt like a clown who had been playing around by Wang Fan's nose.

His face was so gloomy and terrible, he stepped straight out and continued to chase after him.

However, he had just taken a step before he noticed the mysterious woman tens of thousands of miles away.

Seeing the mysterious woman, he was first shocked, then sneered.

He could naturally see that Wang Fan was heading for the mysterious woman.

Could it be that Wang Fan thought that the mysterious woman could save him or not?

For such a young woman, the cultivation base is no more than the Immortal King, Zong Mu didn't care at all.

Zong Mu wasn't in a hurry to kill Wang Fan. Instead, he held back his anger and followed up without any hassle.

He wanted to see who the mysterious woman was and whether he dared to save Wang Fan.

Wang Fan soon rushed to the place where the mysterious woman was. Almost the moment he approached the mysterious woman, the injury on his back was almost healed.

He looked at the mysterious woman and said, "Senior Sister, I'm here, please help me."

The mysterious woman looked at Wang Fan with a strange color in her eyes.

She really didn't expect that Wang Fan actually escaped here.

Because in her opinion, it is impossible for Wang Fan to escape here.

However, Wang Fan did it.

Although the methods are a bit despicable, they are understandable.

Involuntarily, she actually looked at Wang Fangao a bit.

"I really didn't expect that you actually escaped here. Although the means were a little shameless, you did it."

"Don't worry, since you are here, the deity will definitely help you. With the deity, that shit, the first arrogant Zongmu, it must be no way to help you."

The mysterious woman looked at Wang Fan and said proudly.

When Wang Fan heard this, he was overjoyed and said quickly, "That's natural. I have long seen that Senior Sister is extraordinary, talented, and powerful."

"The **** Zongmu, in front of you, Senior Sister, it is nothing but rubbish. No, he can't even count as rubbish. If Senior Sister takes action, trampling him to death is like trampling an ant."

When Wang Fan saw the woman's arrogance, he naturally flattered him.

He couldn't help it. Who made him want to ask someone.

"Well, your kid has a bit of knowledge, yes, yes, but if you still have some eyesight, the deity will definitely not let that **** hurt you."

When the mysterious woman heard Wang Fan's words, she had a good impression of Wang Fan.

The look in her eyes looking at Wang Fan turned out to be more and more liking.

This guy is very good, very in line with her appetite.

Wang Fan was speechless when he saw the smug expression of the mysterious woman.

This woman is really shameless.

However, on the surface, he remained calm and continued to praise, "Thank you, Senior Sister, thank you very much, Senior Sister, she has superb power and power."


At this moment, there was a sound of breaking wind in the air, and then Zong Mu appeared here.

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