Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3327: The catastrophe of the disciples of the Sword Sect

A huge open area, there are countless stone drums.

At this time, hundreds of monks were gathering here, and some monks were constantly beating the stone drums, and the sound of rumbling was resounding endlessly.

Rumor has it that this stone drum was left by a supreme power, and there are opportunities behind each stone drum.

But the premise is that you have to play the stone drum nine times.

Moreover, the same person can only get a chance within a stone drum at most.

In other words, if you beat a stone drum nine times, it means that the resources in the other stone drums have no chance with you.

Of course, these stone drums are also divided into strengths and weaknesses.

The higher the stone drum, the harder it is to sound and the richer the resources inside, depending on whether you have the ability to take it away.

At this time, in this stone drum area, not only the disciples of Jiuxiaocheng, but also the disciples of Dahaozong, Zongshi, and the Royal Palace of Han were also here.

In addition to them, there are many other monks, as well as some casual cultivators.

All the people of the great forces know that there are 108 cities in the Vast Sky Secret Realm, and each city has a deep sea meteorite, and the deep sea meteorite is the strongest relic in the Vast Sky Secret Realm.

However, only the powerhouse of the fairy king level can break the ban on deep-sea meteorites, enter it, and obtain resources.

Except for the 108 deep-sea meteorites in 108 City, the most famous relic in the Haotian Secret Realm is this barren stone drum area.

No one knows the origin of the name of this barren stone drum, nor can it be verified.

But everyone knows that in this barren ancient stone drum, the owner of the fairy king fruit.

The fairy king fruit is the Tao fruit that the fairy must use to break through to the fairy king.

Only by taking this Dao Fruit, or taking the Immortal King Pill refined from Dao Fruit, is it possible to break through to the Immortal King level.

Otherwise, there is no way to break through.

From the fairy to the fairy king, it is a huge watershed.

Countless amazing and brilliant characters were unable to break through that last step because they could not get the fairy king fruit.

Of course, the Immortal King Fruit and the Immortal King Pill are naturally the best for the Immortal King Pill, and the chance of breakthrough is also greater. If the Immortal King Fruit is taken directly, the effect is much smaller. But the effect is much smaller, but it does not mean that there is no way to break through.

Therefore, almost all the top enchanting figures of the big sects gathered here.

Their purpose is to obtain the fairy king fruit, break through to the dream of the fairy king realm, and then grab the resources in the deep sea meteorite.

At this time, in one of the corners, there were several monks who were extremely embarrassed.

These cultivators are also ninth-tier cultivators of immortals, but at this moment, they are very embarrassed.

Not only do they have a sluggish breath and **** footprints on their bodies, but their eyes are also extremely ugly.

These people are not others, they are the disciples of the Excalibur Sect in the Northern Territory of the Intermediate State.

Divine Sword Sect, looking at the Northern Territory, that is an absolute giant force.

But looking at the entire middle-level state, some of them are not very conspicuous, or even weak.

In the past year, the disciples of the Excalibur Sect have had a miserable life.

Because Han Wangfu, Jiuxiaocheng, Dahaozong, and even Zong clan are all chasing them like crazy dogs.

In less than a year, three of them had died in the hands of those forces, and now only these five were left.

However, despite this, they are still oppressed in this barren Shigu area today.

If it weren't for the other party's idea of ​​killing them, I'm afraid they would have already become dead.

"The Palace of King Han, Jiuxiao City, Dahaozong, Zong Clan, are really deceiving people too much!"

A disciple of the Divine Sword Sect stared at a group of people not far away, and said grimly.

This person is also a genius at the Devil Sword Sect, but here, it is nothing at all.

Those big forces in Jiuxiao City can crush him by walking out of an evildoer. This is the foundation.

"Hey, what about deceiving people too much? If the skills are not as good as people, what can we do? Now we can only pray that Junior Brother Wang Fan will not be found by them, and will help us out when we are successful in our cultivation in the future."

Another disciple spoke.

His face was also very pale and ugly.

They were so miserably oppressed, and they naturally knew what had happened.

The reason is simple. Wang Fan killed the Yunzhan in Jiuxiao City, killed Dahaozong's madness, and killed Zong Xu of the Zong clan.

It is precisely because of this that people from these forces will oppress them like a mad dog.

And the other party didn't kill them, but wanted to use them to attract Wang Fan.

"I think it's difficult. Although Senior Brother Wang Fan is strong and has boundless potential, he is still not their opponent."

"They have too many people. Even if Junior Brother Wang Fan is strong, meeting them is a dead end."

"The most important thing is, if Senior Brother Wang Fan keeps hiding, how can he look for opportunities and seize them?"

"Without chance, the gap between him and these powerful disciples will only get further and further."

Another disciple said.

By now, they had no prejudice against Wang Fan.

In Divine Sword Sect, the eight peak disciples compete for the front, and there is friction between the disciples of each peak, that is normal.

But here, the Divine Sword Sect is a whole.

Even if they were implicated by Wang Fan, they would not blame Wang Fan.

Because the most fundamental reason is that they are not strong enough.

And even if there is no Wang Fan's business, these people can find a reason to do it in the face of chance and temptation.

"Hey, I don't worry about those now. I'm worried about Junior Brother Wang Fan coming over. They have already spoken out, and the purpose is to attract Junior Brother Wang Fan over."

"According to my understanding of the temperament of Junior Disciple Wang Fan, he will definitely come after he knows this."

Another disciple said.

"Haha." As soon as his words fell, a young man walked over here with a laugh.

This person is a natural arrogant of Han Wangfu.

Originally, Prince Han Mansion was a force at the same level as the Divine Sword Sect, and this person's strength would not be much stronger than them.

But now, the people of King Han's Mansion are clinging to the forces of Nine Heavens City, so they are naturally pressed on their heads.

Han Ye smiled and glanced at the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect, and said with a sneer, "I think you look too high at that Wang Fan. From my point of view, he is definitely afraid to come over."

"For you rubbish, let him go to death, this kind of thing will be done by idiots. However, even if he comes, it does not matter, as long as you kill it."

"He is a mere six-layer ant of the immortal, and he dared to **** the resources of the evildoers like Jiuxiao City, and he dared to kill the disciples of Jiuxiao City. This is his own death."

"Snatching resources from the disciples of Jiuxiao City?" A disciple of the Divine Sword Sect couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Han Ye, do you want to be shameless? I heard that he had seized the resources himself. It was the shameless people in Jiuxiao City who wanted to **** the resources from him."


However, the words of the disciple of the Divine Sword Sect had just come out, and there was a bang, and then he was taken away.

It is a shame that the dignified ninth-tier monk was slapped and flew away!

However, the man was not angry, let alone desperately, but calmly said, "Han Ye, I think you only have such a good life. Be someone else's dog, just like a tiger."

"Kill me if you have the ability? I really feel sad for you! Han Wangfu Tianjiao? In my opinion, it's just shit!"

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