Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 870: Dapla exit

"However, after the demon Buu is born, I won't give in." Sun Wuben glanced at Vidili, who was thinking about things with beautiful blue eyes. Vidili was too weak, and Babidi didn't expect to use it at all. Her energy is to help Buu's resurrection, so once Dapla takes a shot, he can not kill Monkey King, Monkey King and Vegeta, but Vidili will definitely kill him.

"With Dapla's despicable personality, he would even use Vidili as an offensive method to spit at Vidili to contain others." Vidili came here because of Sun Wuben, so Sun Wuben would rather be at odds. When Dapla played against each other, he must also protect Bi Di Li with all his heart. This was Sun Wu's idea.

"Let’s start, rock! Scissors! Cloth!"

Three hands stretched out, two fists, one slap.

"Haha!" Monkey King laughed, "It seems that this third game is definitely mine."

"Huh!" Vegeta said badly. Originally the third game was Gohan, but now because the third game is definitely Dapla, who knows Rock Paper Scissors or Gohan, Vegeta doesn't bother to say more. Up.


The sound of metal rubbing sounded, and the metal door not far away opened, and people in white uniforms filed out.

"A few...a few...a few...we are here to deliver food." The headed voice trembled. They were all very clever. At this time, they knew that these people in front of them had already killed very powerful people. Warcraft is also good, even Dapura has gone to the meditation room, and Babidi can only helplessly agree to give them a big meal.

If these people attacked them, they would die in vain.

Vegeta's eyes lit up suddenly: "Hurry up!"

"Yes Yes!"

Soon the tables were set up one by one, and plates of delicious food were served at the same time. "Everyone, please have a meal." The leader said respectfully after putting everything in order. "Do you use these to send us?" Vegeta sneered and looked at the man sharply. "Master Babidi's top chef has started..."

"Okay, Vegeta, don't scare these people anymore." Sun Wuben smiled, and then raised the volume. "You Demon Realm just eat something like this for dinner? Go, change the table. There are large plates. The bigger the better, the bigger the plate. It’s best to hold a beast yoko, so that a plate of meat is enough. Of course, small snacks and exquisite dishes are also needed."

The headed universe man was sweating profusely: "I see."

Soon the room was replaced with a large table, and a large plate of meat was served. After all, Babidi also has a subordinate who likes to eat sea food and has a super appetite.

It's just that they really underestimated the Saiyan's appetite. In less than 30 minutes, all the inventory was completely eaten by Monkey King, Vegeta, and Monkey King.

"One more plate, the meat needs to be bigger and more..."

"This grilled Nidasu demon is another one, it doesn't matter if it's roasted to be tender..."

"Hurry up and serve!"

Monkey King, Vegeta, and Monkey King yelled loudly after eating the dishes on the table in front of them, and dozens of cosmic people next to them were busy serving dishes and serving dishes.

"Yes... I'm sorry... all our inventory has been exhausted!" the leader shouted profusely.

"Is it cleaned up?" Sun Wuben laughed, "I think you can do it, otherwise, this Mr. Vegeta is very impatient, but he really wants to let Majin Buu be born in advance and play with him. Just for fun."

"That...that...I think it should..." The leader kept wiping the sweat from his head, "I will definitely find a way, please wait."

"Hurry up, I'll give you three minutes, otherwise, I think the consequences..." Sun Wuben sneered.

In less than three minutes, the large plate of dishes was served again.

Ten minutes passed.

If Sun Wuben enters the lobby where Babidi is at this time, he will find that Babidi is very busy at this time. In addition to Babidi, there are also some people next to him who are also very busy.

"Papa pat..." I saw Babidi thinking a spell, and a huge tiger-like beast in front of him was instantly frozen.

"Kaba pat..." Babidi chanted the spell again, and a huge fireball ignited, which completely enveloped the frozen beast.

Babidi is busy processing beast meat with magic, controlling the type of magic and the intensity of the fire, so that the same piece of meat can have different maturity in different locations, so the taste will be particularly rich and delicious.

This is also a very useful life usage of magic. Originally, Babidi was only used to make food for himself.

At this time, on a planet not far from the earth, there appeared a spaceship passageway where Babidi was. From time to time people came in and out of this passageway, and those who entered were bound to carry huge beasts, and some of these people even interacted with Puyi. Ye Ge is the same as Babidi who originally planned to dispatch masters to fight against Monkey King, Vegeta, and Monkey King.

These masters, who originally ruled the king and dominated their skills, reached hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions, but at this time they were dispatched by Babidi to capture beasts that could be used to make food.


This is a quiet room where you can't see your fingers, except for breathing and heartbeats, there is no more sound.

The room is full of various runes.

There is a tall figure sitting cross-legged in the center. After entering the meditation room, Dapla began to'meditation' with all his strength. With the meditation, the entire meditation room was rapidly withered and consumed. Dapla The vitality of's life force is also being consumed at a rapid rate, and correspondingly, the intensity of Dapla's breath is exploding crazily.

"so horrible!"

"That Vegeta, just the light from the body's leaking energy, will burst into flames!"

"And that Monkey King and Monkey King don't seem to care about Vegeta very much, but Vegeta really wants to fight Monkey King."

"And that Monkey King, those people don't seem to be optimistic about his strength, but he can play Ye Ge on his hands. Although he can't see how he did it, this person is by no means easy."

"And whether it's Vegeta, Monkey King, or Monkey King, they are all very different to him."


Dapla is the king of the demon world. Although he is a very imaginary king of the demon world, there are innumerable masters in the demon world who are far above him, but Dapla will never allow himself to fail.

But this time...

Dapla felt the sense of crisis and foreboding from life, as if he would die today.

"I... the king of the devil world, Dapla, is absolutely impossible to lose! It is even more impossible to lose to the powerhouse of this lower world!"

With this faith, Dapura walked into the meditation room. Fortunately, Babidi was not confused and did not stop him from entering this expensive meditation room at all, and even if he thought about it now, Dapura did not open the meditation room. Door.

In Dapla's eyes, only ten minutes was enough to trample the five people of Sun Wukong, Sun Gohan, Vegeta, Sun Wuben and the world king gods at will, but now for more than forty minutes, Dapla still continues to meditate.

"You can't fail, you can't fail in the hands of this low-level world!"

Fifty minutes later, Dapla still didn't stop meditating, Babidi was sweating profusely outside, he kept cooking beast meat with magic, but his mind moved to Dapla's place.

"The materials in the meditation room are almost exhausted. Judging from the sign of the meditation room, Dapla's qi is already terrifyingly strong, why is he not over yet?"

It was precisely because Babidi felt bad, this time that the enemy seemed to be so powerful that it was far beyond his own guess. In order to be safe, Dapla allowed Dapla to use the meditation room as much as possible.

Originally, in Babidi's opinion, a few minutes of Dapla should be enough.

And one hour, that is to really use up the materials in the meditation room, which will make Dapla reach a height that is unattainable in his life. That is an extremely terrifying astronomical number, and Dapla will never do that. Yes, because that would not only consume his Babidi material, but also consume Dapla's vitality.

But Dapla actually did this.

"Are those guys really so scary?" Babidi didn't understand, but he was even more anxious. If Dapla didn't end the meditation within an hour, Babidi would have to let people open the door of the meditation room by himself.

Time kept approaching the one-hour deadline given by Sun Wuben.

Finally the door of the meditation room opened, and at this time there were only three minutes left before the time limit of Sun Wuben, and all the treasures in the meditation room were consumed.

Dapla appeared unchanged when he stepped out the door, but Babidi knew that his life span had been exhausted for a hundred years.

This is also a terrible consumption for a race like Dapla.

But Dapla's face is full of smiles, and his eyes are full of extremely powerful confidence.

"Ten minutes is enough for me to complete Babidi's task, but Dapla will never lose, so it took me more than an hour and exhausted all the materials in the meditation room to come out. Today I am terrible even if I think about it. All tremble!" Dapla lifted his feet off the ground and was about to float towards Babidi, then he was taken aback.

I saw that the hall that was originally clean, only Babidi and Babidi, who was waiting not far away, was completely changed at this time.

A huge fireball flared in one direction, seeming to envelop a huge bison.

In the other direction, there were huge blocks of ice floating in the air, and these ice blocks seemed to be frozen with various huge beasts.

Some people are entering the hall with the corpses of beasts that appear to have just died.

This kind of situation is very familiar to Dapura, because he hasn't seen it in the devil world. This hall seems to be hosting a magician cooking contest, but the ingredients seem to be too big and a lot of them, and there are only two **** who perform magical cooking. In addition to Biddy's magician, there is Babidi himself.


Babidi turned his head to look at Dapura who appeared at the door, and his tears almost fell. He danced with joy, completely ignoring the food he was cooking, and rushed directly to Dapura.

"Great, great, Dapla, you finally figured it out!" Babidi called.

"Master Barbid, what are you?"

"It's so Babidi's face suddenly became serious, and said in his unique old lady's kind voice, "Suddenly I remembered that Majin Buu is a big foodie, so I practiced my hands, although Majin Buu will obey me, but such a strong man can't wrong him, just like I am very good to Dapra. "

Dapla nodded. Compared to the other subordinates of Babidi, Dapla received the top treatment.

"Okay, Dapura, you go, and you must teach me those guys! Especially the Monkey King!" When Babidi said the words'Monkey King', he gritted his teeth and was murderous, as if to the bones. Dapla was taken aback by his hatred look.

"It seems that something happened during my time in the meditation room." Dapla rolled his eyes, and he was not so stupid to ask what happened to Babidi at this time.

"Don't worry, now I can defeat everyone there at the same time with one hand!" Dapla grinned confidently, and then walked to the door of the chair lift.

"Finally, I can teach those guys, especially that one!" A cold green light flashed in Babidi's eyes.

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