Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 867: His Royal Highness is grabbing power again

"I remember." The scream sounded.

Sun Wuben looked at him speechlessly and always realized afterwards, only when something happened did he remember the Realm King God who wanted to explain. Just listen to the sweaty cry of the world king: "Because...because the beasts and ge is dedicated to eating up to survive, just now Vegeta's energy after becoming a super Saiyan is his best Food."

"He was right."

Ye Ge was proud of his face. He felt his belly while belching, and said proudly: "The light energy just now is really great. I have never eaten such good food. If I can, I really hope I can eat it again. once."

"Haha, Vegeta, it seems that you can't transform into a Super Saiyan anymore." Sun Wu couldn't help but said with a smile, "Because this guy will eat all your light energy, fortunately I won't become a Super Saiyan. People, otherwise they will do the same."

"That's not necessarily." Vegeta sneered, and then looked at Ye Ge, "idiot, since you want to eat, then I will let you eat it!"


Ye Ge looked at Vegeta in surprise.

"Vegeta, what are you thinking? Are you crazy?" Realm King God couldn't help but roar.

"Uncle Vegeta, you wouldn't really do that, would you?" Monkey King also called.

"Trash, look forward to it!" Vegeta yelled, clenching his fists with both hands and banging, once again the world was completely filled with golden light.

I saw Vegeta's blonde hair soaring into the sky, and her whole body was burning with golden flames.

Ye Ge's eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn't believe that Vegeta actually released so much light energy to feed him. Then Ge Ge was overjoyed and waved his hands: "It's amazing to meet a fool like you, then I'll have a good time!"

"Vegeta, this is simply an unwise move." The God of the Realm yelled, "I don't understand why you have to use your precious energy to feed the monster Ye Ge. This will make Ye Ge become more and more. It’s getting stronger and stronger than it can be."

"Noisy!" Vegeta shouted.

"Gohan, Wukong, you are persuading Vegeta." The realm king looked at Monkey King and Monkey King for help.

"This... I don't think Uncle Vegeta will listen to me." Monkey King smiled bitterly.

"Master Realm King, just watch here quietly, Vegeta must have his thoughts. Although he is arrogant, he is not a fool without self-knowledge." Monkey King looked at the play with an expression on his face. . The Realm King looked at Sun Wuben again, with a smile on his face and his arms around his chest.

"It seems that Vegeta seems very confident." Sun Wuben said with a smile, apparently watching the show with great relish.

"You guys, this is not a game at all!" The Realm King God cried weakly.

Ye Ge took a step forward, opened his big mouth towards Vegeta, and drew wildly again, a large swath of light flooded into his mouth, and Ye Ge's back and abdomen flashed brightly.

Gradually, the light around him dimmed.

"Have you been sucked in? Then I'll give you some more." Vegeta said, his arrogance lit up again, time passed, and soon the light around him dimmed again, but the next moment it became bright again. I saw Vegeta release energy again and again.

At this time, even Monkey King, Monkey King, and Realm King God could feel Ye Ge's breath rising rapidly, and this improvement became more and more crazy.


"These guys are simply unreasonable!" The Realm King God kept cursing in his heart, but he couldn't do anything.

Ye Ge felt that he was too happy. The energy of this light was too pure and powerful. Once swallowed, he could completely turn into his own power. Even he felt his own power exploding.

Suddenly Ye Ge felt a little full, his swallowing speed could not help but a little weaker, but this opportunity was too rare, Ye Ge did not want to give up, so the next moment...especially when he felt that Vegeta seemed a little bit When he couldn't hold it, Ye Ge once again increased his swallowing power.

"It's now!"

Vegeta's martial arts realm has reached a super terrifying level, and he immediately felt the change of Ye Ge.

Vegeta was waiting for this moment.


I saw Vegeta let out a low growl, and then there seemed to be a ball of light in his body bursting out like a scorching sun and an atomic bomb.

The sudden increase in light energy rushed into Ye Ge's mouth.


As soon as Ye Ge swallowed this powerful energy light cluster far beyond his body's ability to withstand, he felt something wrong, but his thought was just a flash, the next moment his body exploded like a bomb inside.


The place where Ye Ge was standing seemed to explode with an atomic bomb, and his energy swept through the world, shining brightly throughout the world.

The Realm King God stared in shock. The scene just now was unbelievable to be true. Ye Ge is a terrifying monster of close to 400 million, unexpectedly... it exploded because of eating too much energy from Vegeta. Up.

When Vegeta burst out just now, what level of power did it reach?

The God of the World King thought, but Vegeta broke out too quickly, and the horrible aura disappeared in a flash, and the God of the World King was not sure how much Vegeta had reached at that time.

"Vegeta, you actually burst this guy with the radiant energy alone." Monkey King cried out, "Yes, it seems that your progress over the years is really terrifying! It's better than I thought. Too much stronger!"

Vegeta couldn't help but a smug smile appeared on his face. Under the pressure of Monkey King and Klin, he was always aggrieved, but who would want to see another human being, and finally surpassing the human being, and a legend appeared again. Broly the Super Saiyan in.

If others were hit so repeatedly, they would have given up long ago.

But Vegeta is an extremely arrogant Saiyan prince, and he will never allow himself to be decadent. It would be better to die in those days.


Vegeta has been holding an evil fire in her heart.

In the past seven years, Vegeta has been carrying out a boring and crazy practice. He has surpassed the limit of his super Saiyan and reached a terrible height.

At this time, even if Broly reappeared, Vegeta will not back down, and has absolute confidence in taking Broly.


This time, Vegeta wanted to fight Monkey King very much in the world's number one martial arts conference.

"It's really Uncle Vegeta, you were really amazing just now, but you are really generous enough, so much energy was thrown away like trash." Sun Gohan also cried out in surprise.

"I said Vegeta, you are too unkind." Sun Wuben smiled, "You used to rob the scene when you were playing babe, and now you are robbing the scene. You killed people, what should I do?"

The proud look on Vegeta's face stiffened, and then he snorted: "I didn't mean it. Who knew this guy was so weak? Besides, I didn't make any move. I just turned into a Super Saiyan, that guy himself. I've been eating it and I burst it out."

"You said it wasn't intentional, who believed it? Did Goku believe it, Vegeta believe it?" Monkey King smiled.

Vegeta's face was cold. Of course, he did it intentionally, but he was so angry at the time by Ye Ge's behavior and Monkey King's words.

"No matter what, you killed Ye Ge, who was supposed to be killed by me, so you have to give it to me when it's your turn."

"I'm pooh!" Vegeta couldn't help but anger. "Son Wuben, you have had enough fun yourself in this scene, and finally coaxed me to make a move. At that time, you didn't say that to arouse me deliberately, would I do that?

"I did say that you can no longer transform into a Super Saiyan, otherwise you will be eaten up by Ye Ge, but you can't control it. Can you blame me?"


In the room where the purple light flashes.

"He... he exploded!"

Babidi barbed his teeth, his light bulb-like eyes trembling.

"Ye Ge, why did he explode?" Babidi's voice lost its naturalness in the past. The scene just now was too unbelievable.

"Yego, that stupid guy." Dapla looked calm, and he said coldly, "It seems that he was fooled by that guy at all, so he ate more light than he could bear. can."

"No!" Babidi shook his head, "The scene just now is really wrong! Ye Ge, he was burst in the last moment, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps, it seems Ruined!"

Although Babidi is an extremely powerful magician, in fact, because he is too evil, he is not accepted by the official magician group in the demon world. In addition, his father died earlier than Bidi, so the magic teaching he received is Flawed.

I can't judge a person's strength through the sense of qi.

It is impossible to judge a person's level through magic.

Moreover, the strength of Qi in the Devil Realm can only simply judge whether a person is strong or not, which is not completely reliable.

Therefore, in the eyes of Babidi, although Dapla is extremely powerful, but also under the row of Dapla is also extremely powerful, but not as powerful as Dapla.

Now Ye Ge actually exploded because of devouring Vegeta's radiated energy.

Vegeta's terrifying power can be said to be completely unexpected by Barbid, and it really gave him an ominous premonition in his heart.

Except for Vegeta.

In particular, it was the Monkey King that puzzled Babidi.

Although Sun Wuben can move instantaneously, it seems that martial arts is also good, and has some strange skills, but after all, he is an entertainer on the earth, and he is mixed among ordinary people in the world. It is reasonable to say that it is impossible to be powerful, but just...

Although Babidi couldn't see how Sun Wu originally fought.

But Ye Ge didn’t do anything to him. On the contrary, he seemed to be embarrassed. He seemed to be beaten up by Sun Wuben. Babidi didn’t understand what method Sun Wuben used, whether it was a real martial art, or other weird methods. , But being able to make a powerful monster like Ge suffer a loss is also an incredible ability.

"It's okay." The corner of Dapla's mouth slightly I think let me eliminate the anxiety in your heart, Lord Babidi. "

"Huh?" Babidi turned to look at Dapla.

"On the third floor, I will attack. I will let Majin Buu absorb the energy of the three of them and be resurrected in the shortest time." Dapla's eyes flashed.

"Dapla, if you are defeated by them again, I won't be able to sing, are you really sure of yourself?" Babidi's face is still gloomy, and his feelings are still relatively keen. Previously, Dapla and Monkey King When the group returned from the battle, there was something wrong with their expressions, as if they were secretly adjusting their breath to increase their strength.

Originally, Babidi still had some doubts, but now that he saw how Ye Ge died, everything became clear. Dapla did have some scruples about these people.


The corners of Dapla's mouth were raised higher, and there was a weird smile on his face.

"No matter how I put it, I am the king of the devil world, Dapla, what their power is, no one in this world can surpass my power."

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