Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3307: Winner and loser

Whoosh whoosh!

The eight people flickered and went straight to Wang Fan.

It's just that they attacked each other before they rushed to Wang Fan.

I saw a monk in the back, suddenly shot, and directly slapped the back of the person beside him.

The person was caught off guard, and directly spewed out a mouthful of blood, when even flew out.

"Zhang Heng, you—"

He fell to the ground, staring at the companion who attacked him, as if he hadn't arrived, the other party would attack him unexpectedly.

However, he just uttered a few words, sneered, and attacked again, directly killing him.

This sudden scene made the seven people no longer hesitate to start a war with each other.

For a time, the sword, the sword, the shadow, Xianyuan horizontal and horizontal.

Wang Fan watched this scene calmly, his eyes extremely calm.

All this was in his expectation.

He just said, this kind of melee, how could someone join hands without scruples and come to deal with him.

Obviously, Wang Fan has already figured out the human nature and nature of these people.

He did not move, nor did he participate in the battle, but calmly scanned the audience.

He wants to see who is the strongest in the audience, and then see if he has a chance.

Soon, Wang Fan's eyes locked on the two.

Those two were both immortal ninth-tier cultivators, extremely powerful.

Almost all of them swept their opponents with a crushing attitude, and no one could touch the front.

As the two of them swept all the way, soon more than half of them were swept out of the battlefield.

The other people in the melee also noticed this scene and stopped fighting one after another, all looking at the two of them.

The two of them saw the eyes of the others falling on themselves, their eyes flashed slightly, but they didn't care much.

In their view, with their strength, sweeping these people, there is no problem at all.

"Go together, clean them up first."

A young man with a decent temperament yelled, and then stepped forward, killing them first.

The other people didn't neglect, they split into two groups in an instant, killing them frantically.

"It's just a bunch of ants."

The two people watched this scene, snorted disdainfully, and then a violent Xianyuan burst out of their bodies, and they also killed the two groups of people.

The rumbling sound resounded, and the sky was full of violent explosions.

Under the violent attack of the two, several people were swept out in just an instant.


It's really too strong!

At least on this battlefield, they are the most dazzling and the most eye-catching.

Of course, even if several people were blasted off, the cultivators who had united did not shrink back, they were still fighting frantically.

The reason is simple. If the two of you don't get out, they will definitely get out.

Rather than being doomed to fail, it is better to fight for that glimmer of hope.

"Don't hide it, everyone. If we hide our strength at this time, then we are destined to be wiped out."

"So many of us teamed up, and we couldn't help them. If we fight alone, are you sure to win?"

Another monk let out a frantic roar, suddenly exploded with a violent aura, and rushed forward frantically.

Hearing these words, the rest of them gave a slight shock, and immediately gritted their teeth, and their breath became stronger.

Wang Fan still didn't move, just standing not far away watching.

In fact, he hasn't moved since he came to the battle stage, and it was considered a miracle.

The violent battle continued. With one monk after another being wiped out, the two finally suffered some injuries.

In the end, when everyone was wiped out, the breath of the two powerhouses had also completely languished.

Even if they are targeted, it doesn't matter, they still have the last laugh?

I saw the two of them look at each other, one of them smiled and said, "Next, it's the battle between us."

The other person nodded, "Someone will be out after all, but who will be out depends on the strength."

With that, the two of them exploded, and they planned to go to war.

However, at this moment, Wang Fan spoke, "Wait."


The expressions of the two changed slightly, and they turned to look towards Wang Fan.

Only then did they notice that there was another person in the corner.

"There are still missing fish?"

The two glanced at each other, and then one looked at Wang Fan and said coldly, "I didn't expect that there were still people who hadn't been swept out of the game. Do you go down by yourself or let us send you down."

Wang Fan smiled brilliantly, "I want you to roll off."


When the two heard this, they were completely angry.

"you wanna die!"

They shouted angrily, then their bodies were bright, and they madly killed Wang Fan.

"Looking for death?" Wang Fan muttered, without paying attention.

His spirit power surged wildly, and in an instant, vines appeared on the battle platform. The vines are like long snakes swimming, killing them frantically.

At the same time, the energy of the gold elements gathered between the heavens and the earth, instantly forming a sharp blade, madly rolling towards the two.

The two of them watched this scene, snorted coldly, and moved their right hand forward. In an instant, the weapon condensed from the fairy spirit was already formed.

They held vines in their hands and slashed at those vines and sharp blades frantically.

There was a rumbling sound, and countless bladed vines were cut off, but their consumption was even greater.

If they were not injured, these vine blades might not be a big deal to them.

It's just that they have just been surrounded and beaten, seriously injured, and now they are so consumed, how can they bear it?

Only after a short time, the two of them were already tired and a little collapsed, and they couldn't hold on at all.

"You, you are so shameless!"

"On the fifth floor of the immortal, you are not worthy of being a monk with such despicable means, why don't you die?"

While struggling to chop those vine blades, the two yelled at Wang Fan.

However, soon they were unable to scold them.

Because the vines have entangled their mouths, their heads, their bodies, and their legs.

"Do you know what a winner is? This is it! Everything I do is within the rules, so you are not qualified to say that I am shameless. You can only blame yourself for being too retarded."

As Wang Fan said, he directly controlled the vines to roll up, and threw the two men off the stage.

There was a bang, the earthquake trembled, and the two vomited blood.

When they heard Wang Fan's words again, their faces were green.

Those below who watched this scene were also speechless for a while.

Really, shameless guy, but, it seems that what he said is quite reasonable, leaving them speechless.

The guys who were wiped out by the two were almost furious when they saw this scene.

It's really hateful, they worked so hard to make a wedding dress for Wang Fan in the end?

In particular, does Wang Fan's cultivation base have only five immortals?

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

In an instant, there were countless vomiting sounds again.

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