Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3329: Harsh means

Wang Fan's eyes were extremely cold, and a murderous intent appeared on his body.

Especially, when his spirit power swept the Divine Sword Sect disciple, the killing intent in his heart was already getting more and more violent.

With his eyesight, one could tell at a glance that the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect had not only been bullied, but had also been restrained in their bodies, so that they could not even commit suicide.

Jiuxiaocheng, Dahaozong, Zongshi, this is really a vicious method, is it true that Wang Fan dare not kill?

Wang Fan was so angry that he entered the Shigu area in an instant and flashed in the direction of the disciple of the Divine Sword Sect.

Most of the monks outside the Shigu area didn't even see Wang Fan's appearance clearly. They just felt a gust of wind flying by, and then they felt nothing.

When Wang Fan appeared in front of the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect, they saw Wang Fan.

However, there are too few people who know Wang Fan.

For Wang Fan, most people just hear his name and never meet him.

They saw that someone dared to land on the side of the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect, and strange expressions emerged in their eyes, which was very shocking.

After all, who didn't know that the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect were the prey of the three major powers. Now someone dares to come so close to them, isn't it just looking for death?

"Junior Brother Wang Fan?"

"Junior Brother Wang Fan, why are you here, hurry up."

"Junior Brother Wang Fan, you are so impulsive."

When the disciples of the Shenjian Sect saw Wang Fan's arrival, they were shocked, and then said eagerly.

They were very moved by Wang Fan being able to come, but they were more worried.

The purpose of the three major forces was to persecute Wang Fan to show up, but now, Wang Fan has really come. Isn't this self-inflicted?

Wang Fan looked at the three of them, stretched out his hand, grabbed a handful of pills, and threw them into their mouths. Then he said, "Three seniors don't worry about me, I'm fine."

"Don't worry, those who have moved you, don't think about getting better today, I will make them pay."

Wang Fan's voice was extremely cold.

He really moved to kill.

"Wang Fan?"

"Wang Fan, how dare you come?"

"Wang Fan is here, Wang Fan is here!"

At the same time, there were a few more voices. In the next second, a group of young people came here and surrounded Wang Fan.

Those who came here first were all disciples of the Palace of Han.

Because of the people present, only the people from the Royal Palace of Han were familiar with Wang Fan.

Even the people of Jiuxiao City, not many have seen Wang Fan's true appearance, let alone Dahaozong and Zong clan.

Wang Fan coldly looked at the people from the Royal Han Mansion, but didn't pay attention to them. Instead, he looked at the people of the Divine Sword Sect and asked, "Three brothers, have these people ever shot against you?"

When the three Divine Sword Sect disciples heard this, their expressions couldn't help but change slightly.

However, before they could speak, Han Ye said arrogantly, "Huh, it's really arrogant enough to dare to ignore us. You don't have to ask them, I will tell you."

"We have all taken shots, and that person's injury was left by Lao Tzu, so what can you do with Lao Tzu?"

"Oh? Really?" Wang Fan smiled, "I really can't do anything to you, but I can kill you!"

The words fall--


The sword light was already raised, and it struck Han Ye at lightning speed.

In an instant, the sword energy swept across the void, endless sword intent enveloping the void, and the violent sword force went wild.

The bright sword light directly illuminates this area, just like lightning.


It's so fast!

Not only is the speed fast, but the sword is extremely fierce!

Han Ye didn't even have time to react, he felt a pain in his chest, a hot sensation flooded his body, and then he flew out.

The spray of blood mist rained down, thrilling.

However, Wang Fan didn't wait for Han Ye's body to fall. He waved his hand and shot out one after another. In the next second, countless daggers appeared in his hand, and he threw them out.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi.

With another series of noises, Han Ye let out a number of screams, and the whole person was directly nailed into the void.

His blood was constantly falling, and people were also struggling frantically, but they had no effect at all, and his face was completely pale.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned and couldn't help but gasp.

This Wang Fan is too powerful, right?

Although Han Ye is not a top enchanting figure in the ninth-tier of the immortal, he is also a cultivator of the ninth-tier. And being able to enter the Haotian Secret Realm itself also represents its strength.

However, in front of Wang Fan, he was completely vulnerable.

The expressions of the other monks in the Palace of Han Dynasty changed, and they became extremely pale.

Their apples are rolling, but they can't say a word at all.


It's really too strong!

Wang Fan's strength made them all feel desperate.

Han Ye is the strongest and leader in their generation of Prince Han Mansion.

However, Han Ye is so vulnerable, even if they are together, it can't help Wang Fan.

The three disciples of Shenjian Sect were also completely shocked.

Although they had always known that Wang Fan was very strong, they did not expect that Wang Fan was already so strong.

"Does it feel good to be bullied? Then I will let you taste it now."

"Not killing you does not mean that I am soft-hearted, or that I dare not kill you, but that I don't want you to die so easily."

Wang Fan glanced at Han Ye with a sneer, and said coldly, in the next second, he had already killed several other people.

When those people saw Wang Fan killing them, their faces changed, and their hearts couldn't help but jump wildly.


"Brothers, help!"

They screamed while backing frantically.

In those eyes, there was only fear.

However, Wang Fan has no mercy for them at all.

He raised his hand and grabbed it, and a general trend suddenly emerged, and a large Xianyuan palm appeared in the space, directly lifting one of them.

Under this grasp, the defense of the human body surface is like paper, smashing, it is impossible to resist the slightest.

Xianyuan's big palm grasped his body, as if he was holding a chicken, and threw it directly into the air. Then, his whole person was nailed in front of Han Ye.

Not only him, but also the rest of the people in the Han Palace.

Even if they used any means, they couldn't escape Wang Fan's palm. They were thrown into the air one by one, and then nailed in front of Han Ye.

Seeing this scene, the whole audience was silent.

How could this be something that the Ninth Floor of the Immortal can do, I am afraid it is the cultivator of the First Floor of the Immortal King, maybe they are not so abnormal, right?

Absolutely strong crush!

When Wang Fan's cultivation base was on the fifth floor of the immortal, he was able to defeat Dahaozong's Wuzhe, and when the immortal was on the sixth floor, he could slay the madman of Jiuxiao City and Zong Xu.

Now that his cultivation has reached the ninth level of the immortal, his combat effectiveness has increased several times?

Not to mention that it is just a mere arrogant of the King of Han Mansion, even the most enchanting immortals in Jiuxiao City, and even the early days of the Immortal King, are not enough to see.

Not far away, the three major forces Tianjiao, Jiuxiao City, Dahaozong, and Zong Clan, looked at this scene, and their expressions couldn't help but change.

But despite this, they still rushed over at the first time and directly surrounded Wang Fan.

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