Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 812: Transform, transform, transform!

The light hadn't dimmed yet, suddenly the empress and **** changed their expressions.

The position where Broly was originally standing in their aura induction seems to have a terrifying aura at this time. This aura is so powerful, it is like a bonfire in the night, and it seems that it is still becoming stronger and stronger. Horror, in comparison, the originally powerful aura of these people is as insignificant as the firefly under this aura.


Vegeta's cold face couldn't help but tremble.

"This is Broly's breath, how could he be so powerful?"

Vegeta almost suspected that there was a mistake in his feelings. He looked ahead coldly, and finally the light dimmed, only to see a group of golden flames burning in the original position of Broly.

A tall figure was coldly suspended in the golden flames.

"Super Saiyan?"

Vegeta was breathing quickly, and Trunks' eyes widened at this time. After the Super Saiyan was transformed, his body was also burning with golden arrogance, which was very similar to Broly at this time.


Trunks' keen eyes also noticed a little at this moment.

The hair on Broly's head did not turn golden and stood up against the sky. Instead, it turned from black to purple-black, flying upwards and backwards, filling his whole body with a frightening wild and violent atmosphere.

"What kind of transformation is this?"

Trunks felt his blood boil, but drips of sweat leaked out of his forehead. Although Broly's breath was not strong enough to worry Trunks, Trunks' heart faintly appeared. Good foreboding, as if the Broly he was facing was a terrifying wild beast.


Vegeta also discovered that Broly's transformation was different from him and Trunks.

"Purple black hair, is this the legendary Super Saiyan?" Vegeta's face flashed with excitement, but there was some disdain in her eyes.

"200 million combat power, really rubbish!" Vegeta was a little disappointed. If the legendary Super Saiyan had only such a little combat power, Vegeta really couldn't raise much energy.

However, Vegeta also discovered that Broly's breath at this time rose and shrank from time to time, and could not stabilize at all. This also made Vegeta not sure what Broly's specific intensity would be.

At this time in the Suppression League, beside Brother Stu and Spie, Sun Wuben smiled and looked at Broly, who was burning with golden flames.

"Mimic Super Saiyan?"

Sun Wuben felt a little bit emotional. Broly's transformation state at this time was the mimic Super Saiyan. In the entire Dragon Ball story, Sun Wuben had two such transformations in his impression, both of which were in the theater version. One was that Sun Wukong was dealing with Super Na. When Mekster Slug was unable to transform into a Super Saiyan, he transformed into such a mimic Super Saiyan.

The other is Broly's first appearance. After encountering Monkey King, he couldn't control his power.

Mimic Super Saiyan Transformation has been called pseudo-super Saiyan Transformation by Dragon Ball fans, semi-super Saiyan Transformation. To put it bluntly, this transformation is a transformation for simulating Super Saiyan Transformation. In order to truly become a Super Saiyan.

So the mimic super Saiyan transformation is far inferior to the real Super Saiyan transformation.

But this is only for normal situations.

"Broli is a born Super Saiyan. For him, the state of Saiyan, Super Saiyan mimicry and Super Saiyan are basically one. The conversion between these three gears, if you don’t look at The changes in his body don't feel abrupt at all." Sun Wu was thinking.

At this time, the whole world scene is completely clear.


Brother Sun Wu himself, Stu and Spie, looked at Broly, who was mimicking the super game, and his eyes widened. Almost the next moment, the two of them sweated like pulp and their faces were as pale as paper.

"what is this?"

"Why not die?"

At this moment, every member of the Suppression League, except the Empress and the 18th, seemed to have fallen to the bottom. Many people even trembled and fell into despair.

To deal with Broly, the God General arranged four sets of attack formations. The power of each set can be found in the database in the glasses, so almost everyone knows how terrifying the attack is.

"Unscathed, not even bloodshot, 150 million combat strength can't kill that guy?"

"Is Broly really immortal?"

"If this blow can't kill him, then...can the next blow be possible?"


At this moment, the voice of the **** general sounded between heaven and earth: "The last blow, plan d attack is on, and the power of this blow will reach 350 million..." Hearing this voice, each alliance member gathered qigong like a conditioned reflex. Bomb, yes, we still have the final blow, and the power of that blow will increase by 100 million.

There was a glimmer of hope in some people.

The rear of the alliance.

The two groups of horror aura rose up.


Vegeta, Trunks, and Gohan looked at the **** general and the empress.

The beautiful light lit up, and I saw that the female emperor was already flying from the emperor’s chair and suspended in the air. The **** general was standing side by side with the female emperor at this time. Electric lights were flowing all over their bodies, and their muscles seemed to be squirming and changing rapidly. The height of the person is also changing, and then the light completely covers the two of them.

"A heavy transformation lifted!"

"The double transformation is lifted!"

"The triple transformation is lifted!"


With the transformation, the aura of the female emperor and the **** will explode wildly.

five million!

Ten million!

Fifty million!


Finally the breath stabilized, and at this moment...

"78 million!"

"Ninety-one million!"

"As expected to be the wife of that kid Klin!"

"This is the strength of Uncle Clin's ex-wife, Uncle Clin is really amazing!" A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of Vegeta, Trunks, and Monkey King.



The **** general and the female emperor completely released their transformation state, and immediately put their hands on their waists after becoming complete, and the light of turtle qigong lit up in their hands.

But this time Broly didn't wait for them to shoot the qigong bombs. He saw Broly grinning openly, with a grinning smile on his face, and then he took both hands. Almost instantly, the palms of both hands lit up brightly. Powerful Qigong bomb.


The female emperor and the **** will shoot out the Qigong wave of the turtle school in the hand, and the qigong bombs in the anti-sailing alliance also fired one after another, and gradually the endless qigong bombs converged towards Broly's direction.

"call out!"

"call out!"

At this time, Broly flicked his hands, and the two **** of qigong shells in his palms also flew out. However, the crazy Broly did not throw the qigong shells at the crowd, but instead shot them in a bend. In the Suppression League, he himself was roaring and exploding again. His breath had been suppressed by Paragas in the previous moment, from 200 million to 150 million, but this time he was once again It exploded to 200 million, and then to 250 million, and it was still exploding sharply.

Broly's two groups of qigong shells soon shot into the crowd in the Suppression League.


Broly's Qigong shells are too scary.

All the alliance members that were hit by the qigong bombs were directly gasified wherever the qigong bombs passed. In an instant, hundreds of alliance members disappeared completely, but the speed of the qigong bombs did not slow down.

All the members of the alliance who were on the route of the qigong bombs were all dead.

"not good!"

The pupils of Situ and Sipai were widened at this time, and Broly's Qigong bombs suddenly enlarged in their pupils. Yes, they were very unlucky, and they happened to be on the path of the Qigong bomb bombardment.


"Run away!"

"I must not die!"

Situ and Sipai roared in their hearts to escape, but how could Broly's qigong bombs be able to escape.

Murder, suffocation, and a terrifying pressure completely locked them, as if they were frozen in the air at this moment, even their breathing had been suffocated, let alone escaped.

The members of the alliance in front of Situ and Sipai were gasified one after another, and the qigong bombs arrived in front of them.

"Hey, I still can't save it."

Sun Wuben sighed in his heart beside Situ and Sipai. Although Broly was so terrifying that he was unimaginable, he could not escape unless his combat power reached more than 100,000.

But this does not include Monkey King.

His figure flashed, and Monkey King appeared in front of Situ and Spie.


Situ and Spie looked at the figure that appeared in front of them.

When Sun Wuben stretched out his hand, one hand was placed on Stu’s shoulder, and the other hand was grasped on Spie’s arm, pulling hard, Situ and Spie brothers felt as if the scene in front of them had changed a little, and the qigong bomb shot from the side Over, disappeared in their eyes.

"what happened?"

Situ and Spie were at a loss.

A powerful wave of Qi swept from the front At the same time, the heavens and the earth turned into a blazing white, and nothing could be seen again.

"Broli has been recruited again." Sun Wuben looked towards Broly and shook his head in his heart. "This blow seems to have failed again." With Sun Wuben's keen sense, he could feel that Broly's breath had changed. 350 million.

At this time, in the air behind the alliance, the Empress, God General, Vegeta, Trunks, No. 18, No. 17, and No. 16, Sun Gohan, and all the Empress’s men looked forward.

"Must die!"

"This is the last blow!"

"With the concentration of all the strengths of me and the gods plus the alliance's blow, the intensity reached 350 million, and it is impossible not to die!"


The light dimmed, and the breath rush caused by the explosion of the Super Qigong bomb lost its initial strength, and Broly's breath also began to appear. It was not very clear at the beginning in the turbulent atmosphere of the qigong bomb like the sea. Gradually, it became stronger and stronger, and soon it was like a blazing sun, burning blazingly, and shining brightly!

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