Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 853: Happy Vidili

Sun Wu had pretended not to see Vidili's embarrassment.

"I think you should feel it. Although there is food and water here, the air is thin and hot and stuffy, but at night, it is extremely cold, and it will be as low as minus 40 degrees Celsius, and even the gravity here is 10 times higher than usual."

Bidili opened her small mouth slightly and her eyes were surprised. Listening to Sun Wuben's few words, she knew that this place is not something ordinary people can stay here. The air and temperature alone can make people die very quickly.

Even a person like her might not stay long.

"No." Bidili squinted and laughed. "You said that the gravity here is 10 times as usual, but why don't I feel any power? Even if the gravity is doubled, the weight of 100 catties becomes Two hundred catties, let alone 10 times, don’t bully me and don’t understand."

"Because Bobo and Bouma improved the Spiritual Time House, which can adjust the gravity multiples inside. You are not suitable for practicing under 10 times the gravity, so I adjusted the multiples to normal when I came in. Although there are The room, but the outside has the same vast space as the earth. People who are weak-willed and inconcentrated are prone to hallucinations..." Sun Wuben explained the characteristics of the spiritual time house in detail.

"So you should know that it's not that the cultivation base has reached a terrible level, and it is impossible to stay in it for a long time. Moreover, the spiritual time house has another weakness, that is, a person can only stay in it for two years, more than two years. If you don’t come out, you’ll never be able to go out. In addition, the spiritual time house was broken back then, and it was only repaired later. So, you should believe that it’s the first time for us."

"Who is the first time with you!" Vidili pursed her lips blushing, but she also believed what Sun Wu had said.

"Even so, what happened before? Why did we and Gohan and the others flew well and suddenly reached the previous place? What about Gohan and the others?"

"That place just now was in the heavens. The one who looked a little bit similar to Piccolo is now the **** Dandy, and the other person with a white headscarf and black body is the servant of the **** Bobo."

Vidili opened his eyes wide in surprise: "That is the god? I remember you said that Piccolo was the **** of the past. Is it possible that he can be a **** only when he grows up like that?"

"That’s not true. Piccolo is a Namekian. Because of the climatic disaster on Namekín, their clan sent Piccolo to the earth in order to preserve the blood of the race. Later, because of one thing, we didn’t have a god. And everyone is unwilling to take Piccolo’s class, so Goku ran to the new Namike star and asked Dandy to take over. He is now the **** of heaven. You can ask Gohan in the future. Dandy and Gohan are very good. My friend, as for why I came to that place suddenly, it's because I can move instantly."


Bidelli stared. Of course she knew what the word meant.

"How far is the heaven from where we previously flew?" Bidili asked curiously with her beautiful eyes shining.

"More than two thousand miles." Of course, Sun Wuben understood her excitement. "Actually, my teleportation is very powerful. I can perform fixed-point teleportation. The distance is not limited to the earth, even if it is teleported from the earth to trillions of light years away. The place is also a momentary matter. In short, as long as you know the coordinates, you can teleport from one side of the universe to the other side."

"This..." Bidili leaned towards Sun Wuben, her neck stretched out, her face almost touching Sun Wuben's face, and her beautiful big eyes looked at Sun Wuben excitedly, "Teach me this first, and then learn to calm down. ."

Sun Wu himself leaned back, after all, Vidili's face was too close.

"It's impossible." Monkey King shook his head.

"Why?" Bi Dili stretched his neck longer, and cried out crisply, "Do you think I have insufficient qualifications?"

"I don't know if your aptitude is enough, but now the entire universe will coordinate and locate no more than this number of people who move instantaneously." Sun Wuben stretched out two fingers.

"Two?" Vidili stared, not convinced at all.

"Our people, including the Realm King God and his entourage Jebit, as well as the Babidi we are going to deal with, have reached the highest point of the universe, but among us, Alin and I are the same person. So counted as one person, he and I will be positioned to move instantaneously, and the only thing left is Jebit, the servant of the King God." Monkey King said, "Your Gohan can't."

Bidili looked at Sun Wuben with big eyes, and after a while she retracted her neck stretched out a little frustrated: "Even the Realm King God, only his entourage Jebit, and you, even Gohan can't? "

"However, there is another person among us who can move instantaneously. It is Gohan's father, Sun Wukong, but he can teleport by sensing others with his aura. This is a very low-level teleportation."

"The low-level ones are fine." Vidili said excitedly.

"Impossible. It took a long time for Wukong's aptitude to learn it under my guidance." Sun Wuben shook his head. "You have to learn. If you perform well, maybe I can teach you, but you have to Be prepared to practice for a long time."

"It's okay, I can." There are happy smiles on Vidiri's face. The group of people Gohan knows, she is very interested in the secrets of these people, so she wants to learn all their skills.

"I'll talk about this later, let's learn how to restrain the qi first." Sun Wuben said.



Today's Sun Wuben, although this body does not practice martial arts with all his heart, but because of the cultivation of the Tao, especially the Tao Wen, the understanding of Tao is getting deeper and deeper. What follows is that a new world seems to be opened in front of him. , Thinking, vision, and insight are becoming more and more open.

The understanding of some profound and profound ways can often point directly to the essence.

Compared with the previous Sun Wu Ben.

Just as people from the modern world compare with people from feudal society, the depth and breadth of the knowledge and essence of things is terrifying.

It is precisely with such a reserve of knowledge and insight that Sun Wuben was able to point Vidili at the martial arts conference, and Vidili's martial arts has undergone earth-shaking changes.

This is something that even the Realm King God and Monkey King can't do.

At this time, it was easy to instruct Vidili to converge.

It didn't take long.

I saw Vidili closed her eyes, her breath quickly diminished, and after a while, Vidili opened her eyes: "How? I feel like I succeeded." But just when she said this. , Her anger swelled to her original state again.

"Yes, you did succeed." Monkey King said.


Vidili cheered and jumped up with a cheerful smile on her face: "I said it was easy for me to learn, see, it doesn't take long at all!"

"Although you did succeed just now, you are now getting angry again." Monkey King said with a smile, "So, you can't get out at the current level."

The smile on Vidili's face froze, and then she smiled embarrassedly: "It seems so."

"So you still have to practice, in order to achieve convergence, you can completely control your breath, even if you encounter a major event when the sky falls, you will not lose control, and this is also a skill, you must learn, I will teach you now..."

Soon four hours passed.

"Sure, it's enough now." Sun Wuben finally nodded.

"Yeah!" Vidili waved and cheered, but she wanted to go out a long time ago, but Sun Wu hadn't allowed it.

Outside the Spiritual Time House, Dandy and Bobo were waiting. At this time, it was not long before Sun Wuben and Vidili entered. Suddenly, the white door opened and only Sun Wuben and Vidili shot out.

"Aben." Dandy shouted again, but he had a very bad premonition, and he was always worried, so he didn't even notice that Vidili at this time was different from the previous one, and his breath was very low.

"What do you think about the world king **** and Babidi this time?" Dandi even asked.

"If there is no accident, Majin Buu will be born, and something bad may happen, but you don't have to worry about Dandy." Of course, Sun Wuben could see Dandy's concern, and he even comforted him at the moment, "We are here. , Everything will be fine in the end, in fact, had it not been for Buu to be a good stepping stone to Wukong’s martial arts, I would have killed Babidi."


Dandy stared suspiciously.

"Bringing bragging." Bidili whispered, and she didn't believe what Sun Wuben said.

"Don't worry anyway, everything is under my control." Monkey King said, grabbing Vidili's arm, "Okay, let's go first." Then he started his teleportation.

Dandy and Bobo sighed while looking at the empty front.

"Perhaps he really has a way."

"For Wukong's martial arts? Is that so?" Dandy whispered, then and Bobo turned and walked towards the hall.

Surrounding the grassy valley are huge rocky mountains that lead directly to the sky. Very few plants grow on these rocky mountains, even moss.

At this moment, in a recessed platform on the stone mountain, near the edge of the mountain, several figures were lying prone.

"There is someone there, is that guy Babidi?" Monkey King also leaned behind the stone, poking his head out and looking at the valley below.

A building with a big ‘M’ symbol on the top wall was erected in this valley. The only door of this building was open. In front of the door, besides Yamu and Spobic, there was a creature with a head like a long oriental melon.

"No, it's not him, I think he is Babedi's subordinate." The Realm King said in a low voice.

"The ground around here doesn't seem to be right, it seems to have been dug." Monkey King was still in the mood to admire the surrounding scenery.

Jebite looked and even blamed himself, because he had already visited this area, but found nothing, and now there is a spaceship erected in the valley below.

"It was digging, and I finally understand now. It turns out that they have been hiding the spaceship under the ground here, but I didn't find it." Jiebet thought of the love scene when he came to check it last time, feeling very upset in his heart.

"It's very possible that when we arrived on Earth, Babidi was aware of us, so he could hide so well." The world king gods were also in a bad mood. They couldn't find Babidi, but Babidi seemed to be able to find out. They, this is not a good sign at all.

"It won't be true. As the guy Sun Wuben said, all our actions are under the observation of Babidi." Sweat beads appeared on the forehead of the world king god. Sun Wuben said earlier that Babidi was observing them with magic, and Yamu , Spobic was a bait at all, the bait that tempted them to come over, the God of the Realm King didn't believe it very much before, but now... the God of the Realm King somewhat believed it.

at this time--

Sun Wuben and Vidili appeared behind everyone.

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