Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3342: Two slapped

With just this hand performance, Wang Fan suppressed everyone again.

Even the most enchanting Tianjiao of Haotianmen could not be compared with Wang Fan.

However, just as Wang Fan stepped out and planned to enter it——

Whoosh whoosh!

Several figures flashed past the crack first.

These people are the two immortal kings of Haotianmen, the immortal king of Zong clan, and the immortal king of Dahaozong.

The four immortal kings rushed to the torn out of the restriction at the same time, and the speed was almost to the extreme.

Deep-sea meteorite, this is the most heaven-defying opportunity in the Haotian Secret Realm, no one wants to miss it, no one is jealous.

The people of Nine Heavens City and Wuzhan besieged Wang Fan, which were personal grievances, and there was no conflict of interest, so they didn't want to get involved.

But now, facing the opportunity of deep-sea meteorites, they can't sit still.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and if you miss it, there will be no next time.

Therefore, even if they knew that doing so would offend Wang Fan, they would not hesitate.

The four immortal kings rushed into the crack at the same time, and this scene changed the expressions of everyone present.

No one thought that this would happen.

Wang Fan's eyes were also coldly looking at the four people. The Immortal King Domain directly diffused out of him. The next second, the palm of his hand patted forward, and the restraint closed in an instant.

Boom boom boom!

After four consecutive sounds, the bodies of the four great immortal kings all hit the restriction, and they were shot directly out, coughing up blood on the spot.

Without Wang Fan's Immortal King Realm, they would only be bounced off at best and would not be injured.

But Wang Fan's Immortal King Realm affected them, so they were directly injured.

Wang Fan looked at the four people coldly and asked, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" A fairy king of Haotian Gate sneered, "Wang Fan, the deep sea meteorite secret realm, you are not qualified to get involved with such a small person, let it out."

"As long as you let it out, my Haotian Gate is willing to protect your safety and resolve your grievances with Jiuxiao City."

The person's tone was extremely arrogant, a high-pitched tone.

These Haotianmen Tianjiao had never put Wang Fan in their eyes.

Even if Wang Fan killed the fairy king of Jiuxiao City, what about it?

Without the background and background, how can they take it seriously?

Perhaps in this secret realm, Wang Fan is considered the strongest one, but what about the secret realm?

What's more, before entering the secret realm, Wang Fan was protected by them, so they didn't put Wang Fan in their eyes.

"Deep-sea meteorite secret realm, isn't a small person like me who can get involved and let it out?" Wang Fan couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words of the Haotianmen Tianjiao.

This is really straightforward.

Although Dahaozong and Zong's people didn't speak, their eyes were fixed on Wang Fan.

The people around were also speechless.

After Wang Fan showed such a strong combat power, he still dared to speak with Wang Fan in this tone. It seems that there are only people from the Vast Sky Gate, right?

"Brother, how can you do this?" Gu Yaoyao couldn't help but stood up, "He opened the secret realm, why did he let it out?"

"If you want to get the chance, can you rely on your own abilities, do you have to use this kind of despicable method? It's simply a person who has lost my Vast Sky Clan."

Gu Yaoyao was kind-hearted and couldn't stand the cheeks of these seniors.

This is simply shameless.


However, when his voice fell, the Immortal King Haotianmen slapped her face directly, and drew her away.

"Gu Yaoyao, I really don't understand, whether you are my disciple of the Vast Sky Sect or his disciple of the Divine Sword Sect."

"What's more, what kind of identity do you dare to talk to me like this? If you dare to talk to me with this attitude next time, don't blame me for not being in the same way."

The voice of the Immortal King of the Haotian Gate was extremely cold, and his eyes were even more murderous.

Obviously, Gu Yaoyao said in public that he was mean and completely offended him.

Gu Yaoyao was covering her face with an incredible look.

You know, before entering the Haotian Secret Realm, she and this senior have the same status.

But now, everything has changed.

But think about it, how can the status of the immortal king and the immortal monk be equal?

Watching this scene, Wang Fan's face suddenly became cold.

He didn't expect that the Immortal King of Haotian Gate would actually do something to Gu Yaoyao, and he would still slap his face directly.

For Gu Yaoyao, this is definitely a great shame.

Wang Fan walked to Gu Yaoyao, helped her up, and then passed a healing pill, and then looked at the Immortal King Haotianmen.

The Immortal King of Haotian Gate saw Wang Fan glance over, and said with a sneer, "What I said, I don't know what you think?"

"You have to know that without the protection of my Vast Sky Gate, you will definitely die if you leave this Vast Sky Secret Realm."

Wang Fan did not speak, but stared coldly at the Immortal King Haotianmen.

At a certain moment, suddenly, his body disappeared.

Disappear out of thin air, without a trace.

The Immortal King of Haotian Gate looked at this scene, his face couldn't help but changed, and he had a bad premonition.

It's just that he didn't have time to react at all. In the next second, Wang Fan appeared in front of him, and then slapped him in the face with two slaps.

With two slaps, the Immortal King of Haotian Gate was taken away directly, his face was broken, his teeth fell numerous, and his flesh was blurred.

He fell to the ground severely and let out a painful grunt, and the people around him were silent.

No one thought that Wang Fan would directly slap the opponent's face in the same way, and it succeeded.

You know, that is the fairy king, not an ordinary person.

Wang Fan looked at the Immortal King of the Haotian Gate coldly, and said, "If you want to go in, you can go in with your own ability. As for me to let you out, what are you worthy of me to let you out?"

"What's more, do you think you can represent the Vast Sky Gate? Not to mention that even if I go out, I don't need the shelter of the Vast Sky Gate."

"Even if I need the shelter of the Vast Sky Gate, do I need your shelter? Can you represent the Vast Sky Gate?"

Wang Fan's voice was like two slaps in the face, and he drew on the face of the Immortal King Haotianmen again, causing him to spout a mouthful of blood again.

The injury on his face was madly recovered, struggling to get up, scanning Wang Fan coldly, making no secret of his murderous intent.

He is the Immortal King, and he is also the Immortal King of the Haotian Gate, but Wang Fan actually slapped his face in public.

This made him feel ashamed, and it was a shame.

This has had a great impact on his character. If he doesn't find this place back, I am afraid it will be difficult to make progress in the future.

"You, do you dare to slap me in the face?" He stared at Wang Fan, his voice hoarse and extremely low.

Wang Fan sneered, "You can slap others, why can't I slap you? Why, do you want to fight with me? Just, are you ready?"

"I just beat you just now, just teaching you shame, but if you want to fight with me, you may have the same fate as the people of Nine Heavens City."

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