Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 750: I was you 20 years ago

Dust returns to dust, soil returns to soil.

Kelin, Tianjin Fan, Yamucha, Dumplings, and Piccolo are supposed to be dead and cannot be resurrected. They should stay in the underworld with peace of mind and practice, but they did not let go of the things on the earth. Years and years passed, and there was still no good news about the earth. Gradually, they gave up too, especially later that Gohan died. They learned from Gohan’s mouth that the whole earth had become a living hell. Most of the living people live underground and live like mice. Even so, not many people are still alive.

It can be said that if there are no accidents, humans on the earth will eventually become extinct.

But what can they do?

The only hope is that Trunks will grow up quickly, but after so many years after Gohan’s death, there is still no news of the destruction of the humanoids. If the humans on earth have not yet become extinct, there will definitely not be many. Up.

They even wonder if there will be less than 10,000 people left on the earth in the end.

Unexpectedly this time...

Kelin, Tianjin Fan, Yamu Tea, and Dumplings all felt as if they had let go of their heavy burdens. They were all relaxed, and they were all happy and relaxed like never before.

"By the way, what else did Shenlong say?" Tianjin Fan asked.

"Shenlong did say something." Piccolo said, "he said that although the humanoid was defeated, it was not killed."

"Not killed?"

The joy on the faces of Tianjin Fan, Kelin, Dumplings, and Yamucha suddenly solidified.

"Then why?"

"Don't worry, Shenlong said that Trunks should be able to live there. If the 17th and 18th are chaotic, they will definitely not escape death." Piccolo said.

"Is that so!" The expressions of Tianjin Fan, Kelin, Dumplings, and Yamu Tea are still not as happy as before.

"Shenlong contacted me because Bouma and they wanted to revive me, so Shenlong asked for my opinion." Piccolo said lightly, "Since Trunks can control the scene, I don't have to go back to Earth. Come to me. Say, there is no difference between the underworld and the earth..."

When Piccolo said this, a figure appeared in the air in front of him abruptly.


Bick's heart beats.

The person who suddenly appeared in front of him was the same as the Monkey King using teleportation, except that the figure in front of him did not seem to be the Monkey King.

Piccolo's eyes suddenly sharpened, shooting like a knife on Sun Wu himself, but then Piccolo was stunned for a moment. Sun Wuben's appearance was actually very similar to Klin, just because Sun Wuben's five senses were more perfect and his figure was a little bigger.

At this time, Tianjin Fan, Kelin, Dumplings, and Yamucha also discovered the arrival of Sun Wuben, and they all looked at Sun Wuben, all of them were a bit strange. After all, the person here is too similar to Kelin.

But then the faces of the four of them became a little dignified.

They were facing Piccolo and didn't see how Sun Wuben appeared, so in their sense, Sun Wuben suddenly appeared in their aura induction, which was too weird.

To know their current martial arts, what kind of strong can appear behind them silently?

"Who are you?" Piccolo said solemnly.

"Who are you?" Tianjin Fan asked sharply.

At this time they also discovered something that surprised them even more. The breath of the man who suddenly appeared in front of them was almost the same as that of Klin.

"Bick, Klin, Tianjin Fan, dumplings, Yamucha, hello!" Sun Wuben smiled on his face.

"Do you know us?" Klin cried out in surprise. He looked very curiously at Sun Wuben's bald head and his noseless face. Klin also looked in the mirror and knew what he looked like.

"Klin, this guy really looks like you, isn't it your brother?" Ya Mucha joked, and he raised his hand, "Hey, who are you? How did you come to us just now? "

"Move instantly!" Monkey King said with a smile.

"Are you a Starman of Adrat?" Pic exclaimed, but then shook his head, "No, I have seen a Starman of Adrat. You are not like you, you are very similar to human beings on earth."

"I came from the earth." Monkey King smiled.

Bick, Tianjin Fan, Yamu Tea, Dumplings, and Kelin couldn't help but shocked and looked even more curious.

"Let's talk about the origin of your identity, how did you know us, what are you doing here!" Piccolo shouted.

"First of all, make a statement, I am not from this world." Sun Wuben said.

"Not from this world? What do you mean?" Everyone was taken aback.

"He is a living person!" Dumpling suddenly noticed something, and pointed to Sun Wuben's head and shouted, "He doesn't have a soul halo on his head."


Piccolo, Tianjin Fan, Yamucha, and Kelin looked at the sky above Sun Wuben's head, and it was really empty there. The four of them couldn't help but their hearts jumped. It's not that there are no living people in the underworld, but there are very, very few. Only gods like the realm king, Yan Mowang, and strangers like the divination mother can come to the underworld.

"It turns out that you are from the human world." Yamucha said.

"Yes, I am a living person, but what I call another world does not refer to the human world." Sun Wuben said, "Specifically, there are cyborgs 17 and 18 on your earth, because you are all fighting. He died, and Goku died of illness, only Boomer, Gohan, and Trunks were the only ones who were supporting the scene."

"Gohan is dead." Klin interrupted.

"I know." Sun Wuben said, "In short, because the world is so miserable, and although Bouma can't help in martial arts, but in science, she disregards the existence of the universe like Monkey King. She discovered the mystery of time and space."

"Mystery of time and space?"

"In short, Bouma created a time machine, which is a machine that allows us to travel to the past world or the future world." Sun Wuben said.

"I know, Gohan told us." Piccolo said lightly, "but what does the time machine have to do with the mystery of time and space?"

“Because it’s possible for a small time pause, even reversal and acceleration, but for a large range and long span, involving a world, it’s impossible to change time over the years.” Sun Wuben explained, “So, she can’t make it. If a time machine that can truly travel to the future and the past can be manufactured, the materials and science and technology required are too high, and the energy required is not something she can collect."

"That's not necessarily, you said, Bouma is a genius in science." Yamucha said unconvinced.

Piccolo raised his eyebrows: "Yamucha, I think he made a lot of sense." After all Piccolo is a rare genius of Namek. Although all his energy is on martial arts, his intelligence is still After thinking about it for a while, I felt that Sun Wuben made a lot of sense.

"So, the time machine made by Bouma is actually a space-time machine." As he said, Sun Wu explained the concept of time and space to everyone, and then continued when everyone understood, "Because Bouma has collected it a while ago. Enough time and space machine to run a back and forth energy, so he let Trunks go to the world twenty years ago, remind Monkey King that they will have terrible humanoids in three years, and also send Monkey King the ability they developed in these years. Medicine to treat viral heart disease."

"It's possible," Piccolo said lightly. After all, Bouma's plan, they had also heard from Gohan's mouth.

"Tranks went to the time and space twenty years ago, which is actually my world." Sun Wuben said.

"It turns out you are from time and space twenty years ago." Klin patted his head and exclaimed, "No wonder it's so strange."

"Why did you come here with Trunks?" Piccolo said coldly.

"What happened in my world on the earth is a little bit different from yours." Sun Wuben said, "Of course, there is also Monkey King in our world. He is also the Saiyan who was sent to the earth since he was a child, and he also has Yamu tea and Tianjin rice. , Dumplings, Teacher Wu Tian, ​​etc., and the development of your world lies in Klin."

"Me?" Klin was startled, and pointed to world. Wukong and Klin also worshipped teacher Wutian to study their professions, and also went to participate in the martial arts conference. It was Wukong who killed the red ribbon. The Legion also encountered Tianjin Fan, Tao Baibai, Crane Immortal, and Raditz invaded the Earth, then Napa and Vegeta came to Earth, and they also went to Namek to collect Dragon Balls, and then encountered Frieza. The only difference It's me that appeared. "Sun Wu is the original way.

"Humph!" Piccolo snorted coldly. "Don't you think your words are contradictory. I said earlier that the only difference between the two worlds is Klin, but now I say that the only difference lies in the presence of you."

"This is not a contradiction." Sun Wuben grinned, "Because he and I are the same person." His hand pointed to Klin.


Piccolo's eyes widened.

Klin blinked, almost unable to believe it: "What did you say, you and I are the same person?"

"Do you mean that your name is Klin?" Dumpling screamed, "The Klin with great arithmetic?"

"Yes, I am the one who worshipped with Wu Kong and practiced under Teacher Wu Tian. Born in Duolin Temple, I am also very powerful in arithmetic." Sun Wuben said with a smile.

"But you and me..." Klin flew up to Sun Wu himself, gestured the two of them with his hands, and then exclaimed in surprise, "You are much taller than me, why would I grow so tall in another world? This is not fair!"

"He's not just taller than you." Bick smiled on his face, "Klin, have you forgotten? He used teleportation when he appeared in front of us just now, which means that he has also learned how to teleport like Goku. ."

Ya Mucha also laughed: "Kling, it seems that you in another world are much better than you now."

"Also more handsome, sunny, and confident!" Tianjin Fan raised his eyebrows coldly, "Of course, what's even more powerful is that his skills are definitely strong!"

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