Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3317: Secret Realm Open

Wang Fan looked up and saw a group of young men and women strolling over.

Each of these young men and women seemed to have outstanding temperaments. The leading young man was on the third floor of the Immortal King, and the rest of the men and women were on the ninth floor of the Immortal.

They all wore the costumes of disciples of the Vast Sky Clan, and obviously they were all disciples of the Vast Sky Clan.

Wang Fan glanced at these people. Although he was a little surprised, he still thanked him, "Thank you brothers and sisters for your help."

The headed young man nodded, "You are welcome, I also just heard that our Haotianmen has recruited another junior junior, so it is natural to take care of the junior junior."

The people in Jiuxiao City looked at this scene, their faces were extremely ugly, and it could even be said to be extremely gloomy.

They also did not expect that at this critical moment, a disciple of the Haotian Gate would appear. Obviously, it was impossible for them to take Wang Fan away.

If you continue to call the strong from Nine Heavens City over, the strong from the Haotian Gate will definitely intervene, and they will be the only ones who are unlucky.

"Let's go." The immortal king of Jiuxiao City glanced at the Haotianmen disciple with a gloomy expression, gritted his teeth, and planned to leave.

However, at this moment, the young man on the third floor of the Haotianmen Immortal King spoke, "Did I let you go?"

"Huh?" When everyone in Jiuxiao City heard this, their expressions couldn't help but shake.

He looked at the Haotian youth coldly, "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" The young man smiled, "You are bullying my Vast Sky Clan disciple here, and you even ask me what I mean, do you still need a face?"

"A fairy king, a dozen or so immortal nine-tier cultivators, bullying a fairy six-tier junior here, your Jiuxiao City really is so powerful."

"You--" The Jiuxiaocheng disciple looked ugly, but he couldn't refute it.

After all, the cultivation base is here, they are indeed higher than Wang Fan's realm.

Wang Fan smiled and said, "Brother, forget it, a bunch of shameless dogs, there is no need for general knowledge. Is it possible that a dog bites me and I want to bite back? I don't have general knowledge with them."

There was a reason why Wang Fan said that. If he was really a disciple of the Haotian Clan, then he relied on these brothers to oppress the people of Nine Heavens City, that would be nothing.

But in fact, he was not a disciple of the Vast Sky Clan, he was able to use that token to borrow the power of the Vast Sky Clan just now, and he was already owed favor.

What's more, he doesn't know these people, so how can he really make them conflict with the people in Jiuxiao City, who knows whether they want it or not.

When the disciples of Jiuxiaocheng heard Wang Fan's words, their expressions became even more ugly.

This bastard, even scolding them for dog stuff, dog?

It's simply outrageous.

They almost even had the heart to kill Wang Fan.

It's a pity that the Haotianmen disciples are here, they can only endure it.

When the Haotianmen Heavenly King heard Wang Fan’s words, he couldn’t help but looked at Wang Fan in surprise, and then coldly said to the disciples of Nine Heavens City.

"Since my younger brother has spoken, then you guys go away. I warn you, this is the last time. Next time, if you dare to bully my Haotianmen low-level disciples by relying on the high level of cultivation, I guarantee that none of you will survive. ."

He originally thought that Wang Fan would use their power to stom on these people in Nine Heavens City, but he didn't expect that Wang Fan would not do so. It seems that this guy is also very witty.

The disciple of Jiuxiaocheng looked ugly, but didn't say much, so he could only leave dingy.

"Let's go, let's sit there and introduce these seniors to you in an instant?" After the Jiuxiaocheng disciple left, the good Tianmen Immortal King said to Wang Fan.

When Wang Fan heard this, he didn't hold back, but nodded, "Then thank you brother."

In fact, he didn't want to make friends with these people, after all, it was not very useful.

However, the other party just helped him out, if he didn't even give this little face, he would be too innocent.

The group soon arrived at another restaurant, but it was not the one just now.

After they sat down, the Immortal King of Haotian Gate said, "Senior Brother Wang Fan, right? My name is Junhui, and you can call me Brother Junhui. These are Han Yun, Ye Mu, Long Xiao, and Gu Yaoyao. , Yan Hongxiu."

"They are the same as you, and they are about to enter the Haotian Secret Realm. Then you can be with them and let them take care of them."

Following Jun Hui's words, Wang Fan clearly found that everyone except Gu Yaoyao had more or less disdain in their eyes.

Obviously, they didn't look down on Wang Fan at all, and didn't bother to be with Wang Fan at all.

Wang Fan didn't care either, and said with a smile, "Wang Fan has seen all the seniors."

In any case, these people are all disciples of the Vast Sky Clan, and he just borrowed the power of the Vast Sky Clan, so he should be courteous in his emotions and reason.

When those people saw Wang Fan saying hello, except for Gu Yaoyao's polite reply, the others nodded indifferently, obviously lacking in interest.

Wang Fan didn't care, and casually chatted with a group of people.

Of course, the most talked with Jun Hui and Gu Yaoyao.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was time for the Haotian Secret Realm to open.

"Let's go together." Gu Yaoyao looked at Wang Fan and said.

Wang Fan nodded and followed Gu Yaoyao.

The group soon came to the entrance of the Haotian Secret Realm.

When they arrived, there were already many people at the entrance.

In front of them, there is a huge forbidden formation. At this moment, the forbidden formation has opened a door.

Behind the door, there was a vast expanse of whiteness, and there was no way to see what was inside.

On the two sides of the forbidden position, there were more than a dozen powerful men standing there, and Vast Sky City Lord Liu Hong was there.

At a certain moment, one of the elders stood up and said, "The Haotian Secret Realm is now open. All monks who hold the Secret Realm can enter."

Accompanied by his voice, there was a thud, and the scene was completely exploded.

Immediately afterwards, everyone went crazy and ran towards the entrance of the Haotian Secret Realm.

They all had signs in their hands, without exception.

In just a moment of effort, countless people rushed into the Haotian Secret Realm and disappeared completely.

Watching this scene, Wang Fan was about to follow in. Suddenly, he noticed that a mental power locked him, and then he saw a thin-faced monk rushing towards him.

Wang Fan, who had originally planned to enter the Haotian Secret Realm immediately, stopped after seeing this scene.

He wanted to see what the thin-faced monk wanted to do.

Soon, the thin-faced monk rushed to his side, but did not stop, but made a mental power mark on him at an extremely fast speed.

Watching this scene, Wang Fan couldn't help being stunned.

Someone made a mark of mental power on him, and he was so upright?

He sneered in his heart, but he didn't remove the mark either, instead he rushed towards the entrance of the Haotian Secret Realm.

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