Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3314: Climb Hao Ladder again

Wang Fan knew that this was an opportunity to express himself.

As long as he performs well, I am afraid he will have a backing in the future.

At least before entering the Haotian Secret Realm, there will never be any problems with security.

After all, the Great Sect of Nine Heavens City is the top power of the intermediate state, and its energy is beyond doubt.

Otherwise, how dare Yun Chong of Jiuxiao City try to take away Wang Fan in front of Liu Hong, the city lord?

If the City Lord's Mansion or the Haotian Gate did not protect him much, even if he temporarily avoided the City Lord's Mansion, his life would be in danger.

After all, who knows whether the great sect of Jiuxiao City has penetrated into the City Lord's Mansion?

What's more, the last time he climbed the Haotian Ladder, Wang Fan also had some ideas.

He also wanted to see where his limits were, and to see if he could continue to use the pressure of Haotian Ladder to break through to the sixth floor of the immortal.

Once his cultivation reached the sixth level of the immortal, he would not be afraid of anyone in the realm of the immortal.

Even if he didn't rely on the killing spear, he would definitely be able to fight Zong Xuyanbei crazy and others.

Wang Fan quickly stepped onto the Haotian Ladder. Because he had already climbed once, the first seven hundred floors had almost no effect on him.

He went all the way up, as fast as a ghost.

One hundred orders,

Order two hundred,

Three hundred orders,

Seven hundred orders,

It only took a short time to reach the seventh hundredth order.

Liu Hong and the two Haotianmen experts looked at this scene, and their hearts trembled.

Even if they had already witnessed it once, Wang Fan ascended the 735th step, but now it is quite shocking to see Wang Fan ascend the 700th step so easily.

You know, the previous record is five hundred and ninety-eight steps.

But Wang Fan reached the 700th level with ease. What is this concept?

This Wang Fan is really a monster among the evildoers, with unlimited potential.

Such people must be cultivated well.

They seem to have seen the birth of a peerless power in the future.

Wang Fan didn't know the thoughts of Liu Hong and the others. After he reached the seventh hundredth order, his face became a little serious.

Even though he had already climbed the 700th order once, he still felt a lot of pressure this second time.

According to his calculation, these seven hundred ranks are probably a huge watershed. Without the strength of the fairy king, there should be no way to climb it.

The reason why he was able to board is probably the light of physical strength.

Wang Fan's body was surging with immortal origins, frantically running away, endless sword intent and sword intent lingering around him.

He seemed to be in a storm, moving forward.

Every time he took a step forward, he would make a rumbling explosion, as if he was engaged in an unprecedented battle.

Seven hundred one,

Seven hundred two,

Seven hundred three,

Seven hundred four

He didn't know how long he spent, at a certain moment, he finally broke through his original limit and stepped onto the seven hundred and fortieth order.

At this time, Wang Fan felt even greater pressure.

He just felt a devastating storm madly coming, as if to shake him to death.

Wang Fan's whole body was more radiant, and his whole person turned into a real dragon, roaring up to the sky.

In an instant, Long Yin burst into waves, Long Xiao shaking the sky.

He continued to move forward frantically.

Under this kind of squeeze, his cultivation base began to improve rapidly again.

Wang Fan had a firm gaze, staring at the top, and striding forward continuously.

Every step he took, he seemed to have experienced life and death.

Countless storms that ruined the heavens and the earth struck, as if they could smash him at any time.

However, Wang Fan did not retreat, but was still moving forward.




The explosion sounded madly, and the sword intent around him was shattered and vanished.

Even his bones began to creak, and bleeding mist penetrated into his pores.

But Wang Fan didn't back down. While condensing his sword intent and various elemental energies crazily, he strode hard.

His purpose is only one, and that is to break the boundary.

According to normal circumstances, he just broke through to the fifth floor of the immortal, and it is almost impossible for him to break through normal means.

However, if this kind of external force that can threaten life and death is used, it will be different.

In this Haotian Ladder, the immortal aura is strong enough, and there is an external force that destroys everything. As long as he can persist and break the realm in a short time, it will definitely not be a problem.

Seven hundred and ninety one,

Seven hundred and ninety two,

Seven hundred ninety three,

Wang Fan was still gritting his teeth and stepping up frantically.

Every step, every step, is extremely difficult.

Even at this time, his whole body was already dyed red with blood, which was shocking.


In the place below, Liu Hong and the two Haotianmen elders were stunned.

Wang Fan actually set foot on the seven hundred and ninety-seventh step, how is this possible, this is simply crazy?

Others don't know about Haotian Ladder, but they know it.

According to normal circumstances, without the strength of the Immortal King, it is impossible to set foot on the 700th order.

And without the peak strength of the Immortal King, there is no way to reach the 800th order.

It can be said that the Hao Tian Ladder, the more it goes up, the more difficult it is.

It is said that if you want to reach the top, you must have the strength to surpass Xianzun, that is, Xiandi.

However, let alone a middle-level state, even a high-level state, they have never heard of the existence of an immortal emperor.

But now, Wang Fan has reached the seven hundred and ninety-seventh level by virtue of the immortal fifth-level cultivation base. How could this be possible?

What an evildoer.

Boom boom boom!

On the Haotian Ladder, there were constant explosions, and Wang Fan was still moving forward.

He has ascended to the seven hundred and ninety-eighth step, only one step away, he can ascend to the seven hundred and ninetieth step.

At this moment, Wang Fan's face was also extremely solemn.

Because he felt that he had reached the limit, Wang Fan moved forward.

Once further forward, he is likely to be killed and destroyed.

However, at this time, he was one step away from the immortal on the sixth floor.

If he gives up, he is not reconciled.


Wang Fan gritted his teeth, and at a certain moment, he roared out, madly absorbing the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth, while taking that step viciously.


The explosion sounded violently, and Wang Fan's blood mist exploded like fireworks.

And those fairy spirits that crazily poured into the body were also guided by him, and madly rushed towards the barrier of the sixth floor of the fairy.


With another series of explosions, the flesh and bones on his body have exploded.

At the same time, as a relaxed feeling hit, Wang Fan grinned.

The hard work paid off, and he finally broke through.

He crossed the fifth floor of the fairy and came to the sixth floor of the fairy.

It was precisely because of the breakthrough that caused his body to stabilize on the 799th floor of Haotian Ladder.

Wang Fan exhaled deeply, instead of stepping forward, he quickly washed his body and then backed out.

Now that he has broken the border, then his goal is achieved, and there is no need to continue.

The most important thing is that Wang Fan doesn't think that he can continue on.

He is sure that if he continues to go, he will definitely be killed.

This time, he was able to take advantage of the breakthrough and successfully stabilized on the 799th floor, but next time, he won't have that good luck.

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