Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 864: Dark planet

Three minutes later, the four figures separated.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I'll go ahead!" Monkey King smiled as if he had won the battle. The order of guessing is Monkey King first game, Monkey King second game, Vegeta game third, and Monkey King fourth game.

"Hey, the big frog over there." Vegeta looked at Yego, "I ask you, is Dapla the strongest under Babidi?"

"Big frog?"

Ye Ge's belly is going to explode.

"Do you want me to swallow you first, do I look like a frog? Does a frog have claws and feet like me? Does a tail like me? Does a backstab like me? Have me... "

"Enough!" Vegeta interrupted impatiently, "Yego, is Dapla the strongest under Babidi? You don't know, do you?"

"Of course I know." Ye Ge thought about it and turned around, "Of course Dapla is the strongest under Babidi, can you find someone stronger than Dapla in this world? He is The king of the devil!"

"Is that so?" Vegeta's mouth curled up, "Son Goben, Kakarot, Gohan, say yes, this time punching does not include Dapla."

"I see." Monkey King smiled.

"I have no opinion either." Monkey King said.

Monkey King smiled: "You are all like this, my opinion seems to be useless, then I have to agree."

Monkey King, Monkey King, and Vegeta flew up and floated to the rear. They were just three people, forming a perfect equilateral triangle around Monkey King and Ye Ge.

Sun Wuben was a bit speechless, and the three of them were obviously afraid that Sun Wuben was too weak and would be killed by Ye Ge, so it was easier to rescue him at a critical moment.

"Big frog." Monkey King turned and shouted at Ye Ge. "I am not a frog." Ye Ge roared, "I am Ye Ge, the most powerful monster in the world."

"It's you anyway." Sun Wuben exclaimed, "We have already decided that it is me who will shoot the second level, which means that I will deal with you."


Ye Ge couldn’t help but hesitate. In Babidi’s instructions, he asked him not to touch Sun Wuben and the King God. Before seeing Sun Wuben participate in the punching, Ye Ge didn’t think much about it, because he had been completely affected by Sun Wukong and Beiji at that time. Pagoda, Sun Wuben, and Sun Wufan were angry with their contempt. Later, they were slightly angry, and felt that even if Sun Wuben participated in the boxing, he only had a quarter of the chance, so it was not necessarily the first one to fight him.

"Ye Ge!"

A kind voice sounded in the room.

"It's Babidi!" Everyone pricked their ears.

"Ye Ge, these guys are too rampant, you must teach them a good lesson for me." Babidi's voice sounded'gently' in everyone's ears.

"Yes, Lord Babidi!" Ye Gelian said respectfully.

"Remember, the Realm King God, don't move him, that Sun Wuben, you can teach it a little bit, but don't make it too heavy. His bones look very weak. It's not good to kill him all at once." Babidi said again. .

"Great!" Ye Ge Xi's saliva fell like a broken bead. Now that Babidi allowed him to shoot at Monkey King, it's much better. Although he can't make heavy hands, it's also very good to have a warm-up exercise before the war. Not bad.

"Aben, it seems that even Babidi thinks you are not strong!" Monkey King laughed.

"Cut!" Vegeta looked dissatisfied, "A martial artist who does not practice and goes to the entertainment industry is simply not doing his job properly, so how strong can his skills be!"

"You two, didn't I just make a few movies and sing a few songs, is it necessary to be so angry?" Monkey King laughed, just at this moment--

It was suddenly dark all around.

In a blink of an eye, the whole world fell into a kind of extreme darkness. There was no sky, no ground, and nothing to see when you opened your eyes.

"It's so dark!"

Sun Wu couldn’t help but smile on his face. The Warcraft also came from the darkest planet in the darkest part of the universe. Therefore, the dark planet is his most accustomed battlefield, which can maximize his strength. In the original Dragon Ball, Bobby In order to let Warcraft Ye Ge complete the task faster, Di moved everyone's battlefield to the dark planet.

"This should be the dark planet."

Sun Wuben relaxes. It is impossible in the heart of darkness to observe the surrounding environment through the reflection of light with his eyes, so at this time, he can only use other methods to perceive and observe the whole world.

It just so happens that Sun Wu was born with Taoism.

Dao body originally possessed some strange abilities and senses beyond normal people, coupled with Sun Wuben's understanding of Dao Wen over the years, his Dao body became stronger and stronger, and his strange senses and abilities became stronger and stronger.

It allows him to observe the world in a higher dimension beyond the three-dimensional world, and see another world that normal people can't see.

At this time, Monkey King saw a completely different world.

Then Sun Wu naturally converted in his mind, converting the world viewed in other dimensions into a three-dimensional world.



"Mountains, earth, dark creatures!"

For a moment, a picture appeared in Sun Wuben's mind. In this picture there are ground, mountain peaks, and caves, as well as Sun Wuben, Sun Wukong, Sun Wufan, Realm King God, Vegeta, and Vidili.

It's just when this painting just appeared in Sun Wu's mind.


The sound of teeth fighting sounded, coming from Vidili's direction.

Everyone's heart shuddered. In addition to the extreme darkness, there was nothing to be seen in this world. It was also extremely cold. The coldness was a kind of coldness that seemed to freeze human souls.

Of course they can withstand this harsh environment, but Bi Dili is too weak to withstand such an environment very much.


Monkey King flew in the direction of Vidili.


He hit something hard, and the whole person was knocked back and flew away.

"What is it?" Monkey King exclaimed.

"That's a stone." Sun Wuben said, and with a wave of his hand, Bidili suddenly felt like a layer of warm air around her body. Although it was still uncomfortably cold, at least her body was not shaking anymore, and she felt completely able to hold it.

"Sun Wuben, is that you?" Vidili called. After all, he was on the high-gravity planet before, and it was Sun Wuben who helped her.

"There is anyone besides me." Monkey King smiled.

"Vidiri, did Uncle Aben help you?" Monkey King shouted.

"Yeah." Vidili answered, and then wondered, "Where is this place? Why is it dark and cold?"

"I don't know, it should be Babidi's ghost again." Sun Gohan smiled, "He should have changed the location to the place where WoW Ye Ge is most used to."

"Hey hey, kid, you are really smart." Babidi laughed. "Yes, you are in a dark planet. Ye Ge, give me a good repair of these guys."

"Hehehehe, Lord Babidi, don’t worry, when you get to the dark planet, the dragons are on their backs and the tigers are on their stomachs. What's more, they are just the dishes on my plate. I will definitely let them when I get here. Taste the frightening power of Warcraft Yege."

"Very good, very good!" Babidi said nothing.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

In Sun Wuben’s vision at this time, Ye Ge was so happy that he jumped on the protruding rocks, and finally landed on a rock that was picked out in the air. While making a grimace, he said triumphantly: "Here is my favorite. The Dark Star, I can see clearly, you are dead!"

"It's really the star of darkness," the realm king said in a deep voice. "The star of darkness is the place where Ye Ge grew up. It is at the end of the universe, where no light can shine, so this place is absolute. dark."

"Yes, this is the place of absolute darkness, Sun Wuben boy, didn't you know how to say that you have come to this level? Come on, I will do it first, or you will do it first..." Ye Ge was proud of it. With a smile, the space between him and Monkey King was not flat, but rather stiff thorns.

"I haven't seen anyone in such a hurry to find death." Sun Wuben grinned, and then flew away.

"It's really here!" Ye Ge squatted on the rock with an expression of watching the show.

Sun Wuben flew faster and faster, and saw him hit a stalagmite that was upright, but he was about to hit the stalagmite, but he stretched his foot forward.


With one foot on the stalagmite, Sun Wu himself used this force to shoot in another direction.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Sun Wuben jumped between stalagmites, and soon appeared above Ye Ge's head.


The fist fell on the forehead in the center of Ye Ge's eyes, and Ye Ge was hit by Sun Wuben's punch to fly far, and finally hit a mountain.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Ge stared with surprise. The movement of Sun Wuben in his sight just now was like Sun Wuben and Ye Ge were completely unaffected by the darkness, and he could see a small stone around him.

It was precisely because he was shocked by the smoothness and naturalness of Sun Wuben's movements that Ye Ge forgot to avoid Sun Wuben's attack. Of course, this was also because Sun Wuben's attack power was not big and not threatening.

"Ye Ge, show your strength."

Sun Wu himself flew up and landed on a stalagmite in front of Ye Ge.

Ye Ge Lu opened and closed his claws and grasped it, UU reading www. suddenly a violent wind surged, and when the wind passed through Ye Ge and the mountain behind him, the air flow separated to the sides.

"Wind, air current!"

Ye Ge felt the air flow separating to the sides, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart.

"This kid is a very good martial artist. Of course he can feel the airflow. He must have judged that there are stalagmites there based on the airflow."

Ye Ge immediately smiled.

"Sun Wuben, you are dead, hehehehe, although I will abide by Lord Babidi's instructions and will not kill you, but you will be worse than dead..."

"Don't talk nonsense, let's do it, if you are more verbose, I'm not welcome." Sun Wuben yelled lazily.


The big green foot kicked the ground, and Ye Ge shot out like a cannonball, spreading his claws high, and grabbed Sun Wuben.

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