Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 899: This is not a dream

A crystal ball is placed on the blue stone. Frieza, Babidi, Sharu, and other **** bosses seemed to freeze their eyes.

At this time, only the picture of Monkey King floating in the air was displayed on the crystal ball, and then the picture became more and more bleak and finally disappeared.

"Is it over?"

"This is the end?"

All of them were silent. The situation was already clear. This terrible battle was over, and the winner was obviously not Buu.

"Babidi." Suddenly someone said, "You said that the pink guy who has been defeated is Majin Buu, and the other one, that guy is so incredible that Majin Buu is already incarnate. Wan, I still can't escape his evil hands!" Then-

"Yeah, that guy is not terrible at all, I didn't expect it to be so powerful!"

"When did such a terrifying character appear in this universe? Why have you never heard of it before?"

"What race is that guy? Is it genetically mutated?"


One by one, many people looked at Babidi, waiting for the answer.

"Of course the other one is amazing!" Babidi's face was gloomy, he pointed to his nose, "Do you know how I died? It was killed by that guy himself, Sun Wuben, this guy, is too damn, now even the devil Ren Buu is not an opponent, it is so irritating!"

Although Babidi said so, there was still a trace of pride in his eyes, because the Monkey King who killed him was so powerful that he was beyond imagination, so he was also honored when Babidi died in his hands.

"Babydi, I didn't think you were also dead by Sun Wu's own hands." Sharu was a little surprised.

"Could it be that..." Babidi looked at Sharu, but he knew that this guy was the most powerful of all people right now.

Sharu flicked his tail, his face was cold and angry, but his tone was also triumphant: "Yes, I also died in his hands, mainly because I haven't transformed into a complete body, otherwise, I must send that guy to the ground early. It’s a mansion, but speaking of it, this guy is really terrifying. Don’t think that Buu can be transformed into tens of millions. In fact, this Monkey King is just a clone."

As soon as these words came out, each one was even more surprised.

"As far as I know, this guy’s real name is Klin. It is said that he and a very powerful guy named Monkey King are brothers, and this Klin seems to have two clones. What we saw was one of them. I also underestimated the strength of this clone and was caught off guard." Shalu said coldly. Shalu also heard about the fact that Sun Wu was the clone of Klin, but he was not very sure in his heart.


Frieza was shocked.

"You said that kid is Klin?" Frieza screamed.

"What? Frieza, you know Klin?" Sharu called.

"Of course, if it weren't for this bastard, I Frieza would come here?" Frieza said with great anger. Of course, in addition to anger, there is also pride. Death in the hands of such a strong man is better than death in other small and deflated There is much more glory in the three hands.


Realm King God Realm, Old Realm King God has put away the crystal ball, but Bidili is happy and a little worried, after all, Sun Wuben hasn't returned after so long.


Suddenly, Sun Wuben appeared not far away.

"Sun Wuben!" Vidili's eyes lit up.

"The Monkey King!" The God of the World King, the God of the Old World King, and Jebite all looked over. For a long time, the three of them had a bad impression of the Monkey King, but this time, although there is still a bit of grudge in their hearts, they have more eyes. In awe.

"Uncle Aben, you are amazing!"

"Uncle Aben, you are so powerful!" Sun Wutian and Alans rushed towards Sun Wuben, both of them were puzzled. When Vegeta died in Buu's hands, Sun Wukong also fled back, Sun Wutian and Alans. However, they had great expectations for Sun Wuben, but when they asked Sun Wuben, Sun Wuben told them that he was not Buu's opponent.

The two were extremely disappointed at the time.

A strange thing happened more than an hour later. That time Buu broke out with tens of billions of combat power, and Monkey King actually said that Buu was fighting Sun Wuben.

But Sun Wuben's breath is not strong.

This has always been the doubt in the hearts of the two of them, and this time...

They sensed that Sun Wuben's aura was not strong, but the battle in the crystal ball was unimaginable.

Goten and Arans have transformed into Super 3 many times after Medamour fusion, and they also fought Buu, so they can fully understand this battle between Monkey King and Primordial Buu.

That kind of combat level has far surpassed the strongest combat power of their transformation into Super 3.

"Uncle Aben, you are so powerful, why did you lie to us that you could not beat Buu? And Buu was not so good at that time!" Sun Wutian shouted.

"Yeah, if you had taken action long ago, my father would not have died." In addition to being puzzled, Alans also had a hint of grievance, because his father was dead, he would never have a father anymore, and not just a father. Even mother, grandpa, grandma... and the whole earth disappeared.

"You two seem to be very grieving." Sun Wuben laughed and put his hands on the shoulders of Sun Wutian and Alans, "Wuten, if you ask me why I lied to you, you will know this by asking your father. As for Alans, we will Resurrect your father, mother, earth and all the people on earth who died in this Buu incident."


Alans stared, he was different from ordinary children, he was very clever.

"Uncle Aben, you said that the earth and all the dead can come back to life, and everything can return to its original state? I heard it right?" Alans cried out crisply, and then he reached out his hand and pinched his face. , "Oh, it really hurts, and dreaming also hurts?"

"Dreaming?" Monkey King laughed.

The Monkey King and Monkey King nearby couldn't help laughing.

"Alans, this is not a dream, everything has already happened, but there is indeed a way to resurrect those who died." Sun Gohan said.

"Is that so?" Alans's eyes were full of doubts.

"Uncle Aben." Monkey King asked at this time, "I don't quite understand. If you had used your combat power a while ago, you wouldn't be able to use me to make a move. Have you accepted the help of Lord God of the Old World?"

"Gohan, don't guess." Vidili's beautiful big eyes looked at Monkey King shiningly, "The Old World King God helped you, but didn't help other people."

"Then why?"

"Gohan, you played against Buu who absorbed Gotenrans, know how strong he is! Then Buu absorbed you again, possessing the combined power of you, Gotenrans, Piccolo and Buu, The combat power is as high as 50 billion. You know who defeated Buu, who has 50 billion combat power, and finally entered Buu's body and rescued you. It was your father Goku." Sun Wuben said.


Sun Wutian and Alans were very surprised. Although they didn't quite understand the strength of 50 billion combat power, listening to Sun Wuben's words, it was obvious that Sun Wukong was much stronger than they thought.

"So Dad is so strong?" Monkey King was particularly shocked. After all, he knew how powerful 50 billion was.

I saw that Sun Wu had a serious face: "I and Wukong have indeed been deceiving you all the time, and have not shown real strength to fight Buu. The reason for this is because I feel that it may not take long for Wukong and I to leave this world. "

"go away?"

"There are people outside of people, there are days outside of heaven, this world is very vast, and it also has many terrifying characters that we don’t know. Just like Buu this time, he has been sealed on the earth all the time. If it weren’t for Babidi’s release, who would know us? There is still such a terrifying strong man on the earth?"

"I and Wukong are going to go out and look for a stronger path, but we can't let go of this earth, and you... this time we performed very well, let Wukong and I see hope, maybe one day, we will find a broader When you are in heaven and earth, you can leave without any scruples, because you are still on the earth!" Sun Wuben said solemnly.

"So this is ah!"

"Uncle Wukong and Uncle Aben must look for a stronger way, and we must do this too!" Sun Wutian and Alans said.

It's just that they didn't notice the weird look on Sun Wukong's face. Sun Wukong didn't think about finding a stronger way, but he cultivated Gohan, Alans, and Goten was not the reason Sun Wu originally said.

However, watching Sun Wuben deceive Sun Wufan, Alans, and Sun Wutian in a serious manner, Sun Wukong couldn't help but recalled the previous battle in his mind, and felt a little emotional in his heart.

Although Sun Wukong shot, if he did his best, he could easily defeat the original Buu, but Sun Wuben was able to use this body to exert a terrifying force of 12 billion. This point, Sun Wukong can't understand it now, because it seems that Sun Wuben It seems that the aura is not strong when fighting.

And how Sun Wu originally blew Ou's candy-changing superpowers in one breath, and later killed Buu clone so easily, now Sun Wukong feels very weird.


Klin walked to Sun Wu himself.

"You guy, even I don't understand you now." Klin punched Sun Wuben on the shoulder, his heart was complicated and unspeakable. His body was a martial arts body made by Shenlong, and he worked very hard. In practice, it is actually no better than Sun Wu's practice of not doing proper work.

Although Klin believed that he would be able to beat the original Buu with all his strength.

But that time the original Buu's superpowers, Taclin was turned into candy and then eaten, but Sun Wuben actually sighed and carried it.

In contrast, this time he was completely embarrassed.

Sun Wu couldn’t help but smile: “Who made you careless, you were accidentally eaten by Buu, and your luck was too bad. When you met Dapla, he stepped on his saliva and met Buu... …Also… obviously there is still an extremely terrifying strength hidden, and he didn’t even show half of it..."

Klin couldn't help showing a wry smile. To some extent, he was indeed unlucky this time. Dapla didn't say it the time, Buu the time, who knew Buu had such a weird ability?

"Brother Sun." Satan came to Sun Wu himself at this time, "You just said what happened before the earth returned to Buu? If it is a dream, you can wake up the dream! Hahahaha..."

" This is not a dream at all!" Vidili couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Satan, this is not a dream, but you are really lucky. People on earth, besides us are strong, but you and Vidili are not dead this time." Monkey King laughed, and then looked at Monkey King. , "Are you going to Namek, or me?"

"Let me go! Dandy, you come with me too, Piccolo, do you want to go and see?"

"No need!"

Then Sun Wukong took Dandy and disappeared in the realm of the realm king.

In less than five minutes, the sky dimmed from the top of a hill on New Nameck, and golden light shot up into the sky, transforming into a huge dragon.

"Polenga, please help me..."


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