Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 848: Incredible change


The player room Sun Wukong, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Klin all looked at Vidili in surprise, and the world kings Xin and Jebit were also surprised in their eyes.

At this moment, in their aura induction, Vidili's aura bloomed all over, like a raging flame, which was as huge and mighty as she was before she stepped onto the ring.

"What a terrible growth!"

"The current she and the original her are completely two people!" Monkey King, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Klin were all admired and surprised, although they themselves after every war, especially after some life and death wars, There will be a terrible skyrocket in martial arts, but I am still surprised to see Vidili improve so much.

The other side was so angry that he turned into a Super Saiyan, and was about to step forward. At this time, he was very happy. The golden flames burning on his body disappeared, and his blond hair returned to black.

"Videli's anger, with this kind of anger, plus her martial arts..." Sun Gohan waved his fists with excitement, "This game is set to win!"

On the ring.

"The counterattack begins!"

Beatily jumped to the front of Spobic, then grabbed his feet with both hands, slammed up and slammed into the ground.


The ground shook and the mountains shook, and even the extremely hard boulders on this ring were exploded and dented.

"Canopy!" "Copper!" "Copper!" "Copper!" "Copper!" "Copper!"

Vidili seems to have become the previous Monkey King, holding Spobiqi to the ground and beating continuously. Her martial arts are actually above Spobiqi, so although Spobiqi's power may be very powerful. , But in the face of the fierce Vidili nowadays, he could not organize effective resistance at all.

Suddenly Spobitch was thrown into the air.

Then a figure appeared above Spobic's head, and Bidelli kicked one foot high, like a mountain axe, and fell on Spobic's neck.

Purple blood mist sprayed out.

A head soared into the sky, and Vidili's blow cut off Spobic's head, and then she punched Spobic's headless body.


Dust surged, and Spobic's headless body fell under the ring.

There was silence between the world and the earth. Everyone was staring. After the previous bombardment, everyone was not sure whether Spobitch was killed or not, but Vidili...

Vidili, who was madly beaten and ravaged by Spobic, actually completed a comeback at the end of the game. Instead, he beat and even decapitated Spobic. All this changed so fast that people couldn’t react to it. .

Finally Spobic's body moved, and he slowly climbed up and walked towards the head that fell not far away, then grabbed the head and placed it on his head, and then flew in one direction.

"Spobic player really did not die. So, our Vidili player won the game..." The dark glasses host hissed with excitement.

Vidili also fell from the sky, with a happy smile on her face, and she waved generously to the audience around her on the ring.

Immediately, the earth-shaking cheers resounded through the stadium.

After a while, Vidili walked to the players' lounge.

"Videli, great." Son Gohan greeted me happily. "You scared me to death just now. I thought you..." Son Gohan waved his fist fiercely, "Fortunately, fortunately. Then you became stronger again, and you started to fight back, and you became so strong after taking Xiandou."

"I also feel that I have become stronger." Vidili smiled brightly, "Gohan, I said, I will fight you in a martial arts tournament."

"You are...this way." Although Sun Gohan was emotionally slow, he was also moved at this time.

"And it's impossible for me to lose. I'm Satan's daughter. Satan is so powerful, how can I make him ashamed?" Vidili said with a heavy tone here.

Sun Wufan was a little weird in his heart: "Actually, Vidili, I feel your strength. After taking fairy beans, you have undergone earth-shaking changes. Today you can easily defeat the previous one hundred you."

"No way?"

Vidili looked at Monkey King in surprise: "You said my skill has become so much stronger?"

"Absolutely right, don't you feel it yourself?" Monkey King asked puzzled.

"Of course I feel that I have become a lot stronger, but..." Vidili felt like a huge wave in her heart, shocked, and after taking Xiandou before recovering, she felt as if she had overturned the mountains and the ocean. I thought everything was an illusion.

Because that kind of power was too strong, it was too strong to lose the truth, but now I heard what Sun Gohan said.

"It turns out that everything is true."

"My power has really become incredible." Vidili was so excited, she looked at Monkey King, and some scenes of Monkey King shot in her mind.

"Perhaps I reached the level of Gohan's realm. No wonder Gohan was so strong that it was unreal. That's how it turns out, when the martial art crosses a level, a new world will appear." Vidili thought. At this moment, not only did she see the shot scenes of Gohan before, but also the battle scenes of Monkey King and Arans appeared in her mind, and she also remembered the legendary descriptions of the battle of Monkey King and Klin.

"Vidili, I really convinced you now. I was able to continue to grow stronger in the previous situation. I really don't know what incredible changes happened to you at that time." Sun Gohan was very emotional, although he I know that my father, Vegeta, Piccolo, Tianjin Fan, Yamucha, Klin and others will make terrible progress after fighting a strong enemy. Even I have had such an experience, but Bidili is like this. The changes still feel admired.

"Unbelievable things really happened to me at the time." Vidili whispered, and the previous scene appeared in her mind. The voice that pointed her now clearly echoed in her mind. In that case, The feeling of continuously tapping one's own potential is still clear.

"That voice is Monkey King."

Vidili looked at Sun Wuben who was talking to Number 18 not far away with a complicated expression.

"Vidili, you don't need to care too much about the fairy beans that Uncle Aben gave you. Although the fairy beans are important, we can get them even if Uncle Aben doesn't have them." Sun Wufan saw that Vidili looked at Sun Wuben. , Lian said, "Actually, the fairy beans are grown by the Kalin immortal, but the number is too small, so we only go to the Kalin immortal if we really need it."

"Oh, is that so!" Vidili was a little curious, but her mind was not entirely in Gohan's place.

"That guy from Sun Wuben, just by pointing me, has made my strengths change drastically. It seems that he is even more terrifying than I thought." Vidili squeezed her fist slightly, but she wanted to fight Sun Wuben very much. In the field, but now feel the pressure.

at this time--

A figure came over, stopped for a moment when passing by Sun Wufan, and then walked forward.

"It seems that I have to play right now." Monkey King glanced at Jabbit, who was walking by, and said with some dismay to Vidili.

"Gohan, you have to work hard." Vidili said with a smile on his face, "I really want to fight you, and I have become so strong, maybe I might be weaker than you."

"I will definitely work hard." Sun Gohan's eyes flashed with confidence. Although this Jiebet was mysterious and unpredictable, his Sun Gohan was also very powerful.

It didn't take long.

"Next is Jebite vs. Masked Saiyan Superman..." The voice sounded.

"Vidilly, I'm leaving." Monkey King turned and walked towards the ring.

"Gohan, come on!" Called Vidili. When he saw Gohan had left Xu Yuan, Vidili turned around. She walked to Sun Wuben, looked at Sun Wuben with big beautiful eyes, then turned her head and looked at the ring. He said softly, "Hey, you are not too bad, thank you earlier."

Of course, Sun Wuben understood why Vidili thanked him. The previous voice transmission instructing Vidili was indeed what Sun Wu had done.

"Satan and I call brothers and sisters, and are also Gohan's uncles, and they are also your uncles. Of course, I have to help you." Sun Wuben smiled. Vidili's mouth pursed and stopped talking, but looked at the ring. Next to him, No.18, Klin, Piccolo, Monkey King, and Vegeta were a little confused after listening to the conversation between Sun Goben and Vidili, but not much. Thinking, after all, they knew that the reason why Bidili finally turned defeat into victory was not only because of her own martial arts promotion, but also because of eating the fairy beans given by Sun Wuben.

Soon Monkey King and Jiebitt both stood on the ring, just for a moment-

"Gohan, come on!"

"Gohan, come on!" shouted.

Only then did Sun Gohan discover that because Bidelli was beaten by Spobic, he was so angry that he turned into a Super Saiyan and dropped his headscarf, and then forgot to put it on, so he let his classmates from Orange Star High School I recognized it.

Now that he recognized it, there is no need for Sun Gohan to pretend it. He immediately threw away his sunglasses, but Sun Gohan was in a dilemma. After all, he didn't want everyone to know his true and Jebite in front of him is definitely not an opponent that can be defeated casually.

"You should transform into a Super Saiyan!" A faint voice sounded.

Like the original drama, Jebite strongly demanded that Sun Gohan turn into a Super Saiyan in the arena, which shocked Sun Gohan. In the players' rest area, the world king Shen Xin walked in front of Sun Wuben and the others.

"This time, we seem to have to take advantage of Gohan. I am here to apologize to you." Realm King Shen Xin said solemnly, "Besides, no matter what happens later, please stay in place for the time being. I hope you will cooperate!"


"What do you mean?" Monkey King and Klin cried as they looked at the Realm King God. Vegeta sneered coldly: "It's impossible for me to listen to someone from an unknown source. Who are you?"

"This person is Lord Realm King God!" A trembling voice sounded, and it was Piccolo who was speaking.

"Master Realm King God?" Monkey King, Klin, Vegeta, and No. 18 looked at Monkey King as if to verify.

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