Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 876: Ingenious words

Above the heavens.

In a room of the temple complex, on the thick quilt at the corner of the wall was a gray stone statue. At this time, the stone statue suddenly began to change color and became more delicate and smooth.

With just one breath, the stone statue became a living person.

Klin opened his eyelids, then froze for a moment, then looked down at his body, then he flexed his hands, his feet straightened, and his smooth tail flicked.

"I remember stepping on Dapla's saliva, and then turning into a stone statue, can it be said..." The next moment Klin jumped up, then punched out his foot, and looked around at the same time.

"Here is... that is the breath of Dandy and Bobo. Could it be that I have reached the heaven." Ecstasy surged into Klin's heart. At this moment, he didn't understand that he had been saved.

Just when Klin awoke.

In the square outside, Dandy and Bobo had always been calm and felt Klin's anger.


Two rays of light, one green and one black, shot into the room where Klin was.

"you're awake!"

"Alin, you have recovered!"

Dandy and Bobo's eyes fell on the excited Klin in the room, and they couldn't help getting excited.

"Dandy, Bobo, you came just right. I seem to have indeed recovered. By the way, what is going on? How did you recover me and make a wish to Shenlong?" Klinlian said.

"No one made a wish to Shenlong. In fact, we don't know what happened." Dandy shook his head.

"Is that so?" Klin was about to search with aura, suddenly a smile appeared on his face.

On the square outside the main hall, two figures showed up in the sky. It was Sun Wuben and Vidili who were standing like a deer holding hands. "Sun Wuben, where is this?" Vidili looked around, but she was completely absent from the scenery in front of her, so she didn't realize that this was the place where she and Sun Wuben had been before.

"Let's go to the ground." Sun Wu didn't understand why Vidili didn't let go, but if Vidili didn't let go, he wouldn't let go first, and simply pulled Vidili to the ground slowly.

Suddenly a figure walked out in the air in front of the two of them.

"Aben, eh... Vidili, what are you doing?" Klin opened his mouth wide in surprise, and he smiled the next moment, "It seems that it's not time for me to come, I'm leaving first." Then the figure disappeared.

Vidili let out her hand as if she was stung, and turned her back, so ashamed that she wanted to find a hole in it.



Two rays of light came, one black and one green.

"It's great that you are here!"

"Sun Wuben, is Klin recovering because of you? What's the matter there?" Bobo and Dandy asked repeatedly.

"Bobo, Dandy, you don't actually have to worry too much. There must be a way to the front of the mountain, and it's useless to worry." Sun Wuben said with a heavy face.

The light in Bobo and Dandy's eyes dimmed a bit: "You mean, things are not going in a good direction?"

"I'm not quite sure, you also know, because Alin's saliva in Dapla turned into a stone sculpture, and the only way to recover is to kill Dapla." Sun Wuben said. "Now Alin has recovered, so to speak, it should be that Dapla is dead." Dandy said, "So, things should be going in a good direction, why?"

"I'm not sure." Sun Wuben shook his head.

"Not sure?" Dandy and Bobo were puzzled. Although Vidili, who turned his back to face Sun Wuben, had a heartbeat and was a little flustered, she was inexplicably paying attention to Sun Wuben's every move, and she was also very confused at this time. , How could Sun Wuben not know what happened over there.

"Because Dapla entered the spaceship, I had to enter the spaceship. At that time, I, Vidiri, Goku, Vegeta, the God of the World, and Gohan all entered the spacecraft, trying to find Dapla, It’s just that the spaceship cannot be hit too much, otherwise it will awaken the Demon Buu, so we can only follow their rules."

"We challenged two levels and defeated their two warriors. Then, for some reason, Vidili and I were separated from everyone. It must have been the magic of Babidi..." Sun Wu made up the story in a silly way, he Of course not to coax Dandy and Bobo for no reason.

"In the original Dragon Ball, it was because of Buu's appearance that Gohan's strength had grown upside-down. This growth is greater than anyone else, not only Gohan, but also the two little ghosts, Goten and Trunks. Because of Buu’s appearance, he got a lot of exercise."

The birth of Buu is a disaster, but also an opportunity.

In the original drama, whether it is Goku or Vegeta, Piccolo has grown terribly because of Buu, especially Goku and Vegeta. If it weren’t for Buu’s appearance, they would not have been in Buu. After that, he surpassed the realm of Super Saiyan and reached the realm of Super Saiyan God.

As for Gohan, the growth rate in the Buu chapter is the greatest, or he is the one who gained the most. Mysterious Gohan's strength is far beyond Super 3.

In addition to these people, Goten and Trunks are also the ones who have gained the most.

It can be said that this is an adventure for everyone.

Although Sun Wuben didn't think he was such a great person, he would have troubles in his heart and feel embarrassed if he destroyed such a big opportunity for everyone.

To practice is to cultivate the mind.

Monasticism is more demanding of the heart.

The heart is in trouble, like a layer of dust on the glass.

Only when the glass is spotless can it reflect the world around it. If it is covered with dust, the reflected world will be unreal.

The same is true for monasticism. Only when the spiritual platform is spotless, can you sensitively perceive every subtle and real change in the avenue.

Just listen to Sun Wuben continue to say: "It turns out that Babidi thought I and Bidili were very bullies, so we moved the two of us to another place in the spacecraft, doing the same things as before, but also letting the strong to come. Kill us, but they don’t understand that although I don’t seem to be strong, I am actually pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger..."

Sun Wuben described his experience in the spacecraft with a serious and heavy face, with vivid and detailed details and rigorous logic.

Vidili opened her small mouth slightly, listening to Sun Wuben's nonsense. If she hadn't experienced everything personally, she would have believed what Sun Wuben said.

"In short, after we finally rushed through the door, we didn't expect to be outside the spacecraft. I think it might be that Babidi discovered that I was a hard ball and couldn't get the meat, so we simply moved us out of the spacecraft. , Since the spaceship has been out, and that spaceship cannot attack, so I brought Vidili to the heavens and talked to you first.” Monkey King shook his head when he said that, “So I don’t know what’s over there. Happening."

"Unexpectedly, this is the case, but Alin has recovered. It should be Gohan and Goku who made progress and killed Dapla, but that’s right, Gohan’s strength, killing a single Dapla should be no problem. "Dandy analyzed.

"Dapla's strength is actually not strong. The scary thing is his saliva. With Gohan's strength, he can indeed easily defeat Dapla..." Monkey King also said in a deep voice, no one could tell that he was lying.

"Sun Wuben, bastard!"

Bidili turned around and looked at Sun Wuben with beautiful blue eyes. Her expression was weird, like a smile but not a smile, but annoyed but not annoyed. She originally hated Sun Wuben, but today, Sun Wuben first participated as a monkey-faced man. The martial arts conference, but also strange and powerful with Monkey King, Vegeta and so on.

Then Sun Wuben sent her fairy beans, pointed her to martial arts, took her to the heavens, and entered the spiritual time house to protect her from being spit by Dapla's saliva...

It can be said that Bidili's image of him has been refreshed time and time again.

Especially the Monkey Kings, whether it is Monkey King, Piccolo, Gohan, or even Vegeta, are very different to him.

And Sun Wuben's self-confidence and calmness when facing the world king gods or Dapla and Babidi, as if everything is under control, his temperament, demeanor and ability impressed Bidi Li deeply.

"He is so respected and admired by Gohan. I thought he was also an upright gentleman. Gohan is really tender compared to him." Vidiri pouted slightly.

"Dandy, Bobo, I have something to talk to Alin. In addition, I have to go to the Mental Time House. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."


"You're busy."

Then Sun Wuben stretched out his hand and grabbed Vidili's hand naturally, and started the teleportation. In the sky not far from the martial arts conference, two figures floated in the air.

"Sun Wuben, where is it?"

"In the sky ten miles away from the martial arts conference, I will enter the spiritual time house next, you know, you can't go in with me again." Sun Wuben said.

"Why not?" Bidili looked at Sun Wuben, and suddenly the corners of her mouth curled up playfully. "I said Sun Wuben, you are very capable. I almost believed the things I said to the gods and Bobo. It seems You guy is really super dishonest, no, you are a bad guy with a bad bones."

Sun Wuben couldn't help but teased: "Then you are with me, a super dishonest bad guy, don't you be afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?" Bidili's pretty face dropped slightly, and her eyes fell on her hand. The hand was held by Sun Wuben just now, and it seems that Sun Wuben's palm is still warm, "Can you still eat me? ? And I'm very good. If you are not honest, I won't forgive you."

"I have forgotten that Miss Vidili is the nemesis of bad guys and the messenger of justice." Sun Wuben laughed. "In that case, it's better to stay away from me as a bad guy."

"What are you afraid of?" Bidili couldn't help but smile. "Although you are bad, you are so cute. As long as you behave better, I will not attack you. After all, you are such a strong and cute villain. It's rare, just like the world protects animals." "Oh," Sun Wuben smiled, "It seems that Vidili is interested in me. Then, if I date you, do you agree to it right now, or consider it? Say yes again?"

"Who said I'm going to date you!" Vidili yelled, blushing.

Sun Wu couldn't help but forcefully said: "You haven't told me yet, do you agree to it right away, or consider it before agreeing?"

"Don't talk I didn't say I want to date you again!" Bi Dili said crisply, but her voice was much lower.

"Ah? You mean to agree immediately! Great!" Sun Wuben exclaimed deliberately.

"No, it's... yes... think about it and... then... promise!" Vidili lowered her head and whispered. After saying the word'promise,' Vidili felt ashamed of herself, she still Never had an appointment with a boy.

Sun Wu himself trembled, his heart beating fiercely, and he didn't know why, but Bi Dili, a pure and beautiful girl, especially liked and paid attention, and couldn't help but flirted with it. Sun Wu didn't dare to joke any more, as a simple girl like Vidili agreed to date him, and if he continued teasing, he might be in danger of ignoring his gun.

"Vidiri, I don’t know if I should tell you that in my plan, the birth of Majin Buu is a catastrophe, but it is also a big opportunity. Of course, this opportunity is not mine, but Gohan. , Even Goten, Alans and the others." Sun Wuben said solemnly.

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