Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 775: Let's talk about buying and selling

Immediately there was an evil spirit on No.17's face, and his eyes became as sharp as a knife. He didn't think that Sun Wu had really come to invite them to drink tea and chat.

Since they are not invited to have tea and chat, there is only one possibility.

"Another person who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, who claims to be righteous!" No.17 sneered in her heart. According to their original information, there were only two martial arts masters in the world, one is Kelin and the other is Monkey King, both of them are under the Guixian sect Disciple of the world, and the task that Dr. Gro gave them was to kill Klin and Monkey King, and then help him rule the world.

Of course, the 17th will not help Dr. Groh to rule the world, but defeating Klin and Monkey King, the two most powerful martial artists in the world, is his inner desire.

Only this time out of the mountain.

Before I met Monkey King and Klin, I met Vegeta and Trunks first.

Although Vegeta and Trunks could not beat No. 18 together, it was not that they were weak, but that No. 18 was too strong. No. 17 knew how strong he and No. 18 were.

"This guy and those people are in the same group. It is impossible to have a good impression of us. He is not afraid of us. He has only one point. He thinks that he is very powerful and can win us, even if he can't." In the heart of No.17 With thoughts flashing, Sun Wuben had already arrived in front of him at this time.

No. 17 was a little surprised. The man in front of him was so outstanding. The strangest thing made people feel sick. Even he felt that No. 16 was a bit similar to the masculine in front of him.


After a moment of surprise on the 17th, her eyes sharpened again: "If you don't want to die, let me get away, otherwise I don't mind sending you to the west."

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't come to fight with you." Sun Wuben waved his hands. As soon as he said this, No.17's heart jumped, the voice was too familiar.

"It's that person!"

No.17 was very surprised. When Sun Wuben and Daburma were talking in the Doctor Institute of Groove, No.17 listened to them, because people who could not see Sun Wuben and Daburma could only hear the voice. Therefore, the 17th also remembers Sun Wuben's voice very clearly.

Previously, Sun Wu was yelling from a distance, so No. 17 was not sure. At this time, Sun Wu was nearby, and his voice naturally returned to normal, so No. 17 heard it right away.

"How could it be him?"

No. 17 frowned slightly, but he remembered that Sun Wuben had said in Dr. Gro's research institute earlier that he was their relative.

On the 17th, I was very puzzled, and even thought of a lot of my relatives in my mind.

After seeing Sun Wuben's face this time, No.17 is even more puzzled. Does he have such a handsome, and seemingly good family member in martial arts?

"I brought some tea fruits, we might as well go down and drink and talk." Sun Wuben said.

No.17 paused slightly, and then sneered: “I don’t care what you want to do, just let me go. There is nothing to say between us.” Although No.17 is very curious about the relationship between Sun Wuben and them, he is very introverted. , Doesn't like dealing with strangers, especially if this person may be his relatives, so he doesn't even know what to do, so it's the cleanest to just blast people away.

"You two are very skilled, I have a deal..." Sun Wuben said.

No.17's face became ugly, he was about to attack Monkey King. How sensitive is Sun Wuben's clone at this time, and he immediately sensed No.17's thoughts.

"Lapis." Monkey King shouted.

As soon as this sound came out, No. 17 couldn't help but tremble. No one knew his real name except her sister, including No. 16 next to him. At this time, Sun Wuben called out his name, and he was a little embarrassed to start. .

"I know your temperament is not interested in trading, but I think La Zili should be very interested." Sun Wuben said.

No. 17 fist clenched and relaxed again.

"Then you roll aside, wait for yourself to say to No. 18, don't bother me anyway, otherwise I'm not welcome." No. 17 said murderously.

"It's okay, I think the 18th is getting impatient." Sun Wuben stopped talking, but his figure shook and teleported back to Ai Xinjie. Ai Xinjie, Tianjin Fan, Kelin and others breathed a sigh of relief.

"Aben, you are so bold!"

"No. 17 and No. 16 didn't make a shot at you, you are really lucky!"

"But it seems that 17th seems to want to take action. Fortunately, you escaped fast. You fled back with a teleportation, which made him feel jealous. However, everyone was prepared. Klin might have annoyed the two people. They might be chasing after creating people," said one by one.

Sun Wuben was a little speechless: "Don't worry, No. 17 and No. 16 won't come." Sun Wuben said that he stretched his body and sat on a horizontal pine branch with his feet hanging.

"Won't come? What did you say to them?" Ai Xinyu asked curiously.

"He said he was going to make a purchase with the two men and raised his eyebrows," and he seems to be called the number 17'Lapis' and the number 18'Laziri'. "

"Bick, your ears are really amazing." Klin cried. His clone is also perfect. Klin also heard the voice of Sun Wuben and No.17 talking in the distance just now.

"No. 17 and No. 18 are a pair of sisters. Their real names are Lapis and Lazily." Klin said, "In fact, they are not completely artificial humans, but they are transformed by the real earth. People are transformed, so they are not 100% evil, and sometimes they are very kind. I think this is why Aben dared to come forward to talk to them."

"That's it."

"What kind of business is Naklin talking about?"

"He didn't say that because No. 17 was not interested." Piccolo said coldly, "Then this guy said No. 17 was not interested, but No. 18 would definitely be interested, and then he came back."

"That's it." Everyone was a little disappointed, Ai Xinmeng looked at Sun Wuben, "What is the deal you are talking about? Can you tell us about it?"

"Don't worry, I'll say it later." Sun Wu did not watch the battle in the sky, but admired the scenery in the mountain, although many of the originally beautiful scenery here has been destroyed by the battle.

The battle with Vegeta and Trunks on the 18th did not last long. Under the ravages of the 18th, Vegeta and Trunks were completely beaten out of the Super Saiyan state, and then Vegeta was defeated. After interrupting his hand, Trunks also had his leg broken, but the two still stubbornly wanted to get entangled.

Finally, the 18th made another heavy hand.

A mushroom cloud surged in the valley, and Vegeta and Trunks were driven into the ground, and there was no response for a long time.

"I don't know good or bad."

No. 18 swept the blond hair on his forehead and flew towards No. 17.

"No. 18, No. 17, here, come here." Monkey King shouted.


Suspicious No. 18 looked at Monkey King, her pretty eyes lit up slightly.

"call out!"

No. 17 and No. 16 flew to No. 18 side.

"That guy is the man who wanted to release us in the institute earlier." No.17 said lightly, "He also found us before and wanted to discuss a business, but he was blasted back by me. Let's go and find Monkey King, ignore him."

No. 18 showed interest in her eyes, but she knew that No. 17 was cold by nature, and she definitely didn't ask Sun Wu what kind of business it was.

"Boy, what do you tell me to do!" the 18th called to Monkey King.

"I have a million here. Are you interested in getting it?" Sun Wuben smiled, but he knew that Lazili was a money fan.

No. 18's blue eyes lit up.

No.17 frowned slightly and sighed in his heart. Of course he knew his sister’s nature to love money, but No.17 also wondered how the person who claimed to be their relative knew how to use money to seduce his sister. Is it really very close to them? Someone close?

"Let's go, number 17."

No. 18 flew in the direction of Sun Wu, and No. 17 had no choice but to fly behind her. No. 16 shrugged. He had nowhere to go now, so he could only follow No. 17 and No. 18.

"Hey, are you rich?"

On the 18th, he looked at Sun Wu’s Ben, mainly to look at the clothes on the Sun Wu himself. After all, what a person wears can tell whether he has money or not, but on the 18th, he is disappointed. The clothes on Sun Wu himself are very ordinary.

"I have no money." As soon as Sun Wuben spoke, No. 18's face changed and he was about to have an attack.

"But I have money in my family." Sun Wuben smiled, "Universal Capsule Company, do you know?"

"Your family is Magnum Capsule Company?" No.18 exclaimed. Of course she knows Magnum Capsule Company, and Dr. Gro is a top scientist, but Dr. Gro admires Dr. Brives of Magnum Capsule Company very much.

"Everyone here can prove that my family is the Magnum Capsule Company." Sun Wuben pointed to the people around him.

On the 18th, I even looked at Piccolo, Tianjin Fan, Yamucha, Aijia sisters, etc., but these people had weird faces. Sun Wu was not a member of the Universal Capsule Company. Of course, he insisted on saying that his family is the Universal Capsule Company. Can't be wrong, after all everyone knows his relationship with Bouma.

Of course, what is even more bizarre is that the artificial man on the 18th was actually called by Sun Wuben, and it seemed that he was not here to fight, but for the one million Sun Wuben said.

Could it be that this cyborg would really be tempted by the million in Sun Wuben's mouth? If they had known this a long time ago, they would still be worried about the ass, the problem that can be solved with money, as long as it is thrown to the Bouma family, it is not a problem at all.

"I remember Dr. Groo said that the current leader of the Universal Capsule Company is Dr. that is a middle-aged man with a beard, you are so young, you should not be Dr. Brives, right? , And Dr. Brives probably doesn’t know how to martial arts.” No.18 said coldly.

"Of course I am not Dr. Brives, he is my father-in-law." Sun Wuben said.

"That's it, you are so handsome, I believe you are the son-in-law of the Brives family." No.18 Qiao eyebrows raised coldly, "In this case, one million is too little."

"You haven't heard what kind of business it is, you don't think it is too small?" Monkey King was speechless.

"No matter what the transaction is, with your net worth, don't you think one million is a beggar!" No. 18 suddenly became sharp-edged.

Beek, Tianjin Fan, Yamucha, Ai Xinjie and others have even more weird looks. They don’t even see the appearance of the 18th, because they don’t think there is too much money, and they are starting to bargain.

Is this really a shivering artificial person?

At this time, the ground below the valley exploded, and two figures shot out, only to see Vegeta and Trunks shooting into the sky, then glanced at Sun Wuben's side.

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