Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 879: Desperate situation

Four figures stood outside the white door of the Spiritual Time House.

"Is it true that you are not even Majin Buu's opponent?" Piccolo asked with a suspicion that he had asked Monkey King many times.

"How should I say, I can't exert my true full strength right now, so... I can only retreat first." Sun Wukong's face is ugly. Of course he is not defeated by Demon Buu, but he must take advantage of this opportunity to come. Train Gohan, Goten, and Alans.

However, this kind of consequence is likely to produce uncontrollable consequences, which makes Monkey King feel very conflicted and naturally looks unsightly.

"Can't use all his strength?" Piccolo figured out the meaning of Monkey King's words.

"Bobo, how long will it take for Aben and Bidili to come out?" Monkey King asked.

"I don't know, Sun Wuben didn't say it." Bobo shook his head when the white door suddenly opened.

"The door is open!"

"They are out!"

"Aben finally figured it out!" Piccolo, Monkey King, Bobo, and Dandy are all a little excited. Majin Buu is too terrifying. Even if Vegeta kills Buu in his arms, he blew himself up and Buu was bombed. It became a powder, but because a lot of cells were not killed, they were resurrected.

To kill Buu, every cell in his body must be killed.

After the resurrection, Buu's combat power has not weakened at all, and is still strong enough to be invincible. Monkey King went to fight, but he failed, and Klin went to fight.

This is a shocking battle that everyone can't help but tremble.

No one would have imagined that a clone of Klin, who had only cultivated for 8 years, would be so powerful as to be so terrifying.

The fighting time between the two dragged on for an hour and an hour. Under normal circumstances, the longer the time, due to the exhaustion of physical strength, the combat effectiveness of the two would continue to decline.

But these two people did the opposite.

In the first hour, both of them had a terrifying 5 billion level of combat effectiveness.

In the second hour, it reached the 5.5 billion level.

The third hour is the 6 billion level.


This lasted for 6 hours in a row, at which time the breath intensity of both of them reached the level of 7.5 billion.

Then Buu was too active and slept for too long. When he came out, he was hungry and tired of fighting with Klin. Therefore, he actually turned Klin into candy and ate it.

Even Klin, who has 7.5 billion combat power, and possibly even higher combat power, was eaten by Buu turned into candy. Who else can subdue Buu? It can be said that everyone is desperate.

"Dandy, Goku, Popo, Piccolo, what happened to Majin Buu?" Sun Wuben exclaimed. This time he entered the Mental Time House for a long time. He has been outside for more than a long time. Time, anything can happen.

"very bad."

Dandy's voice was heavy.

"Majin Buu has been born, and no one can deal with it." Bobo said in a deep voice.

"What's the matter? What about Gohan? Why didn't I see him?" Vidili yelled crisply.

"Don't worry, Gohan is fine. He is not here because he was sent to the realm of the realm king, God Realm." Sun Wukong said.

Vidili's expression suddenly relaxed, she patted her towering chest, and sighed, "Send to the realm of the realm king, what's going on?"

"After you left, Dapla fought with Gohan for several hours, and then Dapla left again. Then we waited for a few hours. Babidi tried to use Vegeta’s evil heart to control him. In the end, it succeeded, so I was forced to fight Vegeta. For this reason, Majin Buu was completely resurrected." Monkey King said in a deep voice.

"After Buu's resurrection, it should have been fighting with Gohan and the world king god. Anyway, Vegeta and I sensed Buu's extremely powerful weather and interrupted the fight. After rushing over, Gohan has lost consciousness. Fortunately, he didn’t seem to have died. The Realm King said that there was a way to make Gohan stronger in a short time, so I asked Alin to take the Realm King God and Gohan to the Realm King God Realm."

"I fought with Buu. For some reasons, I couldn't use my full strength, so I had to retreat first, and then Vegeta and Buu fought. It was just..." Monkey King stopped here.

"Vegeta is far from Buu's opponent. In the end, he chose to explode to kill Buu, but he died with no bones left, and Buu was blown up with no bones left, but Buu didn't die." Piccolo said in a deep voice. Tao.

"Blew up to the point that no bones are left?" Vidili stared.

"Through the observation of Buu's resurrection, as long as one cell in his body is not destroyed, he can be resurrected, and his strength after resurrection has not weakened at all." Piccolo said in a deep voice.

"How is this possible?" Vidili screamed in disbelief, "then he is immortal?"

Piccolo's face was extremely heavy, Dandy and Bobo also looked solemn, at least from the current situation, Demon Buu is a powerful and terrifying undead creature.

"That's not necessarily." Sun Wuben grinned, but he had read the information about Demon Buu in Babidi's mind. If there is anyone in this world who knows Buu better than Sun Wuben, it doesn't exist.

"Each part and every cell of Majin Buu's body can resurrect him, but under normal circumstances, his body cells can't leave his body for too long." Sun Wuben said, "So it is impossible for him to resurrect him. Part of the body is stored separately to ensure that he will not be killed, so as long as he has enough strength, he can destroy all the cells in his body in one blow, so that he can be killed."

The eyes of Monkey King, Piccolo, Dandy, Bobo, and Vidili all brightened.

"If this is the case, Buu can indeed be wiped out, but..." Piccolo stopped his gaze on Sun Wukong and Sun Wu himself, "Where can I find a powerful force that can completely destroy Buu in one blow?" "

"I think Wukong should have an answer to this question?" Monkey King looked at Monkey King.

Monkey King shook his head: "I can't exert my full strength at all now, but I think Alans and Wutian are very good."

"Alans and Goten?" Vidili exclaimed in surprise.

She blinked her big eyes, full of doubts: "Even you are not the opponents of Demon Buu, are you the two little ghosts?"

"Of course they can't do it under normal circumstances," Sun Wukong said solemnly, "but I went to the underworld a few years ago to find an underworld master to discuss."

"Go to the underworld?"

Vidili's small mouth opened slightly. Although she had seen too much of the weirdness of Sun Wuben and his party, she still couldn't help but complain, "Who are these people!" ’.

"I once met a master Medamo star who taught me a skill called Medamo Fusion that belongs to them." Monkey King said, "Through this secret spell, two people can be merged. As a person, the combat power after fusion is determined by the character. The worst is the addition of the two before the fusion. Normally, it will be several times, or even dozens of times stronger. With the potential of Alans and Wutian, if the two of them are Fusion, the combat power will be terrifying to despair."

Vidili's eyes flashed brightly: "Several to tens of times the enhancement, then Sun Wuben, wouldn't you merge with your other clone Alin..."

"I'm afraid it won't work." Piccolo shook his head.

"Alin, he started a battle with Buu after he returned from the realm of the realm king," Sun Wukong said with a sad expression, "their battle is terrifying, it is unprecedentedly strong, and both of them have been fighting in a row. The combat effectiveness of both sides continued to soar for six hours, but..."

"But what's the matter? Did Alin lose in the end?" Vidili called.

"It's not that I lost, but Buu has been playing for a long time. I'm hungry and impatient." Piccolo sighed.

"It's normal to be hungry. Who is not hungry for six hours in a row, what are you doing with a crying face?" Vidili didn't understand.

Sun Wuben understood: "As far as I know, Buu has some terrible abilities, such as turning anything into something he likes, like turning Vidili into a rotten egg, and then stomping on it."

"Son Wu, you bastard, you were turned into a rotten egg!" Vidili yelled with his hands in his hips.

"Videli, Aben was right." Piccolo said in a deep voice, "Kling was turned into candy by Buu, and he ate it."

"What? Is this true?" Vidili's face turned pale, and soon she took Sun Wuben's hand, "Sun Wuben, don't be sad, I believe there must be a way to restore your clone."

Sun Wuben looked a little weird. He and Klin were actually two completely different people. Obviously Vidili still regarded them as one person.

"Don't worry, I don't care about this kind of thing at all." Monkey Ben patted Bidili's hand and smiled, and then looked at Monkey King, "You let Alans and Wu Tian learn the Medamo fusion technique, I am very Agree, the two boys, Alans and Goten, should also be trained, or they will waste a piece of their talents."

"I think so too, but these two little ghosts don't want to learn from me at all." Monkey King looked helpless.

"No?" Sun Wuben was taken aback, and then he understood.

In the original drama, Trunks and Monkey King didn’t cooperate with Monkey King in every possible way, until Bouma wanted to collect Dragon Balls, and the Dragon Ball Radar was placed in the West Capital’s home, but Babidi took the Demon Buu and destroyed them everywhere. Then I learned that Trunks' home was in the West Capital and decided to destroy it in the West Capital.

At this time, everyone asked Trunks to go to the West Capital to get the Dragon Ball Radar back, and Monkey King went to hold Buu.

at this time.

Sun Wukong finally took out some real strength that has never been shown, and transformed into Super Saiyan 3 in front of everyone for the first time.

Monkey King's super-one combat power is 1.5 billion!

Super 2 is 3 billion!

Super three is a terrifying 10 billion and then this is just the norm. If you make an all-out effort, it can reach 12 billion, or even stronger. The disadvantage is that it consumes too much energy.

Monkey King turned into a super three, and the earth-shaking horror atmosphere was completely shocked. For a long time, I looked down on Monkey King, thinking that Monkey King could not beat Vegeta, and could not beat Buu, even Trunks and Monkey King who were deserters.

The Monkey King, who was transformed into a super three, was able to kill Buu, who was only 10 billion, but because he came to the earth as a dead man to participate in the martial arts conference.

Therefore, in order to train the living people, Goten, Trunks, Gohan and others just dragged Buu and didn't really kill him.

Trunks got the Dragon Ball Radar, and Monkey King left.

Because of seeing the amazing strength of Monkey King, both Monkey King and Trunks were very convinced of Monkey King this time, and they followed their words, and then they began to learn Meda Mo's fusion skills.

This time it was clear that the situation was so critical that Wu Tian and Alans were still unwilling to learn from the Monkey King Metamo and merge, obviously because they looked down on Monkey King.

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