Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3300: One sword to seal the throat

The rumbling voice resounded, and the monster beast rushed towards Wang Fan frantically like electricity.

Everyone could see that it was a monster that was equivalent to a peak-level powerhouse of the fairy, and the young man on the monster was also a master of the seventh layer of the fairy.

However, Wang Fan's cultivation is only the fourth level of immortals, and there are no elders to accompany him.

It seems that Wang Fan is going to be miserable.

Wang Fan frowned, turned his head coldly, and looked directly at the monster and young man.

He just stared at each other, neither flashing nor hiding.

Because he could see that this guy was deliberate.


The demon beast came down in front of Wang Fan like lightning. It roared, and at the same time that its huge body rushed forward, it opened the mouth of the blood basin and directly bit at Wang Fan viciously.

Wang Fan's face was cold, and when the other party was about to arrive, he pointed out without hesitation.

In an instant, a sword transformed from fairy spiritual energy suddenly appeared in front of him.

Endless sword intent gathered, instantly becoming momentum, like a streamer, directly assassinating the monster beast.


Almost to the extreme!

The monster and the young man didn't even react.

With a sneer, the sword directly penetrated the monster's head.

Red blood splashed, Wang Fan floated back, while the monster beast dashed forward for a certain distance, and then fell straight to the ground.

Only one sword, death!

This sudden scene directly caused everyone around him to be stunned.

In their eyes, that monster and young man were stronger than Wang Fan, and Wang Fan was bound to die.

Even if Wang Fan was lucky enough to survive, he would definitely be seriously injured under the collision of the monster beast.

But they never imagined that at the moment of the moment, Wang Fan actually thundered and killed the monster beast directly.

This shocking scene made everyone trembled.

It seems that I really can't underestimate anyone.

Haotian City deserves to be the place where the arrogance and evildoers gather, and the strong from all sides gather. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have thought that a mere four-story fairy would have such strength.

Sure enough, you can't be too arrogant outside, otherwise you will easily kick the iron plate.

The young man on the monster beast was also stunned.

He jumped off the monster beast, and he was shocked for a long time before he looked at Wang Fan fiercely, and let out a terrible rage.

"You, you actually killed my monster?" He stared at Wang Fan, his eyes cold, killing intent and violent.

"Idiot." Wang Fan glanced at the young man with disdain, he was too lazy to talk nonsense at all, turned his head and left.

This guy wants his life, can't he still kill a beast?

Wang Fan was able to hold back and not kill this young man, it was already very good.

If it weren't for the Vast Sky City, Wang Fan knew he was weak, and he was going to the Vast Sky Secret Realm, even this young man would kill.

Cultivation is cruel, and Wang Fan has never relented to those who want his life.

"What are you talking about? An idiot?" The young man was even more angry.

With a bang, a terrifying aura suddenly appeared on his body, and the whole person was completely angry!

"I am Jiuxiaocheng Yunzhan, who are you, dare to report your origins?" The young man forced his anger and asked.

Wang Fan was able to slay him and sit down with a beast. Although he was suspected of surprise attack, he also proved his strength.

This kind of person is definitely not as simple as a casual cultivator.

Moreover, Yun Zhan could also see that Wang Fan was a sword repairer, and he was still a very strong sword repairer.

However, there are too many sword repairs in the middle-level state area, and there are countless sword repair forces, and even some hidden old monsters, so he can't guess the identity of Wang Fan.

Of course, no matter what Wang Fan's status is, any monster that dared to kill him must be explained.

Although his Nine Heavens City is not comparable to the Haotian Gate, he is also a top power in this intermediate state, and he is not afraid of anyone.

"Jiuxiaocheng cloud battle?" Wang Fan stopped when he heard this, and then turned his head.

"The people of Jiuxiao City are amazing, can the people of Jiuxiao City be so arrogant? What are you, and you are qualified to know my identity?"

"Also, I just killed your monster beast, what can you do with me? Believe it or not, you dare to say one more thing, I even kill you?"

Originally, Wang Fan didn't intend to kill people, but since this guy is from Jiuxiao City, don't blame him for being rude.

"You!" Yun Zhan was completely angry.

He grew up so old, no one has ever dared to speak to him like this.

The people around were shocked when they heard Wang Fan's words.

Jiuxiao City, that is the top power in the intermediate state.

Moreover, they had also heard of this cloud battle, the extremely talented monster, the combat power is even more powerful and amazing.

Why did Wang Fan dare to be so presumptuous after learning the background and identity of Yun Zhan?

Wang Fan didn't speak any more, just looked at Yun Zhan coldly.

He is ready, as long as this guy dares to do something, then he will directly obliterate it.

Yun Zhan didn't disappoint Wang Fan either, he shouted angrily, and suddenly grabbed a huge golden battle axe in his hand.

The bright golden light lingered on the battle axe, his whole aura became even more violent.

"go to hell!"

With a roar, Yun Zhan stepped forward and rushed out. Every time he took a step forward, his aura became stronger.

Above the golden battle axe in his hand, a terrifying killing intent radiated even more, which made the heart tremble.

The battle axe crossed the sky, slashing down, and a series of axe patterns tore through the void, traversing down, and slashing directly towards Wang Fan.

This axe contains endless momentum, as if everything in front of it will be crushed and crushed.

Feeling that momentum, countless people trembled.

What a terrifying power.

Such an axe, even if it is an ordinary ninth-level fairy, I am afraid I dare not face it right?

On the fourth floor of the fairy in Wangfan district, how should he break it?

However, Wang Fan's expression did not change at all. He just calmly stared at the battle axe coming from the slashing, and his eyes suddenly changed strangely.

The light of the tomahawk fell on him, making a crackling sound, and everyone saw that around him, a circle of sword curtains appeared.

Those sword curtains revolved frantically around him, forming layer after layer of defense.

It's just that, now, the layer after layer of the sword curtain, under the strangulation of the axe pattern, is actually shattering layer by layer.

Looking at this scene, Yun Zhan also sneered.

In just an instant, he had already grabbed the battle axe and slashed.

This time, it was not the axe, but the real body of the tomahawk.

However, at the moment when the battle axe was about to smash Wang Fan's body, Wang Fan suddenly moved.

With a swish, he shoots directly like a sword, with incredible speed.

Even some people did not see Wang Fan moving. In their eyes, Wang Fan didn't move at all, but disappeared out of thin air.

From this, one can imagine how fast Wang Fan is.

Wang Fan was shaped like a sword, pierced through the air with a sword, directly tore everything in front of him, and instantly appeared behind Yun Zhan.

But Yun Zhan's figure suddenly stiffened in place.

His eyes widened suddenly, with astonishment, surprise, incredible, and regret.

After a while--


A blood sword soared from his throat, and his body crashed to the ground.

Seal the throat with a sword!


Nine Heavens City Tianjiao, the seven-story cloud battle of the immortal, just died.

There is only one sword.

Seeing this, everyone's heart trembled and the audience was dead!

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