
A mushroom cloud surged into the sky, and a figure shot out from it, floating in the air panting heavily.

"It's still not enough, but forget it. Let's take a break." Immortal Turtle flies slowly to the side of the high mountain. He let go of his aura. Like Qiqi and Vidili, Immortal Turtle will also let go every day. Feel the breath and see if there is anything special happening on the earth.

"Klin, Buma, they seem to have disappeared, it's really strange." Immortal Turtle whispered for a moment, and he sensed a very familiar breath in his breath-the breath of Yamucha.

"No, no, how could the breath of Yamu tea appear on the earth." Immortal Turtle thought for a moment, shook his head and muttered to himself, but that breath—the breath of being with Klin is indeed It is indeed the breath of Yamu Tea, and the location is still in the Buma House, the capital of the west.

Immortal Turtle thought for a while, the breath of Yamu Tea became more and more obvious, and the breath of Kelin with Yamucha seemed to be a little different from the one last time.

"Strange, they are in the Bouma house, but why only their breath." At this time, the turtle immortal also discovered a very strange phenomenon. The whole earth, Kiki, Vidili, Bouma, Trunks The breath disappeared.

"What happened?"

Immortal Turtle is very old, and he immediately felt something wrong. He flew up into the sky and flew towards the Bouma family. In just a moment, three figures shot towards the west capital hundreds of miles away.

"Teacher Wu Tian!"

"Teacher Wu Tian!" Ya Mucha and Klin shouted loudly.

"You?" Guixian's eyes were round, and two figures flew towards him. One of them was Yamucha, which was exactly what he remembered. Even the moment he saw Yamucha, Guixian had a feeling. , As if back to what it was twenty years ago.


Yamucha and Kelin hovered in front of Guixianren, both of them were very excited.

At this time, Guixianren also discovered Klin next to Yamucha. Unlike the last time he saw Klin, the height, breath, and appearance of this Klin were completely the same as the one he remembered 17 years ago.

"What's going on?" Immortal Turtle's voice trembled a little.

"We are resurrected," Klin said.

"Resurrection?" Immortal Turtle opened his mouth, a little dazed, "Aren't the gods and Piccolo dead? Haven't the dragons disappeared? How can you be resurrected?"

"It's Bouma and the others who went to Xinnamike." Yamucha called.

"Buma went to New Namik?" Immortal Turtle stared, his face was full of doubt. If Buma knew the location of New Namik, she would have to wait until today.

"What about Bouma? Why can't I feel her breath?" Guixian asked.

"They all went to the King Star of the Northern Territory." Klin said.

"Northern King Star?" Immortal Gui felt a little confused in his mind, "What the **** is going on, why do I get more confused as I listen?"

"We just resurrected, and it's not very clear. I think it has something to do with Klin in another world." Ya Mucha said, telling the Guixian about everything she knew.


The King of the Northern Realm, at this time, the King of the Northern Realm stared at Bouma, Da Bouma, Trunks, Taisi, Vidili, Dandy and Monkey King.

"He really is Lord Realm King?"

"The gravity of this planet is really great, I can feel uncomfortable, but the most surprising thing is that this planet is so small."

"It's not like the planet where Lord Realm lives. It's not as big as my home. The grade is too low!" Bouma, Da Bouma, Taisi, Vidili are twittering, especially when their gazes are towards the northern boundary. The king is like a monkey watching a zoo.

"Be respectful, I am the Lord Realm King in charge of the North Galaxy!" The King of the North Realm is helpless. Of course he knows these people. After all, occasionally he will turn his sights on the earth, and the Bouma family is the main concern after the earth. , Vidili, Qiqi and others.

However, the words of the King of the North were obviously not heard by Bouma and others.

Bu Ma reached out and grabbed the black tentacles on the head of the North Realm King: "Did you use this to peep?"

"Peeping?" The North Realm King was taken aback, and then burst into laughter, "It's so funny, so funny, I used my tentacles to steal...Huh, that's not right...this is cursing me!" The North Realm king's face stretched, this Shida Buma drew the height of the Northern Realm King with his hands: "Realm King, speaking of you are really short, is it because the gravity of this planet is too large that you can't grow taller?"

"Because the planet's gravity is too high, it doesn't grow tall?" The King of the North slapped his hands, his eyes lit up, "This joke has a deep foundation, hahahaha...it's so funny, it's really..." On the ground, tears came out.


Big Bouma, Bouma, Trunks, Vidili, and Taisi stared at the realm king who was laughing and tearing.

The King of the Northern Realm laughed for a long time before he stopped laughing. He got up from the ground, patted his clothes with both hands, and looked at Monkey King: "Yes, the people you brought with you are very good, although they are still a little worse than mine. ."

"Master Jie Wang, I have something to ask you for help." Monkey King said, pointing to Dandy, "You should know Dandy."

"The genius on Namek, I know." The King of the Northern Realm glanced at Dandy and withdrew his gaze. A trace of embarrassment suddenly appeared on his face. "Kling, I lied to you for a reason, and it was also for you. Okay, for the good of the earth, by the way, it seems that the humanoid hasn't been killed by you yet, why did you find Namek?"

"No waves can be turned on the 17th and 18th, so don't worry about the world king." Sun Wuben said.

The Northern Realm King was expressionless, things were already like this, what else could he say.

"That's it. We have asked Shenlong to restore the earth’s fairy system architecture. It’s just that Piccolo is not willing to resurrect. Bobo has been reincarnated. Carlin doesn’t want to resurrect. But our earth always has immortals, so I decided to let Dandy. Come to be the **** of the earth, and let Bouma..." Sun Wuben pointed to Da Bouma and Bouma, "They temporarily assist Dandy."

"Oh, this is a good idea." The Northern Realm King held his hands behind his back, "You don't have to ask me about this, you can do whatever you want."

"The question is, the former deity is dead, how should the new deity belong to the priesthood system? Who will you look for if you don’t ask the realm king?" Sun Wuben snorted, "Anyway, Lord Realm, you won’t help us fix this, we I won’t return to Earth for the time being."

"You..." The North Realm King glared at Sun Wuben, and finally sighed, "I haven't seen you so shameless. Okay, I'll talk to King Yan."


The energy of the Northern Realm King is still great. With the Northern Realm King coming forward, Dandy, who is very relaxed, has become the new **** of the earth. Of course, Buma and Da Buma have also become temporary servants of the gods.

Yamucha on the plain north of the Western Capital looked up at the sky.


It was two figures that kept hitting each other. Occasionally Klin would be smashed into the ground, and occasionally Sun Wuben would be blasted down from the sky.

"It seems that Klin, who was 20 years ago, is really amazing!"

There was light in Yamucha's eyes. Although Sun Wuben and Klin were fighting on the surface, they had reached the level of Yamucha, and he still felt that Sun Wuben's martial arts realm seemed very high.

"That's the only strength for you!"

Klin fired a qigong bomb, and the qigong bomb flew towards Sun Wuben. No doubt the previous fight shocked Klin's heart, but he was still confident.

"If your strength is not improved a hundred times or a thousand times, this battle will be over in no time at all." Klin's figure was hidden in the qigong bomb and launched another attack on Sun Wuben.

This time Klin increased his shot power by half, and his shot moves were more clever.


The two fists banged together, and Klin was seen throwing back.

His eyes were all surprised.

"Is there any hidden strength?" Klin stopped throwing away his body and rushed to Monkey King again. This time he used a stronger move, and the same strength was also stronger.

"I don't believe it, you can keep improving!"

It's just that Klin once again underestimated Sun Wuben, or even though the two had their own victories, in fact Klin only showed a small amount of strength from the beginning, and then continued to show stronger strength in the battle.

But what he didn't know was that Sun Wuben was the same. Sun Wuben adjusted his own strength completely according to Klin's strength, and Sun Wuben's real purpose was different from Klin's.

Klin was seeking victory and wanted to defeat Monkey King.

But Sun Wu was originally observing and studying Klin's martial arts.

The strength of the two shots increased time and time again, from three million to thirty million, to sixty million, to eighty million, and by this time Klin had reached the limit.

In the past ten years, his growth has indeed been leaps and bounds.

However, Klin's foundation was too poor, and his strength had not exceeded one million before his death. Therefore, he was able to cultivate in the underworld for ten years to reach 80 million, which is already a terrifying improvement.

Of course, not only him, but Yamu Tea has also reached the same level as Kelin.

At 80 million, Klin’s strength no longer improves, and Sun Wuben naturally maintains the same level~www.NovelMTL.com~ But this is really easy for Sun Wuben. Therefore, Sun Wuben can continue to study Klin. Of martial arts.

The battle in the sky continued.

Klin didn't realize that Sun Wuben's martial arts was much higher than his. After all, Sun Wuben's aura was lower than him at this time, and he seemed to be at a disadvantage in the battle.

However, the Yamu tea below was deeply shocked.

"This Klin 20 years ago does not seem to have a stronger aura than Klin, but it can last so long, and his movements seem to make people feel dazzling, as if that is the real move. , A little more is superfluous." Oliver, Monkey King, and ribs rice appeared in Ya Mucha's mind.

In recent years, Yamu Tea has also played against Monkey King, Oliver, and Pork Rib Rice, or Sun Wukong, Oliver, Pork Rib Rice give advice on Yamu Tea.

In the battle with those people, Yamucha also had the same feeling as when he watched Sun Wuben shot.

"Impossible." Ya Mucha shook his head, "He can't reach the level of Goku, Ribs Rice, Oliver!"

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