Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 832: Vidili Detective Class

On the outskirts of the Northern Capital, there is a very famous scenic spot Breve Canyon. This gorge with a large number of bamboo seas is the private property of Wanneng Capsule Company.

The mountain wind gusts, and the bamboo waves roll.

At this time, in the bamboo forest full of mountains and plains, two figures of an old and a young are fighting against the tossing bamboos. The young man is a man with long hair tied up, and he is so handsome no matter which direction he looks at. The old man has a very face. Long, especially the man with a chin, this is the hero Mr. Satan that the whole world likes and even admires.


Young man holding a long knife.

If people from East Asia, such as China, Japan, and South Korea, see this knife, they will recognize it because it is a very traditional Chinese Guan Gong knife.

The long knife swung down and slashed towards Mr. Satan.


I saw Mr. Satan raised his hand, stretched out his thumb and pinched the knife with two fingers.

"Apprentice, with this set of swordsmanship, by now you are already a beginner." Mr. Satan said with a smile on his back.

"Master, please give me some advice!" The young man with the haircut looked respectful.

"This set of swordsmanship, I have taught you all that I can teach you, and the rest requires your own efforts." Mr. Satan released his hand holding Guan Gong's broad sword, "Remember that martial arts moves are dead, people are Live, let's go, today's cultivation ends here." Mr. Satan said that he flew up, crossing a distance of tens of meters like a big bird, and landed on the ground aside.

The man with the haircut also flew up, drifting across the bamboo forest like a big bird, and landed on the ground next to Mr. Satan.


A group of people not far away, one of them was holding a clapperboard for filming the movie. At this time, he knocked down the clapperboard. With the loud sound of the clapperboard's "pop", the originally quiet venue immediately became lively.

"Put away all the tools, this scene is perfect, no need to shoot again."

"Lighter, put the lights away, you don't need to take pictures, what are you doing with the lights."

"Who is the martial artist, go to Jie Wia."


Mr. Satan.

"Brother Aben, your performance just now was like a stroke of magic." Mr. Satan patted the man with the hair on the shoulder and laughed, "How about going to my house for dinner tonight?"

"There is really no time." Monkey King smiled, then took off the wig on his head.

"Dad." Suddenly a sweet and crisp voice sounded, and a bright figure ran towards Monkey King and Mr. Satan.

"Vidilly, why are you here?" Mr. Satan was somewhat surprised.

Sun Wuben turned his head and looked, his eyes lit up. It was a beautiful girl with black ponytails and black hair. The girl had big eyes. She was wearing a light green patterned T-shirt and ultra-short denim shorts. His youthful atmosphere was compelling.

Looking at the pure and moving Vidili, Sun Wu couldn't help feeling that, the 16th Vidili was so pure and beautiful that people could not have a trace of evil thoughts.

More than 5 years have passed since Sharu's death.

In the past five years, in addition to practicing, Sun Wuben also squeezed a lot of time to do other things, such as entering the entertainment industry, first making his debut as a singer.

In this regard, Sun Wuben has previous life experience, and he is simply familiar with it. Moreover, Sun Wuben can sing, music, and lyrics by himself, without stage fright, plus his face-defying appearance and decent eloquence. It easily became popular throughout the world.

After the fire broke out, Sun Wuben entered the entertainment industry from the music industry. After making a few films for the first time, he directed and acted himself. This time, Sun Wuben’s own screenplay, self-directed, and self-acted Dongfang Martial arts drama.

And Mr. Satan.

Although there is no Sharu game this time, there is no need for World Fighting Champion Mr. Satan to save the world.

But Mr. Satan deserves to be Mr. Satan. During the years when Klin disappeared, he first won the world championship in the fighting world with his very good skills.

With this capital, and because Klin no longer appears in the entertainment industry, Mr. Satan has made himself a super fighting genius in the minds of the younger generation through his super movement ability, and even in the hearts of 90% of young people, Satan Mr.'s combat power is definitely capable of overpowering the legendary master Klin, the hero of saving the world.

For these, Sun Wuben certainly didn't care.

Instead, when he was making a movie, he asked Mr. Satan to also play the role in it. Of course Mr. Satan readily agreed. After all, the role Sun Wuben asked him to play would not consume his time too much.

Sun Wu was originally a super idol pie star, coupled with Satan, every movie the two made was so hot, which also made the two people's reputation even more fanatical.

"Satan, it's so rare that Vidili actually came to visit the class." Monkey King smiled.

Mr. Satan also has some doubts. Vidili is a super busy person, and because Mr. Satan often speaks ill of Sun Wuben behind his back, Vidili does not like Sun Wuben, a world-class idol, so even the visiting class Will not come when Sun Wu was there.

"Vidilly, why do you have time to see Dad today?" Mr. Satan's voice rang out loudly.

"I didn't come to see you." Vidili said crisply, and saw that she came to Sun Wu himself with a cold face, "Sun Wuben, I want to get your autograph, okay?"

Sun Wuben had a weird heart. Other girls were looking for him for autographs with stars flashing in their eyes, looking admired and obsessed. It was better than Dili, as if his Sun Wuben owed her a million dollars, with a face full of unwillingness.

Sun Wu couldn't help but cold his face: "If I don't sign you, Mr. Satan will kill me alive. It seems that you have to sign a lot. Come on, how many do you want me to sign?"

"Do you know that I have to sign a lot?" Bidili was taken aback. She did ask Sun Wuben to sign a lot of names this time. Of course, she didn't want it. Bidili didn't like the so-called big star of Sun Wuben very much. She admired his father Mr. Satan.

Because Mr. Satan was famous all over the world based on his true ability, but this Monkey King was just a beautiful skin, and then acted in a few plays, sang a few songs, and became very popular, even in Some ignorant girls are more popular than Mr. Satan in their hearts.

And this Monkey King likes to shoot martial arts dramas, fairy tales.

In the play, he has always been the protagonist who is upright, righteous, and full of chivalrous spirit and high martial arts.

Generally speaking, filming in the show business is looking for real fighting masters, so that it is true enough to make people willing to buy tickets, but in fact, Sun Wu is not a person in the fighting world at all.

People who are not in the fighting world, don't know a little bit of kung fu at all, but in the play they portray themselves as a powerful martial artist, and become masters and apprentices, friends, brothers, and even friendship with Mr. Satan.

Some ignorant girls even think that Monkey King himself has a very good martial arts, otherwise how to fight against Mr. Satan?

This made Vidili very disgusting, because it insulted his father's martial arts.

If that’s the case, there are too many laymen in the world, and there are also some filming scenes in the entertainment industry that are not capable of martial arts, but Bidili knows that although Sun Wuben, the so-called big star, has a good-looking face, his character is not good. , Not to mention that he is playing big cards, just to say that he is facing her Vidili.

Vidili is the daughter of Satan, but she has seen many celebrities and even top politicians.

Others know that Bidili is the daughter of Mr. Satan, she will definitely smile, and even if it is unhelpful, she will be happy and kind, even if she is not happy in her heart, she will squeeze a smile, but now Sun Wuben is cold.

Since Bidili didn't like Sun Wuben, and she never chased stars, how could she ask for Sun Wuben's autograph, but she couldn't bear to have classmates and friends.

Among her classmates and friends, there are many girls who are super fans of Sun Wuben.

It happened that she was the daughter of Mr. Satan and everyone was well-known, so she was often asked by classmates and friends to ask for Sun Wuben’s signature. She asked for Sun Wuben's signature, but a large group of people gathered around and asked Bidili for help.

Vidili was so annoyed that she thought about it again, one sheep was chasing, and a group of sheep was chasing too. Since they came to ask Sun Wuben for autographs, they simply asked for more at once, so as not to be annoyed by those people later.

So Sun Wuben asked her how many autographs she wanted than Dilly, and Bidilly was a little surprised.

"You are Mr. Satan's daughter. Looking at your appearance, you don't seem to admire me very much. Of course, it is impossible to ask for my autograph yourself, so it must be for your classmates and friends." Sun Wuben said coldly, "In my reputation , Of course, it is impossible for only a few of your classmates and friends to want my signature, so it is very likely that what you want is not a signature. What is hard to guess? Okay, hurry up and get everything you want to sign. Come out, my time is very tight."

"Vidilly, take your things out, brother Aben is really busy." Mr. Satan laughed.

"Got it."

Bidili took out a universal capsule and squeezed it in front of him. With a bang, only a table appeared in front of him, and Bidili pointed to the table: "Everything in the drawer needs to be signed. Yes, the pen is here, please, Sun Wu, the superstar."

"Satan, your daughter really doesn't look like she wants to sign." Sun Wuben said indifferently. Mr. Satan slapped awkwardly, his face was a little hot. Vidili didn't look good to Sun Wuben, but he had a credit for him.

"This kid, Vidili, is like this to everyone, brother Aben, take care of it." Mr. Satan smiled.

"No way, who made her your daughter." Sun Wuben snorted, took the pen that Vidili had handed over, and then pulled the drawer to pull the drawer out and put it on the table, and then picked up a photo on it. Sign your name quickly.

Sun Wuben's face was careless and reluctant, but his signature gestures were flowing and flowing. Of course, the three characters "Sun Wuben" signed out were also like ghost painting symbols, which no one could understand.

This also makes Bi Dili even more uncomfortable with Monkey King.

Five minutes later, Sun Wuben put down his pen and then glared at the Wu Xing who was standing cautiously next to him: "Hurry up and help me unlock Wia."


Wu Xing replied and then stepped forward in a rush to explain WIA for Sun really played a big deal. "Bidili glanced at the martial arts that gave Sun Wuben Jieweiya, these martial arts seemed to be very afraid of Sun Wuben.

"It's better for my father." Vidili looked at Mr. Satan admiringly. The martial arts just now also helped Mr. Satan to defuse Wia, but each one was very relaxed and happy, and even the expression on Mr. Satan could tell. Respect from the heart.

Soon Avia was unlocked.

"Satan, goodbye!" Monkey King nodded at Satan and walked in one direction.

"Brother Abben, call me if something is going on. Vidili, let's go home too." Mr. Satan didn't care, he walked to the other side with a smile on his face.

After a while, a silver plane flew out of the bamboo forest.

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