Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3298: Haotian Secret Realm

The masters of the eight peaks held their own opinions, and their opinions could not be unified.

Some people think that Wang Fan's cultivation base is weak and it is not suitable to go there. Others think that the monks should never go ahead and this opportunity should not be missed.

Venerable Sword heard the argument of Peak Master Bafeng, and gave a wry smile, "Don't talk about it anymore, I'll find some time to ask his opinion."

As the master of a sect, he was not good at making decisions for Wang Fan, so he planned to ask Wang Fan for his opinions.

If Wang Fan goes, he will not stop him, and if Wang Fan does not go, he will not force him.

When the Eight Peaks Peak Master heard Venerable Sword say this, he did not continue to say much.

At a certain moment, Peak Master Wuliang asked, "Sect Master, how is that kid's cultivation now? How many floors have he stepped on."

Venerable Sword heard these words, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and said, "Eighteenth floor."


The words of Venerable Sword fell, and the eight peak peak masters trembled.

They are still very familiar with the sword formation.

In just a few months, Wang Fan was able to set foot on the eighteenth floor.

This talent is simply invincible.

There was a brief silence, and they all became excited.

Wang Fan was able to join his Divine Sword Sect, this is really the blessing of the Divine Sword Sect.

"Okay, let's be here today. Regarding the Vast Sky Secret Realm, my Divine Sword Sect has a total of nine places. You Eight Peaks, choose one of you, and prepare to go to the Vast Sky Secret Realm."

At a certain moment, the Divine Sword Sect Master spoke.

Although there is still a year before the Haotian Secret Realm will be opened, it is not a bad thing to set off early.

The disciples of the Divine Sword Sect can see in advance those Tianjiao figures of the big forces in the central area, and they will be more careful when entering the secret realm.

As for the last quota, it was naturally reserved for Wang Fan.

If Wang Fan doesn't go, they can make arrangements.


The Master Bafeng nodded, and then got up and left.

Intermediate state.

The most sensational thing during this period was the opening of the Haotian Secret Realm.

Throughout the ages, countless Tianjiaos have obtained opportunities in the Haotian Secret Realm, and have risen in the same time.

It can be said that there are countless big people in the intermediate state, all of whom have been to the Haotian Secret Realm.

Therefore, for the opening of the Haotian Secret Realm, countless forces are very excited and ready to move.

Of course, there are some forces, but they are not happy.

Because they have no quota at all.

Although there are countless opportunities in the Haotian Secret Realm, not everyone has the quota.

There are only two ways to get the quota to enter the Haotian Secret Realm.

One, Haotianmen voluntarily sent, such as the nine places of the Divine Sword Sect, which is how they got.

Second, obtain through battle.

The Haotian Secret Realm is open to the extreme, and there will be a contest against casual repairs, and thirty places will be issued.

But how vast is the Intermediate State, and how many monks are there?

It is too difficult and too difficult to break into the top 30 and get a spot.

In short, because the Haotian Secret Realm is about to open, the entire Intermediate State is completely boiling.

Countless Tianjiao figures rushed to the main city of Haotian Gate, Haotian City.

Even in the Divine Sword Sect, eight disciples have already set off for Haotian City.

Of course, Wang Fan didn't know these things.

He is still cultivating.

More than half a year passed in a hurry. Under the tempering of the sword formation, Wang Fan's cultivation once again broke through the third floor of the immortal and reached the fourth floor of the immortal.

At the same time, he has already set foot on the 49th floor of the sword formation.

It can be said that since stepping on the nineteenth floor, his speed has become faster, even faster.

However, after stepping on the forty-ninth layer, Wang Fan knew that this was already his limit.

If the cultivation base does not break through to the fairy king, it is absolutely impossible for him to be at the upper level.

Wang Fan was a little unwilling. He tried several times, but after all failed, he had to give up.

After nearly a year of hard training in the sword formation, he has made substantial leaps in his cultivation and combat effectiveness.

Even the temperament has changed greatly.

Now he seems to have completely become a real sword repairman.

"It seems that cultivating here doesn't make much sense. When I set foot on the fairy king, I will come again."

Wang Fan murmured and left the sword formation.

He went all the way down, like a walk in the garden.

He didn't even have to deliberately defend, the howling sword intent bombarded him, as if the wind was blowing up, and he could not leave any scars.

Wang Fan quickly left the sword formation and came to Sect Master Peak.


Looking at Venerable Sword, he bowed and saluted, respecting from the heart.


Venerable Sword waved his hand, signaled Wang Fan to sit down, and said, "Recently, a major event has happened in the Intermediate State. The Haotian Secret Realm of the Haotian Gate is about to open. Are you going to try it?"

"Haotian Secret Realm?" Wang Fan was slightly shocked, then nodded without hesitation, "Go."

He has been cultivating for so long, and it is time to go out for trials.

After all, blind cultivating has no meaning at all, and life and death experience and actual combat are still necessary.

He didn't even ask what the Haotian Secret Realm was, so he agreed directly if it was dangerous or not.

Because he believed that the lord would not harm him.

"The Vast Sky Gate is the number one power in the Intermediate State. There is no one. The Vast Sky Secret Realm is an extremely dangerous secret realm. Although there are countless opportunities, it is also extremely dangerous."

"From ancient times to the present, although there have been many people who have gained opportunities in the Vast Sky Secret Realm, they have risen. But there are also more people who stay in the Vast Sky Secret Realm forever."

Venerable Sword was slightly surprised when he heard Wang Fan's answer, but still said.

"Opportunity is naturally dangerous. Since Haotian Secret Realm has such a chance, I can't miss it."

Wang Fan said, both his eyes and his tone were extremely firm.

"Okay." Venerable Sword nodded, and did not continue to say anything.

He grabbed an ancient order and handed it to Wang Fan and said, "This is the key to enter the Haotian Secret Realm. The secret realm is opened. You can enter as long as you hold this order."

"I remind you, most people who enter the Haotian Secret Realm are at the peak level of the fairy. Although the fairy king is not allowed to enter, if those people break through the fairy king in the secret realm, they are still allowed."

"So, this trip is dangerous, you must be careful."

"Okay." Wang Fan nodded.

The fairy king?

The pressure is indeed a bit big.

Even if he has a breakthrough in his cultivation base, he is confident that he is not afraid of the peak of the ordinary fairy, but it should still be very dangerous for the strong fairy king. Even, it is very likely that he will not be able to save his life.

But despite this, Wang Fan did not flinch.

Chance Chance, this is chance, if he misses it, he will regret it.

"That's the case, then you prepare and go."

"Now there are still three months before the Haotian Secret Realm opens."

"In the past three months, you can just be in Haotian City and see the powers of Tianjiao."

Venerable Sword said.

Wang Fan nodded, and then left the Sect Master Peak.

Half an hour later, he bid farewell to Peak Master Wuliang, left the Divine Sword Sect, and went straight to Haotian City.

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