Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 874: Spike Dapura

The two figures suddenly jumped into Dapla's eyes.

"Sun Wuben!"

Dapla's pupils shrank, and his body instantly collapsed like a wild beast's fur. It's not that Dapla was so afraid of Sun Wuben and Vidili, but that he didn't expect to meet Sun Wuben in Babidi, just like walking. Ye Lu suddenly appeared in front of a person with a subconscious reaction.

"Dapla, I didn't scare you!" Monkey King smiled brightly.

In an instant, Dapura's body returned to nature, and he looked at Babidi suspiciously: "Master Babidi, have you taken in two new subordinates?"

Babidi’s eyes rolled, just a breath, and a smile appeared on his face: "Dapra, don’t care about this beforehand. You said earlier that you have made a major discovery and will definitely bring the devil Buu back to life. You can't beat those people, so make an excuse to escape back, right?"

Dapla turned his eyes on Sun Wuben and Vidili, then let go of the doubts in his heart, and said with his signature devil smile: "How can I, Dapla is the king of the demon world, no one in this world can beat Defeated me, I did make a major discovery, but I really want to say it here."

"Go ahead, don't have to hide anything." Babidi said lightly.

"That's it. I found that among those guys brought by the God of the Realm, there is a person with a very strong evil heart." Dapla said hesitated a little bit here, "The degree of evil of his people, we must control He is not a problem at all."

"Yes...Is it!" Babidi rolled his eyes to the side and glanced at Sun Wuben, "You mean we don't have to fight with them, they will kill each other? Let us get energy?"

"In this way, Majin Buu will be resurrected." Dapla said triumphantly.

"Oh, is it!" Babidi said, and then looked at the crystal ball. This calm performance made Dapla very puzzled. After all, according to his understanding of Babidi, he must have heard his advice. Will be thrilled with excitement.

Babidi has a headache now, and Dapla's idea is undoubtedly very good. If there is no Sun Wuben on the side, he would indeed jump up with joy, but now...

"This guy from Sun Wuben is completely invisible. He asked me to summon Dapla back, so there must be his intention. He wants to tempt me to order Dapla to take action, and then there is an excuse to kill me?" As soon as Bidi thought of this, a smile appeared on his face.

"Dapra, you must be very curious about why Sun Wuben and Vidili came here." Babidi said in a very calm voice, "Actually, I don't understand why they came here, because it was Sun Wuben and Vidili who didn't invite him. Come on."


The smile on Dapla's face disappeared.

"Master Babidi, what are they doing here? Do you want to negotiate business with you, and make a deal?" Dapla asked suspiciously.

"It’s a business, but it’s not good for me. To be honest, I don’t know what Mr. Sun Wuben wants, and I can’t help it. You know, I’m just a powerful magician who can fight melee. The powerhouses who easily defeat Pu Yi and Ye Ge, and there is nothing to do when he gets close to him." Babidi said calmly, then turned to look at Sun Wuben, "Mr. Sun Wuben, I wonder if you have anything else. ?"

"Master Babidi, what do you mean..." Dapla's eyes were sharp, "Sun Wu was here to persecute you?"

"Mr. Sun Wuben said all this, because I don't know how to say it." Babidi said.

"I think I already understand." Dapla said in a deep voice. Although Babidi didn't say everything, but the hint has been so obvious, how could Dapla still not understand.

"No wonder I have been summoning Lord Babidi but I have not received a response. It should be related to this Monkey King." Dapla felt stunned, and then the corners of his mouth cocked.

"Sun Wuben, I admire your courage, knowing that I have returned to Lord Babidi, but didn't escape. Do you think that even if I come back, you can still coerce me?" Dapla said slowly.

"Dapra, I really admire you. I used the meditation room to meditate for more than an hour. You must have spent nearly a hundred years of life to reach the level you are now." Sun Wuben mocked. He just guessed that it was not that simple for Dapla to use the meditation room to improve his strength. After reading Babidi's memory, he knew exactly what was going on, so he was naturally not welcome at this time.

Dapla's face changed involuntarily, but it was only a moment, and he returned to his previous demon-like arrogance. If it weren't for Sun Wuben's sensitiveness, he couldn't feel the change in his heart at all.

"I don't understand what you are talking about?" Dapla said, "But it doesn't matter. For a dying person, I am not interested in understanding his thoughts. To be honest, I can't even use 10% of the strength to deal with you. When it arrives, it will turn you into a scum!"

"People can be shameless to this point, and it's considered a kind of ability." Sun Wuben shook his head in his heart. This Dapla's face is very similar to Satan, and his face is no less thick than Satan.

"Babydi, I told you just now that I have to finish one thing before I leave here. Now I can tell you what it is, it is to solve a rubbish." Sun Wuben said.

"Solve a rubbish?" Babidi was puzzled.

"Dapla, let's do it." At this moment, Monkey King shouted at Dapla. Babidi's face suddenly changed: "Son Wuben, are you going to shoot at me?" Vidili couldn't help but turned pale, she bit her lip and clenched her fists with both hands.

"Babydi, although you are also rubbish, but I said that if you let it go, you will not break your promise." Sun Wuben said lightly, still looking directly at Dapla, "Go ahead, Dapla, if you don’t, maybe There won’t even be a mobile phone meeting."

"Dare to look down on me." The smile and arrogance on Dapla's face disappeared, and the uncontrollable anger spurted in his heart like a volcanic eruption.

"I want you to die!"

Dapla's figure suddenly disappeared and shot at Monkey King.

As soon as Dapla shot, it was as if the terrifying pressure of the sky was falling, and even in order to kill Sun Wuben, Dapla was a little ignorant of Babidi on the side.

The movement of the body brought strong pressure, directly hitting Babidi and flying back.

this moment.

Vidili has a suffocating sense of death.

She was as weak as her, even if Sun Wuben was in front of her, she could not bear the momentum of taking a shot to block Dapla's shot for her.

In an instant, Vidili was injured internally.

Even Sun Wuben himself felt the monstrous murderous intent of Dapla's blow, rolling over, there was a terrible and crazy will that would never give up until he reached his goal.

As soon as he shot, Dapla really went all out, forcing his full potential into a frantic attack, just like being forced to the extreme by Monkey King just now.

Although Dapla in his heart looked down upon Monkey King by a million points, he had already suffocated his stomach with Monkey King just now, and he needed to vent.

And he did not win Sun Gohan for several hours.

It made him ashamed in front of Babidi. At this time, Dapla also needed a victory, not a simple victory, but a hearty victory, in order to make his face look better.

It happened that Sun Wuben hit the gun.

"Good job!"

In an instant, Sun Wuben's qi increased from one million to one billion.

In a blink of an eye, Dapla reached the best attack range, and saw his mouth pursed, and he spit out a slobber in the direction of Vidili with a pale face.

"Damn it!"

Sun Wuben was furious in an instant.

Of course, he understood that Dapla's intention was not to kill Vidili at all, but that he had to protect Vidili, and the extremely weak Vidili was his weakness, so he adopted this method. Let Monkey King take care of this and lose the other.


When the saliva spit at Vidili.

Dapla’s huge pink fist seemed to light up from far away, rolling over with the momentum of rolling over the world. Sun Wu had a feeling. Dapla’s punch seemed to make his Sun Wuben crush an ant. Crushed to death.

"This way you won't die!" A grinning smile appeared on Dapla's face.

Either Sun Wuben fully resisted the punch.

Either Sun Wuben went to save Vidili, then faced with this punch... you would have to be distracted to save others, as you can imagine.

Of course it is impossible for Sun Wuben to save Vidili.

The next moment, Sun Wuben arrived in front of Bidili, which was the only way to spit out, and then Sun Wuben squatted and squeezed a fist, ignoring the saliva coming from his face, and slammed forward.

This punch turned out to be blasted at Dapla's saliva.

That’s right, at this moment, Sun Wuben completely ignored Dapla’s saliva, and as if to fight against Dapla, Sun Wuben’s punch was also majestic and domineering, and in Dapla’s eyes it seemed to blast from the edge of the distant universe , To crush him to death like an ant.

As soon as Sun Wu started his fist, Dapla felt as if his heart was being grabbed by a fist. The next moment, his heart seemed to be squeezed severely, and the crisis of death engulfed Dapla.


Dapla seemed to be captured, his fist blasting forward became as heavy as a mountain, and every inch of his body was extremely difficult to move.

The death crisis is getting stronger and stronger.


"How could it be so strong!"

"How could he be so incredible!"

Suddenly Dapurafu was like his I knew I might not be able to survive this time.

"Do not!"

"no way!"

Dapla struggled with anger, and the crisis of death caused him to burst into a powerful force that he had never had before. At this time, his martial arts realm had broken through his original level and entered a new height. This kind of height can kill Monkey King in seconds.

But it's useless!


The fist fell on Dapla's chest, and Dapla's entire chest disappeared, and then he only had one head and the lower part of his body flew straight out, and slammed to the ground far away.

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