When Yang Changshui saw those people rushing to kill him, his face instantly became more ugly.

Only at this time, he had no choice but to challenge.

Even, he couldn't even escape, because the fairy kings had already surrounded him in a round shape, and they didn't give him a chance to escape at all.

Several powerful immortal kings besieged Yang Changshui, you can imagine the fierce battle.

The terrifying immortal vitality wave arbitrarily, the avenue swept out with overwhelming pressure, and the surrounding palaces were shattered in a burst of crackling sounds.

Just a momentary effort, everything around was blasted into ruins.

Under the attack of everyone, Yang Changshui kept backing up, coughing up blood, and his injuries became more and more serious.

Despair suddenly emerged in his heart, knowing that he would definitely die today.

Of course, despite this, those immortal kings who besieged him were not comfortable.

Under Yang Changshui's frantic counterattack, an immortal king was directly spitting blood and retreated, severely injured. Another fairy king was directly bombarded and killed on the spot.

After all, the desperate counterattack of the Xianzun powerhouse is very terrifying, even if Yang Changshui has been seriously injured, he still cannot be underestimated.

In the end, after paying the lives of two immortal king peak powerhouses and the serious injury price of one three immortal king peak powerhouses, Yang Changshui was finally beheaded and died silently.

He hates it!

He just broke through to Xianzun, and he died tragically, which was really aggrieved.

It's a pity that people are dead and unable to return to heaven.

Yang Changqing and the elders of Yang's family watched this scene, but they were relieved.

Yang Changshui finally died.

It's not easy.

Those Yang elders made up their minds to kill Yang Changshui, not just because of Yang Changqing.

The main reason is that Yang Changshui is domineering and authoritarian, very powerful.

Most of the Yang family's cultivation resources fell into the hands of Yang Changshui, but their Yang elders received very little.

It is precisely because of this that they are willing to help Yang Changshui to take the risk.

"Thank you for your help. Don't worry, Yang Changqing promises that you will get revenge. Three days later, I will definitely take it. I will never regret it. Now Yang is going to heal his injuries first. Please forgive me."

Yang Changqing stood up, holding back his weakness, and said to those who were helping.

His injury is really serious and needs healing. If it is delayed, once there are sequelae, it is not good.

"Brother Yang is polite. Congratulations, Brother Yang, for becoming the master of the Yang family. I believe that under the leadership of Brother Yang, the Yang family will definitely reach another peak."

"Brother Yang is naturally necessary to heal his injuries. If this is the case, I will retire first."

Those who helped the battle also succumbed and said.

They didn't have any thoughts about Yang Changqing. After all, although many people died in the Yang family, there were still many masters. Without the Yang family's combination of inside and outside, they would not dare to touch Yang Changqing.

Soon, those who helped the battle have already retreated.

Yang Changqing went to one of the halls to heal his injuries, and as for the sword king, he was taken to another hall.

Those Yang elders who survived did not even think about moving Yang Changqing.

Now that Yang Changshui is dead, the peak strength of the Yang Family has decreased by one. If Yang Changqing is also dead, I am afraid that the Yang Family will really be over.

The other big families will definitely be ready to move.

With Yang Changqing's peak combat power, even those families who want to do it will weigh it.

After Yang Changqing and the King of Sword went down to recover from their injuries, the Yang family soon started the family formation.

After all, they still need to beware of the other big families.

In a remote location of the Yang family, Wang Fan has always been hiding in the dark. The viewer did not make any movements in this scene.

He has been lurking here for a long time, always waiting for the opportunity, but he has not found the right opportunity.

Seeing all this happening in the Yang family, he couldn't help feeling deeply.

It seems that no matter where it is, there is such a thing as infighting.

Yang Changqing, actually conspiring to usurp the throne, who can think of this?

He didn't think much, and continued to lurch for a while, until the Yang Jiahu clan formation was completely closed and everyone was stabilized, then he slowly walked towards the courtyard where the sword king was located.

The sword king and Yang Changqing were the first to kill, naturally, the sword king.

After all, there are fewer guards on the side of the sword king, and it is easier to kill, he is very sure that he can do it without knowing it.

On Yang Changqing's side, it was not so easy.

Now the Yang family's vitality is badly injured, and Yang Changqing is seriously injured again, so outside of his healing courtyard, there are many Yang family guards guarding.

Once there is any disturbance, I am afraid it will be heard immediately.

Wang Fan shuttled through the Yang family mansion. Like a ghost.

Since he didn't go to Yang Changqing's side, and the Yang family mainly focused on the rest of the family outside, there were basically no guards inside except for Yang Changqing, so it was not exposed.

Wang Fan quickly approached the courtyard where the Sword King was.

Outside this courtyard, it was quiet, without any Yang family guards here.

Inside, the knife king is healing.

But this guy is also very cautious. He has arranged some secret restrictions outside the courtyard.

Once someone touches those restrictions, he will notice them for the first time.

Wang Fan's cultivation may not be as good as the Sword King, and his strength may not be as good as the Sword King, but in terms of formation skills, he is much stronger than the Sword King.

In order not to be noticed by the King of Swords, and in order not to attract the attention of the Yang family, Wang Fan spent more than an hour searching outside the courtyard and breaking the restrictions.

An hour later, he flashed into the courtyard.

In fact, it only took Wang Fan more than ten minutes to break all the restrictions and he could enter at will.

It was just to be on the safe side that he wasted more than an hour.

Wang Fan flashed into the courtyard like a ghost, silently.

Not only that, after entering, he also arranged an isolation prohibition.

In the courtyard, in a room, the King of Swords was sitting cross-legged on the ground. Around him, there were countless purple gold pills and even an elixir of immortality.

As for his whole person, he was madly absorbing the fairy aura in those pills, and healed his injuries while he was recovering his cultivation base.

He closed his eyes tightly and didn't even notice Wang Fan's arrival.

In secret, Wang Fan looked at this scene and sneered.

If he is willing, he can now make a sneak attack, and then kill the Knife King unconsciously.

However, Wang Fan did not do that.

The sword king is so evil, he wants to let the sword king know who killed him.

After all, if the gods were killed with a knife without knowing it, it would be too cheap.

Wang Fan sneered and waved his right hand. In an instant, the countless cultivation resources in the room had disappeared, and they were all put into the space ring by Wang Fan.

As soon as the training resources disappeared, the King of Swords naturally noticed something was wrong.

His whole heart shook, and as his eyes opened suddenly, he stood up.

He grabbed the long knife at the fastest speed, swept his eyes around, and asked coldly, "Who is it?"

However, just as his words were spoken, he saw Wang Fan.

His pupils suddenly shrank, and there was an incredible appearance in his eyes, "Is it you?"

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