Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3363: Want to escape?

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When he was in a hurry, Wang Fan suddenly roared, and a bright radiance suddenly appeared on his body.

He grabbed a long sword with his right hand, and then stabbed it straight forward.


With an explosion, the body of a man in black was directly pierced by a long sword, and the blood mist sprayed, and the whole person flew backwards.

Wang Fan shook the man with a sword, did not dare to pause, his body twisted crazily, and while avoiding the attacks of the others, he headed into the air.

However, his speed was still much slower, and several explosions came out, and the two attackers landed on him firmly, causing him to spew out several mouthfuls of blood.

Feeling the violent shocking power, Wang Fan's eyes suddenly became cold, and he became crazy.

"You guys are looking for death!"

He stared at the group of people in black, and even directly gave up running and dodge, and instead grabbed the killing spear.

At this moment, Wang Fan's heart was extremely angry.

He had never provoke these people, but these people are good, and it is totally unreasonable to want his life.


"Quick battle!"

The group of people in black faced Wang Fan without any fear at all.

Their killing intent was even more intense, and the magic weapon was sacrificed from their hands, and they once again went to kill Wang Fan.

They not only occupy the advantage of the number, but also the advantage of the cultivation base. Naturally, there is no need to be afraid of such a small person as Wang Fan.

"You are all going to die!" Wang Fan snorted coldly, bathing in endless avenue light.

He was full of golden light, just like golden armor.

At the same time, several elemental energies of Jinmu, water, fire, earth, thunder and wind were mobilized at the same time, forming a terrible defense on his body surface.

Wang Fan was holding a killing spear, like a **** of war. Under the blessing of the wind element, the whole person was like thunder and lightning and killed the group of people in black.

His own speed is very fast, coupled with the blessing of the two elemental forces of thunder and wind, the speed is even faster to an unimaginable point.

"Dead!" Wang Fan was like a ghost, he had already descended in front of the strongest man in black in an instant, and the killing spear in his hand was stabbed straight out.

With the terrifying speed, coupled with the violent killing, the man in black didn't even react, he saw the endless fiery red gun light covering him.

Feeling the violent killing, Rao could not help but sink slightly because of his firm mind like iron.

This speed is too abnormal.

Is this really the speed that the second-tier cultivator of the Immortal King can have?

The Xian Yuan in his body surged crazily, surrounding him, like a chain of indestructible armor.

At the same time, holding a black long sword, he hissed at the gun patterns.

However, although his reaction was not slow, it was still a bit slower. What's more, how could his hastily attack compared with Wang Fan, who was ready to go.

Boom boom boom!

Without the slightest suspense, the dense red spear pattern had already shattered his sword energy in an instant, and it was torn straightly on his body.

The immortal body guard qi around him, under Wang Fan's red spear light, was unable to resist even the slightest, and it had been torn to pieces.

There was a creaking sound, and under his desperate gaze, his whole person was soon covered by the red spear light, completely crushed into **** and fly ash.

When the other people in black saw this scene, their expressions couldn't help but change a little.

They didn't expect that suddenly, Wang Fan would explode with such terrifying strength.

Wang Fan is not only good at multiple elemental energies, but also good at several attacking techniques such as knives, swords, and spears. It can be said that Wang Fan's aptitude has reached an extremely high level.

"No, the situation has changed, withdraw!"


These people are also extremely decisive. In just a short time, they have made a decision again and plan to retreat at the same time.

Their leaders were suppressed and obliterated by Wang Fan, so it would be difficult for them to kill Wang Fan again.

In other words, even if they were able to kill Wang Fan, it was estimated that most of them would be killed or injured. What's more, they were not very sure that they would be able to kill Wang Fan.

"It's a bit late to leave now?" Wang Fan sneered looking at the man in black who was about to leave.

Surrounded by brilliance, his horror sword intent crazily condensed, forming a kendo coercion.

When the kendo's coercion was extremely strong, he was even more like a sword, slaying straight towards the men in black.

If the people in black did not intend to escape, but intend to fight desperately, they might be able to fight Wang Fan.

It's just that they retired and their formation was disrupted. In this way, there was no way to compete against Wang Fan at this moment.

The feeling that Wang Fan gave them at this moment was really terrifying, just like a sword master, invincible at all.

Even if they were among the real sword masters, they had never felt such a terrifying sword aura.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi.

Wang Fan's body is like lightning and fast like a meteor, shooting straight forward, constantly shuttled back and forth.

Accompanied by the sound of scoffing, his body soon pierced through the bodies of people in black.

Those people in black showed horror and inconceivability, and then fell slowly.

They didn't know how they died until they died.


It's so fast!

Soon, the people in black were beheaded and Wang Fan fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

His face was a little pale, even pale and terrifying.

The previous battle was too difficult for him.

Wang Fan just adjusted his breath slightly, and planned to put away the space rings of those in black.

However, before he had time to collect those space rings, his face couldn't help but change, and then a large space moved and disappeared.

When he reappeared, Wang Fan had already reached hundreds of miles away, and then ran wildly without his life.

Earlier, he felt an extremely terrifying aura, and it was obvious that a terrifying powerhouse had come.

In his state, if he confronts the strong, he will undoubtedly die.

In the place where the people in black were killed, almost Wang Fan had just disappeared, and a young man in his thirties wearing a crown appeared here.

This young man is dressed in purple and wears a crown.

His appearance is extremely handsome, and he looks very easy-going, just like an elegant gentleman.

He just walked slowly in the void, like a walk in the back garden. Although it looked slow, it was actually fast to the extreme.

He stopped in front of the group of people in black, glanced slowly, and then looked in the direction of Wang Fan's escape, and muttered, "He actually killed twelve blood killers. It really has some strength. ."

"However, since they have all been met by my Zongmu, don't think about running away."

As the young man said, he walked in the void again, he had already crossed a hundred miles in just ten steps.

This person is the first genius of Jiuxiao City, the top powerhouse of the Immortal King, Zong Mu.

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