Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 821: Kakarot vs Broly

Trunks was completely stunned at the time, and even suspected that the 18th injured Broly, but carefully recalled all the details at the time, recalled the clues that he sensed with his aura, and finally Trunks came to an incredible conclusion. ——Broli was hit by a qigong bullet from Klin before he was injured and flew.

"so amazing!"

"Uncle Klin is so mighty! This is just a clone of him, actually wounding such a terrible Broly!" Although Trunks didn't understand why this happened, he looked at him with **** eyes and roared. Broly was excited.

"And now Uncle Wukong is here too..."

Trunks's heart is completely relaxed. With such a terrible Uncle Klin and Uncle Wukong, what kind of waves can Broly get out of his madness?

not far away.

Monkey King looked at Broly.

"It's this qi, I didn't expect it to be so powerful." Sun Wuben was very excited and curiously puzzled. At this time, Broly's green hair was flying upward, and his body was burning with a blazing golden and green arrogance.

This look is very similar to Vegeta and Trunks turning into Super Saiyans.

And what makes Monkey King most curious is that Broly's aura is so powerful that he is so terrifying, but he was actually injured, and he still screamed with his eyes covered.

"This guy who hurt Broly is really despicable. He actually hit his eyes." A thought flashed in Sun Wuben's mind, but he also knew that even a powerful person like Broly would hurt him. Eyes are not so easy. Just like his Monkey King, if someone wants to hit his eyes, unless that person's strength is above his Monkey King, it is impossible to do it.

"Who the **** is it?"

Sun Wuben looked away from Broly and looked around, and his breath sensed a familiar breath in an instant.

"Tranks, Vegeta!" Sun Wukong saw Trunks who was so surprised not far away, and Vegeta who knelt on the ground in the other direction and looked terrified and pained.

"Why did Trunks and Vegeta come here?" Sun Wukong was very surprised, but there was a trace of doubt. After all, he was quite familiar with the skills of Trunks and Vegeta.

"It's impossible for Trunks and Vegeta to injure this guy, but..." Sun Wukong was taken aback again, his aura finally found Sun Wuben, Empress, God General, and Gohan and his group in the distance.

"It's the **** general and the empress, as well as Aben and Gohan."

Unspeakable joy filled the whole body of Monkey King. After all, he hadn't seen the Empress and God General for too long. Although Monkey King was heartless, he sometimes missed these two women.

Monkey King was about to teleport over, suddenly his back was cold, there was a feeling of being stared at by the terrifying beast that he might die at any time.


Monkey King looked over, and immediately met a terrible look.

I saw Broly one eye with fleshy skin, the pupil of the other eye, even the eyeball disappeared, but Monkey King felt that this eye was staring at him.


Broly still roared in pain.

With his terrifying body, almost any injury can heal quickly. Originally, this time the eye was injured. Broly also thought that as long as he waited for a while, the eye would be repaired. However, the pain has not been relieved, but a kind of more and more The stronger the feeling, and he has been waiting here for so long, constantly gathering air to send to the injured eyes, but the eyes have not been well.


Broly was full of violent and destructive desires.

"Who is it? Who attacked me!"

Broly's breath diverged in all directions, trying to find the **** who attacked his eyes, but then Broly felt a breath that made him even more angry.


Broly's uninjured one-eyed stared at Monkey King.

Seeing Monkey King at this moment, a scene faintly appeared in Broly's mind, as if he was lying in the Saiyan's baby cabin not long after he was born, and suddenly a loud cry sounded.

"Kakarot! Ah~~~ Kakarot!" Broly's voice mixed with pain, murder and tyranny sounded, and he strode towards Monkey King, and at the same time his aura rose again.


Monkey King felt that the intensity of Broly's Qi increased rapidly, and he was surprised and delighted.

"Kakarot, start the blood sacrifice with you first!" Broly roared, walking faster and faster, and the anger on his body became more and more tyrannical. "Wait a minute, have we met? And my name is not Kakarot, my name is Monkey King!" Monkey King yelled, but the next moment Broly turned into a green light and shot.

"So fast!"

Monkey King felt that his blood was about to burn with excitement. At this moment, he released all his breath and activated the 50 times Realm King Fist.


In the distance, Sun Wuben's eyes lit up.

"Yes, at the moment Broly shot, he raised his Qi from less than 10,000 to 1.5 billion. This fellow Wukong really deserves to be the protagonist of Dragon Ball and the son of luck." Sun Wuben said with emotion.


The big fist blasted towards Monkey King's head, and Monkey King also blasted his fist out, only to see Monkey King and Broly's fists collided with each other, and then the two figures retreated several steps in a row.


Although Broly transformed into the legendary Super Saiyan, he would be extra tyrannical and full of pure desire for destruction, but it doesn't mean that he really has no thinking at all.

At this moment, he was actually blocked by Monkey King.

Broly was also a little surprised, but then he became even more angry, and his anger exploded again.


The big head fists blasted towards Monkey King again, and Monkey King also launched a counterattack. Both of them fluttered back again, but then shot at each other at the same time...

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

"Kakarot!" "Kakarot!" "Kakarot!" "Kakarot!" "Kakarot!"

A green light lit up from time to time, and amid the huge roar, mushroom clouds covering the sky and the sun continued to rise, and extremely terrifying energy fluctuations continued to explode across the world.

At this moment, Trunks felt that he might be injured at any time in the stormy sea.

At this moment, Vegeta stared, and of course he could see the battle between Monkey King and Broly.

"Kakarot, this guy is actually so powerful!"

"But it's useless, it's useless, that's the legendary Super Saiyan!" Vegeta whispered. Only he knows how terrifying Broly is. Although he can see that Monkey King can be evenly matched with Broly, but Vegeta still doesn't believe that Monkey King can win.

At this moment, the remaining Alliance fighters under the female emperor were all lying on the ground and trembling, their heads all blank.

The female emperor and the gods stared like bronze bells, and their faces were horrified and horrified. They could not see Monkey King and Broly fighting, and they didn't even know whether Monkey King and Broly were fighting, but the shock wave of terrifying energy made them There is a feeling that you may die at any time.

If it weren't for Sun Wuben standing in front of them, it made them feel a little relieved, and the two women even wanted to turn around and ran away.

"That...who, is Wukong fighting Broly?" God will finally ask.

"Yeah." Sun Wuben nodded.

"Which one of them wins and who loses?" God will be nervous.

"Wukong is at a disadvantage." Monkey King frowned. In fact, both Monkey King and Broly's anger have exceeded 2 billion now. Therefore, even Monkey King is not very clear about the battle between the two.

"Slightly downwind?" God Jiang's face paled with worry in her eyes. She grabbed Sun Wuben's arms with a pair of jade hands, "Will you save him? Can you save him?"

Sun Wu couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"How is it possible!" No. 18 couldn't help but yelled, "How can Sun Wukong and Broly fight at this level, how can he get involved? Do you know what his combat power is?"

"How many?"

The female emperor even asked.

"Ten thousand, only ten thousand!" Called No.18, "You actually let him get involved in a fight like that? Don't be kidding me!"

"Ten thousand?"

The empress and the gods stared at No. 18 with anger on their faces. What are you kidding about, who can hurt Broly, and the person who rescues No. 18 from Broly will only have 10,000 combat power.

It's just that they didn't see the look of No. 16 and Monkey King, otherwise they would find that No. 18 didn't lie at all.

"Don't worry, everyone, although Wukong is at a disadvantage, there is no danger at all." Sun Wuben said solemnly.

"It's not dangerous, you..." The God General stared at Sun Wuben angrily again, tears appeared in her eyes, and Sun Wuben felt a pain in her heart.

"Don't worry, my father will not be defeated." Sun Wufan said crisply. After all, Sun Wufan knew a lot about Sun Wukong's strength. At this time, although he didn't feel how strong Sun Wukong was, after all, Sun Wukong and Bu Raleigh's anger was completely mixed.

However, the estimated qi of the two being mixed together is only 2 billion.

2 billion, in the eyes of Monkey King, it is impossible to pose a big threat to his father.

The **** will stare at Sun Wufan fiercely, so scared that Sun Wufan hides his body next to Sun Wu himself, still muttering, "At least at this level, a mere 2 billion combat power is nothing at all."

"2 billion is nothing, you..." The **** will be extremely angry, but very helpless, she and the empress watched with fear, of course, the most important thing is to use the air to sense.

Although the two of them couldn't sense the specific, they could still estimate the value of their breath.

At this time, the two of them were more and more surprised, because the fighting spirit they felt had been rising rapidly. Before, it was around 2.2 billion, but in a flash it reached 2.5 billion, and it didn't take long for it to be 2.8 billion...


"What, 3 billion!"

"It actually reached 3 billion!"

The female emperor and the **** general were trembling, and they were still climbing quickly after the battle breath broke through 3 billion in the induction, 3.1 billion! 3.2 billion! 3.3 billion... Actually, it has been reaching 3.5 billion before the rate of increase began to slow down, but it is still increasing, this time it reached 4.5 billion in two quarters of an hour, and then the increase in the Qi stopped unexpectedly.


Broly kept yelling, the tyranny in his heart had reached unprecedented heights, but no matter how angry he was, how he wanted to kill, or want to destroy... his anger could no longer rise, which made Broly even more angry.

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