Zong Xu was a little desperate.

He now feels extremely difficult every time he advances, no less than a battle of life and death.

It can be said that if one fails, he will truly give his life.

However, Wang Fan was still moving upwards, and he almost couldn't even see Wang Fan's back.

Which kind of power is such a person?

Could it be that the other party, like him, came from experience and wants to compete for the first place in the war?

At this moment, outside the city lord's mansion, the land below.

"Look, someone has ascended the 595th step."

"Gosh, it's already five hundred and ninety-sixth steps."

"Who is this person, so terrifying!"

"I didn't expect that in this competition for places, there was such an enchanting mission."

"It's five hundred and ninety-seven. As long as you go one step further, you will be able to keep the record."

Countless people looked at the light spots on the large screen of the formation display, and their hearts trembled.

Someone actually boarded the five hundred and ninety-seventh steps, completely thrown off the second dozen orders, which is simply too shocking.

If this person can equalize the record, or even break the record, then...

The onlookers were shocked, but everyone did not know that the great figures in the City Lord's Mansion were also shaking.

Even Haotian Gate has big figures who got news and rushed over in person.

After all, this is too enchanting.

If such an enchanting character does not fall, he will surely become a big man.

It's just that, they can only see the light spots on the display array, and they can only know that someone has boarded the 597th step.

But who that person is, they don't know.

"Look at it, it's five hundred and ninety-eight steps, and the records are flat, my God."

"No, it's five hundred and ninety-nine steps, my God, he broke the record."

"Six hundred, six hundred and one, ah, my heart can't stand it anymore."

In a short period of time, everyone made their voices again.

Because that person has already reached the 601st order.

This is simply too bad.

What a terrifying talent this is.

Such a character, they are destined to only look up.

"Do you know who is the one who climbed the 601st rank?"

The great Haotianmen was also a little uncomfortable, and came directly to the person in charge of the City Lord's Mansion.

This kind of enchanting character must be admitted to the Haotian Gate. Only the Haotian Gate can give him a broader stage and have the opportunity to send him out of the intermediate state.

The city lord’s mansion who was in charge of the first round of screening heard the question and shook his head with a wry smile.

"I don't know, but according to my guess, it should be the Tianjiao of the Zong family, it seems to be called Zong Xu."

"By the way, Yanbei of the Yan family is here. There is also the madness of Jiuxiao City, and the great sect's no war."

"These people are the arrogant figures of their respective forces. I think they have all come to participate in this registration competition. It must be them."

Hearing this, the great Haotianmen couldn't help but frown slightly, "These people, don't they have quotas, why do they want to grab the remaining 30 quotas."

"Huh, it seems that this rule will have to be changed in the future. Next time the Haotian Secret Realm is opened, the younger disciples of these big forces are not allowed to participate."

The great Haotianmen was a little unhappy.

Because if those who set foot on more than six hundred ranks are really these big power disciples, it would be very difficult for them to dig people.

It's just that he can't do anything about it. This kind of battle for places has always been attended by enchanting disciples from all major forces. It's just that Haotian Gate is not easy to stop, so there is nothing to say.

But this time, it was different.

Such an enchanting character, and it was discovered in the battle for places, how shame it would be if he couldn't be admitted into the sect by the Haotianmen?

After all, this battle for places is not just a battle for places, it is also a way of recruiting disciples in the Vast Sky Gate.

In the past, there were no particularly enchanting characters, and Haotian Gate could still open one eye and close another, but this time it didn't work.

"Well, it seems that the rules have to be changed. When the competition for places is over, the rules will be changed." The dignitaries of the City Lord's Mansion also nodded.

The people in the Haotian City Lord's Mansion are naturally those of the Haotian Gate.

"Gosh, it's the seven hundredth order."

"very horrible."

In a short period of time, another shocking sound came out, and Wang Fan had already reached the 700th order.

On the Haotian Ladder, Wang Fan didn't know what was going on outside, and he didn't even know, because of his enchanting, the rules of the next place competition had to be changed.

At this moment, he was still immersed in cultivation, and he had forgotten everything.

His whole body was bathed in brilliant golden light, and his sword and sword intent crazily lingered around him, frantically resisting the pressure on the stairs.

His footsteps moved slowly, but not upwards, but left and right.

Only by truly adapting to and withstanding the coercion of each level of ladder can one step onto the next level without danger.

This is the experience that Wang Fan summed up.

His steps move slowly, like walking on thin ice, and every step seems to be under unparalleled pressure.

At the same time, his cultivation is constantly improving.

Before he knew it, his cultivation had reached the peak of the fourth floor of the immortal.


At a certain moment, accompanied by a roar, Wang Fan directly stepped up and stepped onto the seven hundred and eighth floor.


At the same time, the rumbling sound resounded, and the unparalleled pressure madly hit Wang Fan.

Under the agitation of that pressure, the sword intent of Wang Fan's body began to collapse.

But Wang Fan didn't retreat. While he frantically condensed his sword and sword intent against those pressures, he frantically mobilized his physical power.

At the same time, he controlled the immortal aura all over his body, and wandered madly in his body, attacking the five-layer barrier of the immortal.


There was another sound.

The aura on Wang Fan's body suddenly became powerful and violent.

He opened his eyes, and a glimmer of light emerged.

He broke the border.

Step into the fifth level of immortals!

When the realm breaks through, the pressure on this ladder naturally feels much smaller.

Wang Fan continued to move forward.

Below, it is completely boiling.

Because the person ranked number one has already reached the 735th step.

Not only that, but the light on his body has also become even brighter.

Everyone is a little numb to Wang Fan's height now.

Such evildoers are destined to only look up.

They didn't even bother to make a shocking sound, but simply wanted to see how many steps Wang Fan could reach and where his limit was.

However, at this moment--


A voice sounded, and two hours had arrived.

Accompanied by this sound, countless people on the Haotian Ladder were shaken back, and soon there were only 10,000 left.

"The one who comes down, stand." The big man in the City Lord's Mansion who was in charge of the battle said indifferently.

Although he wanted to see that Wang Fan's limit was there, but time was limited. Naturally, he couldn't break the rules just because Wang Fan was alone.

The rules were modified before, and the only changes were the rules for the next place competition, which is understandable.

But now if the rules were broken, it would be equivalent to hitting the Haotianmen in the face.

Those who came down, when they heard this, retired very decadently.

They knew that they were out.

The venue quickly vacated, and everyone looked at the center of the venue.

Because, next, the ten thousand people who are promoted are about to fall on top, and the number one is among them.

Everyone wants to know who this person will be.

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