"Buma, this can't work." Taisi bulged her mouth, as if she was very anxious and yelled, "The reason why Klin wanted to separate is because it is unfair for two souls to occupy one body. Every soul is unfair. You can’t really pursue your own happiness. Now that you’re separated, you’re no longer the original Klin, and your relationship with him has ceased. We all have the right to pursue him, don’t you say that?” The last sentence is Xiang Da Boomer said.

Big Boomer glanced at Sun Wuben, with a flower-like smile on her face: "Klin is really attractive, much better than Vegeta. If it were me, I would pursue him."

Bouma suddenly became anxious.

"How can you do this? Aben, tell me, what do you think?"

"Taisi was not completely wrong." Sun Wu ignored Bouma's angry eyes. He raised his head and looked at the dragon in the sky. "The reason why Klin and I are separated is indeed because the two occupy one body. You can’t do whatever you want."

"You think that too?" Tears rolled out of Bouma's eyes. "You also want to pursue your own happiness and get rid of me? Want to break up with me?"

"What do you think, silly girl." Monkey King took a step forward and went to hug Bouma. Bouma pushed away Sun Wuben angrily: "What do you think?"

"What can I think? Everyone was joking with you just now." Monkey King coaxed, "How could I break up with you, I'm really scared of you!"

"But I feel you are serious." Boomer called.

"Buma, stop making trouble." Sun Wuben felt a little helpless. "Even if I have other ideas, they are mainly martial arts. Do you think that a cultivator like me will have time to do other bad things?"

Boomer was stunned. Indeed, the man in front of him was a terrifying and lonely guy who had only martial arts in his mind. Back then, she took the initiative to catch up with others.

"No matter what, even if you are divided into two, three, four or five, each clone must come to accompany me." Bouma snorted.

"Of course." Sun Wuben hugged Bouma, "such a lovely person, neither the current me nor the other me can't give up, you have to believe in your own charm."

"It will speak sweetly." Bouma pursed her lips, and she pushed Sun Wuben, "Hurry up and make a wish, Shenlong can't wait."

"Elder, please ask Shenlong to help me make two bodies for me, one must fit me, and the other must fit the other soul in my body." Monkey King said to the elder, Bouma. , Da Buma, Tai Si, and the Great Elder were all stunned. After all, Sun Wu originally said that he had to be divided into two people, but it doesn't seem to be the case now.

"Aben, what do you mean?" Klin's voice sounded again.

"Alin, didn't I just say that even if we are separated, we are still one person." Sun Wuben replied to Klin in his heart, "Don't you forget, I can do it, and I also taught it to you, so As long as Shenlong makes a body for each of us, we can keep our current body, and at the same time you and I each have a clone that belongs to us."

Klin was taken aback for a moment, and then an excited voice sounded: "It's great, this idea is absolutely perfect, yes, in this way, we only have one more clone each, which means that we have three lives. Even if one of the bodies has an accident, it won't die because of it, Aben, your idea is great. This is what you call the Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit."

"I made this wish, not because I was afraid of death." Sun Wuben was a little weird in his heart, and he didn't explain much.

At this time everyone also came back to their senses.

"Don't you want Shenlong to divide you into two people? Why do you just want two bodies?" Da Buma cried out doubtfully. Bouma shook Sun Wuben's arm, "How did you change your mind?"

"Two bodies are enough for me, because I know how to do avatar." Sun Wuben said and glanced at Bouma, "Why change your mind? It's not about what you just said I divided into three or four... You With such a big number, if I really become only two people, how can I please you?"

"Cut, you won't deliberately please me." Boomer smiled and cursed, but there was a touch of touch in her eyes.

Da Buma and Tai Si looked at Monkey King in surprise.

"You can do it? What kind of ability is this?"

"This is the superpower that I learned from the star of Adrat in my previous life. It can divide my soul into two or even three points, and attach to the body of the person who has just died, turning that person into a clone of myself... "Sun Wuben explained it a bit, Da Buma, Tai Si, Da Elder, Pi Lu and others were all amazed.

"Really amazing ability." The elder sighed with emotion. "We Namekians can differentiate new lives infinitely, but every new life differentiated is a brand new life. Having your own main thought is equivalent to yours. It's the same as humans have children."

"If that's the case, why do you only ask Shenlong for two bodies?" Tays wondered, "In fact, you can get a few more. It's very convenient to do everything."

"I don't know why, I feel that it's not good for me to get a few more." Sun Wuben shook his head, "I think, since I feel that way in my heart, I don't want to try it randomly, and the two clones are enough. Elder, please make a wish to Shenlong."

"Okay." The elder looked at the dragon, "Bolunga, please help Mr. Klin to get two bodies, each of which fits the two souls in his body."

"This wish, it's very simple." Shenlong's majestic voice sounded, and his eyes shot at Monkey King, who immediately felt a voice in his heart, "Let go of your mind and imagine the body you want in your mind. "

"You can also customize your body?" Sun Wuben was a little surprised, and then he even imagined his last life in his mind, that is, the appearance of his body before he crossed into the Dragon Ball world.

"Shenlong, it looks like this in general, but please change the details for me, so that each part has the golden ratio, more perfect and flawless, in line with the heaven and the aesthetics..."

"Perfect, flawless, in line with heaven and aesthetics..." Shenlong's voice resounded in Sun Wuben's mind, and he seemed a little surprised, "It costs me a lot of energy, and it really fits what you said. It's impossible to do it. When it arrives, I can only do my best to make it more in line with the requirements you said..." Then the voice of Shenlong stopped. After a long time, Sun Wu had waited impatiently.

Suddenly, Sun Wuben's eyes lit up, feeling as if he appeared in a void, a golden light flashed in front of him, and a figure appeared.

It was the figure of a man with his back to Sun Wuben.

Just seeing his back, Sun Wuben’s eyes lit up, and the man slowly turned around. In an instant, Sun Wuben’s heart trembled. This is a sunny, handsome, and handsome man who makes the world seem bright at first sight. .

The most important thing is that although this man is so handsome, the corners of his eyes and eyebrows are very similar to the body of Monkey King when he was on the earth in the 21st century.


Sun Wuben was so excited that he wanted to cry.

At this time, Shenlong’s voice sounded: "It meets the requirements you said. There are 36 options that I can do. Now the first option that appears in front of you is the first option. Don’t rush to choose. First look at all 36 options. Finish it."

"Also?" Sun Wu was puzzled. A golden light lit up next to the man in front of him. Then there was another perfect man's back. Then the man slowly turned around, and Sun Wuben was excited again.

The second man who appeared was still perfect, his eyebrows were very similar to those in the first life of Monkey King, but compared with the next body, he was a little different.

"This is also perfectly in line with heaven and aesthetics?" Monkey King exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, in fact, every intelligent creature that appears is in line with the aesthetics of the heavens." Shenlong's voice sounded, "but the heavens are high and low, and human growth will be affected by the environment and become disabled, so it is becoming less and less aesthetics. , Please see the third option..."

There was another golden light, and a third figure appeared.

Then one after another appeared...It didn't take long for all the 36 figures to appear. At this time, Sun Wuben was completely dazzled. After all, each of these figures is perfect and beautiful, and each one is not bad. How should I choose?

"Shenlong, can you give some hints? For example, each person's advantages and disadvantages and other attributes?" Sun Wuben asked.


Then a description of this figure appeared beside the latter figure~www.NovelMTL.com~ At the same time, Klin also encountered the same situation as Sun Wuben. The same 36 figures appeared in front of Klin. Similarly, Klin There was no choice at all, and finally had to be prompted by Shenlong.

With attributes, you can compare various abilities. For example, the first figure can control time, the second figure is suitable for scientific research, the third figure has a strong charm value and affinity, and the fourth figure has a very Strong spatial ability, the fifth way is suitable for martial arts...

Soon Sun Wuben pointed to a figure in the middle: "It's him."

"you sure?"


"That's good." Then all the images disappeared, and Sun Wuben's vision returned to normal.


A golden light shining in front of everyone, blasting on the ground in front of Sun Wu himself, the golden light disappeared, and there was a man about 1.8 meters tall lying there. The man was dressed in black and closed his eyes as if he was asleep, but he There was no breath at all in his body, and he couldn't hear his heartbeat.

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