Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 737: Messed up

"Tranks, I'm going to shoot!" Sharu said, bending slightly, and then as if a shadow flashed, two Sharu appeared in the sky, followed by three, four, five... …

Sharu after another appeared around Trunks.

"Remnant fist?"

Trunks looked ugly at the Sharu that appeared around him. The Remnant Image Boxing was used by Monkey King, Klin, and Jackie Chan in the martial arts conference when their martial arts skills were still very low. They followed their martial arts skills. Entering a new level, the residual image box appears too low and crude, and has never been used since.

At the level of theirs, to cast the residual image fist in front of the opponent, that is to die.

But Sharu used the residual image fist this time.

Trunks was totally unable to discover which one was true.

"Sure enough, I and his strength are not on the same level at all." Trunks kept improving his feelings, trying to find Sharu's true body.

At their level, they could not find the real body of the opponent to cast the residual image fist, which shows that the gap between the two is already a difference between heaven and earth.

"Tranks, if you can't find my real body anymore, you will have to be beaten." A low voice rang from all directions. As soon as the voice fell, seven figures rushed towards Trunks, and these seven figures moved. Not fast, at least enough for Trunks to block one of the attacks.

If Trunks could know which one was the real one, he could completely block the attack.


Seeing that the seven attacks had already arrived.

"This one!"

The fist was thrown out, the direction was overhead, but it made a blast.


A fist hit Trunks on his left waist.

I saw the other six figures, including the one chosen by Trunks, disappeared at this time, and Sharu's triumphant smile appeared on the left.

"you guessed wrong!"

Sharu said slowly, and then all Sharu's figure disappeared.

"Tranks, your skill is really inferior, you can't even deal with moves like the remnant fist, no matter, it seems that multiple remnants are really difficult for you, then..." Sharu's figure divided again , I saw another Sharu appeared beside him, but the strange thing was that both Sharu stood motionless.

"Tranks, the second trick is here!" The two Sharu slowly drifted closer to Trunks.

"These two Sharu, obviously walking so slowly, how could I still not be able to find his true body?" Trunks kept watching the two Sharu with his eyes left and right, and the residual image fist used ultra-high speed to move each other. Afterimages are produced in vision, so every afterimage is changing. Sharu's current state is not like afterimages, but like two completely real Sharu.

"How could this happen? Is the gap between me and him so terrible?" Trunks thought, suddenly his heart moved.

"By the way, Sharu said that he is made up of countless martial arts cells. If what he said is true, then..." Trunks thought of this.

"Are you a four-body fist? Tianjin Fan's four-body fist!"


A hint of surprise flashed in Shalu’s eyes, and then he smiled: "As expected of Buma’s son, you are very smart, yes, I have the cells of Tianjin Fan, so I will do the Tianjin Fan’s moves, but Tianjin Fan is a one-off. Differentiate three selves, but I want to separate a few or just a few, just like the two now, but how do you see it? I ask myself that these two Sharu have no flaws at all, and even their auras are almost strong. ."

"It's very simple, because I believe in my own instincts and martial arts, and the gap with you is absolutely not so exaggerated." Trunks said coldly.

"It's interesting!" Sharu smiled, "In this way, I am a little bit reluctant to kill you so quickly, so let's go, my two bodies, one of them will fight with you, if you can support for an hour, then Today I will let you go and let you live another month."

Trunks was silent, and Sharu split into two bodies, each of which had roughly half of his strength, which was determined by the characteristics of the four-body fist.

But half of Sharu's strength is not something that Trunks can block.

"One hour?" Trunks smiled coldly, he didn't believe that Sharu would really keep his promise.


Only a Sharu figure disappeared suddenly, and then Trunks sensed a vague breath approaching behind him.

"Don't think about it!"

The golden arrogance shot aside like a ball of flames, and Trunks moved sideways and punched back.


Two fists collided and Sharu retreated ten feet.

"Yes, it is worthy of having Saiyan blood. The next blow will increase his strength by 1%." Sharu's figure flashed and disappeared again.

"Left!" Trunks punched again, the two fists collided again, and then Sharu continued to attack Trunks, his speed became more and more elusive, and his strength became stronger and stronger. After just 50 punches, Trunks couldn't keep up with Sharu's speed, and he was hit directly, and then the situation became completely one-sided. No matter how hard he tried, Trunks couldn't stop Sharu's attack.

"Tranks, I have to say, you are really awkward, you can't arouse my fighting spirit at all, it's really unpleasant." Sharu's voice was annoyed, "If you don't have a snack, Don't blame me for being polite."

Under the ground, Trunks's blond breath was unstable, and when he was golden and black, it was obvious that this high-intensity beating made him almost unable to maintain the state of Super Saiyan.

"Damn it, I can't support it for an hour at all, even half an hour." Trunks raised his hands, but Trunks was very difficult, with various injuries all over his body. It made him almost unable to move in pain.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... three, two, one, Trunks, it's time to rest!"

A hellish voice sounded, and a green shadow shot towards Trunks underground.

"Sun Fist!"

At this moment Trunks opened his hands and placed them on the temples above his ears.

The extremely strong white light penetrated the world.

In this white light, a figure shot out from the ground, like a sharp arrow in the direction where Bidili and Qiqi were hiding.


Sharu's eyes turned into a white world, and at the same time his aura induction was completely ineffective.


Sharu still blasted towards Trunks, but his fist hit the ground.

"Does this guy want to escape?"

Sharu flew up into the sky. Under this circumstance, it would take some time for his eyesight to recover. After all, Trunks hadn’t expected that Trunks would perform Sun Fist. So even if the light disappeared, his eyes still need a little bit to adapt to the light Time, although this time is very short, but in this kind of place, it is enough for Trunks who is eager to escape.

A few miles away, under a collapsed floor, Vidili, Kiki, and No. 18 had their eyes narrowed. After a few miles, the strong light of the Sun Fist made their eyes a little uncomfortable, but it was not enough to make them unable to. The degree of sight is at most squinting.

"Trnks really isn't Sharu's opponent."

"It's not on the same level at all. This Sharu is divided into two people and still abuses Trunks!" Vidili and Kiki were helpless, and they were completely helpless in the battle between Trunks and Sharu. Don't dare to go and help.

At this moment, the whole body was wounded, and the embarrassed figure enlarged in their pupils, and soon fell in front of them.


"Aunt Kiki, Sister Vidili!"

At this time, Trunks had already taken a Super Saiyan transformation, suppressing his breath almost as if nothing, and then he looked at Vidili and Kiki, and suddenly another figure appeared in his eyes, that was A blonde woman.

"Number 18?"

Trunks’ pupils shrank, his breath exploded, and his sleepiness turned into a Super Saiyan again, but after the transformation, Trunks didn’t know what to do. On the 18th, he stood at Kiki and Vidili’s. Behind him, and his Trunks is still more than ten meters away, if he takes a shot, the 18th can kill Kiki and Vidili before that.

"Hurry up!" Vidili was anxious.

Kiki also saw that Trunks was wrong and immediately understood.

"No. 18 is now an opponent with Sharu, we must not let her be discovered by Sharu." Qiqi shouted, "Are you ready to take the Super Saiyan Transformation? Do you want to attract Sharu?"

At the same time, miles away.

Sharu, who quietly waited for his vision to recover, suddenly raised his eyebrows.


Sharu shot at the location where Trunks was. After all, the aura of Trunks after turning into a Super Saiyan was too obvious, and the Sun Fist had already been used for a while, and the effect had disappeared.

"Tranks, you can't run!" Sharu was so fast that he arrived in front of everyone at once.

"Damn it!"

Qiqi and Bidili's faces were ugly, and the two women even turned around and squatted down while holding No. 18, and then stood in front of No. 18.


At this moment, Sharu looked over Trunks to Kiki and Vidili, and then he smiled more brilliantly.

"It turns out that you haven't gone far, you are so courageous!"

"It seems that I have messed up something." Trunks has a fever on his face, and his head is a little confused. Just now Kiki's words, and Kiki and Vidili's movements are obviously for fear of being discovered by Sharu on the 18th. But why?

"Tranks, you want to escape before half an hour has passed?"

"Saru, if I want to escape, I won't be transformed into a Super I just want to buy more time for myself to rest." Trunks turned and faced him. Sharu said.

Sharu was taken aback, and then nodded: "In this way, I blamed you, but besides trying to buy more time to recover, I'm afraid you also want to meet old friends for a while, right?"

"Stop talking nonsense, Sharu, let's continue!" Trunks flew into the distance.

"Alright, but, in order to avoid your distraction, I think it's still..." Sharu slammed a punch at Kiki and Vidili. Although it is twenty feet away, how powerful is Sharu. Powerful and...

I saw Sharu's fist approaching Kiki and Vidili at a terrifying speed, and at the same time his arm stretched forward like stretched rubber, becoming longer and longer.

At this moment, although Kiki and Vidili could not fully see Sharu's attack, the crisis of death appeared in their hearts.

"not good!"

Trunks' head slammed, he had already flown a certain distance now, it was too late to save Kiki and Vidili.

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