Looking at Bouma, Taisi, and Da Bouma walking out of the air weirdly.

Trunks was almost dumbfounded, with an unreal feeling. He even used his breath to sense it carefully. The breath around him was indeed his mother, and the breath in front of him was indeed his mother. The breaths of the two mothers were almost the same, with only slight differences.

And the breath is as strong as he felt before.

Qiqi, No.18, and even Sharu on the side were a little startled.

"Klin, what method did you use to bring Bouma..." Qiqi said halfway, but she was taken aback. The Bouma next to her was too young and beautiful, just like it was ten or twenty years ago.

But when Gohan was still alive, Kiki met Boomer, and Boomer was already a lot older.

At this time, Kiki hadn't found the Big Boomer on Trunks's side.

"Bouma, why have you become younger?" Qiqi screamed.

Vidili had recovered her mind, and her physical injury was completely healed, but as soon as she recovered her mind, she saw two figures walking out of the air next to her, and one of the two figures was very similar to Bouma.

At the same time, Vidili also saw clearly that the person who had caught him was Klin.

"what happened?"

Vidili tried his best to recall what had just happened. After throwing the 18th into the air, he attacked Sharu, but it was not Sharu’s opponent at all. She was hit hard because the injury was too serious, Bidi. Rei felt that she was dying, but a bald head appeared before her death.

That bald head is exactly the arrogant and confident Klin with a sunny look on his face.

It seemed that Klin caught him, and then gave him something to eat, and then he recovered, but there was a strange situation in front of him. Two women, one who looked like Bouma, walked out of the air.

Then from Qiqi's words, it seems that this girl with blue hair is Bouma, but Bouma is much younger.

Bouma looked at Kiki who was aside, and couldn't help feeling sore. The Kiki in front of her, like the other herself, was already a lot older, not as tender as she could pinch the water out of the past.

"Kiki." Bouma also lost interest in joking, and said, "I am Bouma from another world."

"Another world?" Kiki hadn't noticed Trunks's situation at this time, her eyes showed thoughts, and suddenly she slapped her head, "I know, it's not that you are dead, no wonder you haven't Seeing you, it turns out that you are old enough to die. You went to the underworld, but what method did you use to get here from the world of the dead? No wonder it's so weird. You are a dead person, then it's normal."

"Kiki!" Da Buma couldn't help being angry. "What do you say, I live a good life, you are too old to die, and I will not die."

Kiki even turned her head to look, and immediately spotted Big Bouma next to Trunks, her eyes widened again: "You...you..."

"It's so stupid." Big Bouma yelled, "That Bouma was me twenty years ago. Trunks brought it back from the time machine twenty years ago."

"Oh." Kiki nodded, "That means you are not old enough, that's fine, or let me take care of Trunks, I don't have time."

Da Buma was a little speechless, but she knew that Kiki's logic was a little weird, and arguing with her couldn't be pleased. At the moment, she ignored Kiki and looked at Trunks excitedly.

"Tranks, do you see it?" Big Boomer called.

"Mom, really you?" Trunks was still a little confused.

Big Bouma was satisfied with Trunks' expression: "Of course it is me. Your mother is the strongest genius in the world. Just now I used teleportation to reach you from home."


Trunks's eyes were round.

Kiki and Bidili were so surprised that their eyes were almost falling off.

"You mean teleportation? The kind that Wukong learned from Jadrat..." Qiqi yelled, "The ability to reach anyone in an instant?"

"Almost!" Da Buma raised her head proudly, "But our teleportation is stronger than Wukong's. Wukong's teleportation can only sense the breath of others through Qi, and then teleport to a place with aura. And we can not only use Wukong's way to instantaneously move, but also use coordinate positioning to instantaneously move, that is to say, where there are no human beings, we can also teleport over."

Da Buma explained, but Qiqi didn't even bother to listen to her talk so much.

"Then you can go to Guixian Island and steal Guixianren's sunglasses in an instant?" Qiqi called.

"Kiki, I'll take you to the turtle fairy." Bouma stretched out her hand and grabbed Qiqi's arm to start the instant movement. In an instant, the two figures disappeared in front of everyone.

On the seashore, there stands a huge rock that looks like a mountain peak, but at this moment the rock is constantly undulating.

"Ten thousand and one, ten thousand and two..."

Under the rock came the deep voice of the immortal turtle, and two abrupt figures appeared beside the rock.

"Kiki, Immortal Turtle should be under this rock."

Buma said that although Buma had not practiced before and did not understand the sense of aura, so she did not know the aura of the turtle immortal, but on this earth, there can be no one except the turtle immortal with such a powerful aura.

So Bouma teleported here with Kiki.

"It looks like the old man."

Qiqi naturally knew the anger of the immortal turtle, she stared at the undulating rocks in front of her eyes.

"Well, now that we saw it, we should go back." Bouma started teleporting again and disappeared here. At this time, there was doubt in the eyes of the immortal turtle under the rock.

"Strange, just now I seemed to sense that Qiqi and Buma appeared next to him, and there was something wrong with Buma's breath." Immortal Turtle frowned, Da Buma's breath is familiar to him, and Buma's breath is basically similar to that of Da Buma. , But there is also a slight difference. This point is different. Only people like Trunks and Monkey King can feel it through careful analysis. Naturally, the Turtle Immortal can't sense it.

But Bouma's breath intensity just reached more than 1,000 points, which made the turtle immortal very puzzled.

"Forget it, I don't want this."

Immortal turtle cast aside the doubts in his heart and continued to do push-ups. It was not easy for him to do push-ups with a large mountain on his back.

In the Western Capital, Bouma and Qiqi once again appeared next to Sun Wuben.

"it is true!"

Kiki muttered to herself with her mouth open.

"Of course it's true, instant movement or something, it's too trivial for a genius like us." Taisi smiled triumphantly on her face.

"Mom." Trunks called to Big Boomer, "How can you move instantaneously? By the way, you just said that you all know how?"

"Well, I and Klin and Tays will both." Big Bouma tilted her head and looked at Trunks with a smile, "You should feel that my anger is also very strong!"


Kiki and Vidili looked at Da Buma suspiciously, and suddenly both of them trembled. At this time, they finally found that the auras of Da Buma, Buma, and Taisi were very strong.

"how can that be?"

"They..." Bidili and Qiqi's heads are in a mess. They are not jealous of Da Buma, Buma, and Taisi, but they have practiced hard for so many years, and they have only so little combat power. Ma, they remember feeling a while ago, their breath intensity was only a few pitiful points.

After a long time, it actually reached more than 700 points.

"Mom, it's only been a few days since you and Uncle Klin left. Why do you suddenly teleport and have such a strong aura? Did you eat something magical?" Trunks asked.

"Teleportation, we learned from this book." Da Bouma grabbed her hand into the air, and an e-book appeared in her hand, "Tranks, this book involves very deep scientific knowledge. Only people with extremely high scientific talents can learn. Although you are my son and have such excellent genes as me, you don’t learn much in science because of artificial humans, so I don’t know if you can learn. understand."

"Learning from books? Isn't it a star of Adrat?" Trunks called.

"Of course not. We are using a scientific method to analyze teleportation. The Jadratras belong to the category of superpowers. They know it but they don't know why." Daburma explained, "So we can use coordinates. Positioning to teleport, but they can’t."

"So that's why it's mother." Trunks exclaimed, but he was puzzled again, because he remembered that Boomer said that they and Klin both learned to move instantaneously.

Trunks had seen Klin’s teleportation a long time ago. He didn’t understand what was going on at the time, and now I understand everything after thinking about it, but Klin also learned the same teleportation as his mother, or the same teleportation as Monkey King. ?

"No wonder Uncle Klin brought the young mother to me, and he was able to travel far away in an instant, but he should have learned the same teleportation as Uncle Wukong." Trunks thoughts flashed in his heart, he didn't believe it. Klin could learn the teleportation that required high scientific attainments in his mother's mouth.

"As for my martial arts cultivation, it's not that I ate some magical things. There are so many good things in this world. Back then, Wukong almost killed his life when he ate Super Shenshui." Da Buma said with a smile on his face. There are 18 No. was with another green-skinned monster who looked bad. Of course she wouldn't tell everything together.

"We have practiced hard with your Uncle Klin these days. The practice is really hard, but we are somewhat rewarded, so that's why..." Da Buma said proudly.


Trunks stared at ~www.NovelMTL.com~Mom, are you saying that you can get what you are now by your own practice? Trunks felt as if he had been punched in the head. Even Vegeta, as a super genius who has never met in a thousand years among the Saiyans, would never be able to do so in a short period of time before coming to Earth. Within a few days, the cultivation base can achieve a growth of hundreds of points.

What's more, the cultivation base grows, the weaker, the slower the growth.

But Bouma started from scratch.

Trunks always thought this was magical and totally unrealistic, and suddenly he saw the weird look flashing in Big Bouma's eyes.

"That's the case." Trunks couldn't help but smile. "It seems that my mother did have some adventures, but she didn't say it. Is this adventure related to..." Trunks glanced at not far away Sun Wuben, there was a scene in his mind when he bumped into the same bathroom as Sun Wuben, Da Buma, Buma, and Taisi that day.

"Both mothers are so strong, and Aunt Tays has also become so strong. Perhaps mothers and their cultivation methods are a little embarrassed to say." Trunks shut up wisely.

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