Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3358: Brutal war

There are many cultivators in the Yang family, and there are dozens of powerhouses at the level of the fairy king, and there are also several powerhouses at the later stage of the fairy king.

This lineup is simply not something he can handle now.

If he chooses to escape immediately, he may still have a chance to escape, but if he continues to kill Yang Changqing, he is bound to be besieged.

At that time, life and death will be unpredictable.

"Yang Changqing almost trapped me to death back then, and framed the dean and deputy dean of the Fengqian Academy. I can't rest assured if I don't kill this person. Today is the best opportunity, this person must be killed."

Wang Fan's thoughts were overwhelming and he quickly made a decision.

He directly displayed a large shift in the space, and his whole person instantly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Yang Changqing.

"Yang Changqing, the so-called wrongdoer, the debtor, you killed the dean and deputy dean of the Fengqian Academy back then, and I killed you, that is justified, so you go and die."

A cold voice came from his mouth, and he pinched out the sword tactics directly with both hands, and the sword light flowed through the void directly, and slashed towards Yang Changqing.

When Yang Changqing saw the strong Yang family rushing over, hope flashed in his eyes.

But when he heard Wang Fan's words and felt Wang Fan's murderous intent and attack, the hope in his eyes immediately disappeared and he became desperate.

At this time, he was seriously injured, and he had completely escaped Wang Fan's attack.

Despair emerged in his heart, but he didn't expect that under such circumstances, Wang Fan would dare to kill him desperately.

Is this crazy?

"No, no!!!" he screamed in despair.

Chi Chi Chi Chi.

However, he just yelled out two'no' characters, and the countless sword intents had already penetrated his body, setting off countless blood fog.

With a bang, Yang Changqing fell from mid-air, and fell directly to the ground without making a sound.

He never thought that he would die.

He didn't even expect that he would die in Wang Fan's hands.

He just killed his clan brother Yang Changshui, and just got the position of the head of the Yang family. He hasn't had time to enjoy the resources, and he hasn't had time to step into the Immortal Venerable.

However, when a person is dead, everything has no meaning anymore.

"Beast, dare you!"

"court death!"

"You, you actually killed Brother Changqing?"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Those strong Yang family who rushed over saw this scene, all were stunned.


Boom boom boom!

After a brief period of sluggishness, a wave of extremely violent killing intent radiated from them, and they all became crazy.

Yang Changqing killed Yang Changshui, which would have greatly injured the vitality of the Yang Family, but now Yang Changqing has also been killed. Then his Yang family, doesn't it mean that there is no peak combat power? How can you compete with other big families?

They hate it!

I want to smash Wang Fan into pieces!

A fifth-tier cultivator of the Immortal King, carrying boundless anger, had already descended in front of Wang Fan in an instant.

His Immortal King Realm spread wildly, locking Wang Fan firmly, and then punched Wang Fan with his right hand.

The endless Dao punches were violent, and there was a booming explosion in the air. Under that punch, the space became illusory and began to be completely distorted.

Wang Fan felt the attack from the other party, his face changed drastically in an instant.

He didn't have time to use the space to move and dodge, so he could only meet frantically.

In just an instant, Wang Fan burned his essence and blood very decisively, and the Immortal King Domain blasted out frantically, grabbed the killing spear with his right hand, and stab it forward.



With two sounds, the immortal king domain of that immortal king's fifth-tier cultivator was directly crushed by Wang Fan's immortal king domain. In the next second, Wang Fan's killing spear was nailed to his body.

A blood mist splashed out, his body burst directly, and his whole person fell instantly.

With Wang Fan's strength, it was not difficult to kill the fifth level of the Immortal King, and it was even more not difficult when the essence and blood were burned.

Moreover, the reason why he burned his essence and blood very decisively was because he wanted to quickly solve the fifth floor of the Immortal King, and then deal with other enemies who rushed over.

After all, there are not many Yang families who have heard the news and killed them, but as time goes by, they will increase.

If Wang Fan procrastinated, it would definitely not be a good thing for him.

"Beast, dare to run wild in my Yang family, today you will die!"

"On the first floor of the Immortal King, you even dared to commit a crime in my Yang family. If you don't kill you, it's really hard to get rid of your hatred."

Almost Wang Fan had just killed that Immortal King on the fifth floor, and two more Immortal Kings on the sixth floor surrounded him.

The two fairy kings on the sixth floor, one on the left and one on the right, directly launched the most swift attack towards Wang Fan.

The man on the left holds Fang Tian's painted halberd, as incredible as a **** of war. Fang Tian's painted halberd set off layers of huge waves, tearing apart the void, and heading towards Wang Fan.

The person on the right was holding a dark golden long whip, and amidst the crackling sound, the whip pierced the void and furiously drew it towards Wang Fan.

Wang Fan's face became more and more solemn, the immortal yuan in his body went crazy, and the realm of the immortal king spread wildly.

At the same time, he madly instigated the internal control of the killing short gun, and stabbed at the two men.

The terrifying killing intent was diffused, and the red spear pattern surged, forming a horrible spear pattern vortex, rolling towards the sixth floor of the two immortal kings.


With two sounds, the attacks of the two Immortal Kings on the sixth floor were directly shattered by the bombardment, and the two of them were even more shocked and flew out.

After beheading three powerful immortal kings in a row, Wang Fan's face became slightly pale, and some of his stamina was not enough.

At this time, another Immortal King Seventh Floor besieged and killed Wang Fan, with extremely murderous intent on his body.

His eyes looking at Wang Fan were extremely cold, as if they were looking at a dead person.

Today, Wang Fan not only killed Yang Changqing, but also killed one of his Yang family's fifth-tier immortal kings and two of his Yang family's sixth-tier immortal kings.

This is definitely a huge loss for the Yang family.

When Wang Fan saw that Immortal King's Seventh Floor was killed, his heart became heavier and heavier.

He no longer dared to continue the brutal battle, but burned his life madly, and a space moved and disappeared in place.

Almost his figure had just disappeared, and there was a blast from the ground. The attack from the Seventh-Layer Immortal King fell on him, causing him to tremble, and countless blood mist burst out of his body.

Wang Fan appeared thousands of meters away, his body was stained with blood, and his face was extremely pale.

He could have moved directly to the gate of the Yang family, but with the blow just now, he had only moved a few kilometers.

He felt that his whole body was falling apart, and his whole body was tingling.

However, he dared not stop at all.

In the air, wood-colored vines appeared, rolling towards the Yang family behind him.

At the same time, the endless golden blade also turned out, spitting the power of the avenue, stabs the strong Yang family.

As for Wang Fan himself, endless electric lights appeared all over his body, and amidst a burst of crackling sounds, he rushed towards the gate of the Yang family like lightning.

He must escape the Yang family as quickly as possible, otherwise, he will die!

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