Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 733: Green bug

The blonde was flying, and No. 18 stared angrily. Looking at No. 18 in Qiao Lifeng, Qiqi blinked: "You are No. 18. Could it be that Klin is fighting with you?"

"Old lady, I call you the name Beticklin. It is No.17 who is fighting me here. Do you understand?" No.18 said angrily.

"The 17th? But if it's the 17th, then who has been killing people in West City today, who is the guy who is still killing people?" Qiqi shouted, "Isn't it you?"

"Who knows who it is!" No. 18 sneered. "If I was defeated on the 17th, I swear. If you don't defeat that guy, you will never kill anyone again!"

"No. 17 vowed not to kill anymore?" Qiqi screamed, with an unbelievable look on her face. Bidelli also covered her mouth unbelievably.

No.17 couldn't help being very angry. His figure slowly landed from the air, staring at No.18 with a dissatisfaction: "No.18, what are you telling them about? And I really don’t kill people anymore. Wait until I defeat that. The bald head of the nose will continue to kill people until there are no humans in this world."

This statement clearly acknowledges what the 18th said.

"How can it be?"

Kiki stared wide-eyed, and Bidili frowned. If there were no murders on the 17th and 18th, then a large number of people would die every day in large numbers. Who killed it?

"Listen to you two women." No. 18 said coldly, "In short, we haven't killed anyone, and we have no intention of killing people. We have to beat that bald head into a pig's head first, so please go somewhere else. "

Qiqi lowered her head. At this moment, in her aura, three people suddenly died in an area of ​​the West Capital, all of them gathered together.

"If it weren't for you, who would it be?" Qiqi muttered.

"How do we know, in short, if you want to know, find it yourself, don't talk nonsense here, it makes people annoying to listen!" shouted No.18.

"Kiki, what should we do now?" Vidili looked at Qiqi, "It seems that they really didn't kill them. Should we go over and watch it?"

Qiqi raised her eyebrows: "Go, why not, I don't believe that bald head won't go there, go!" Qiqi flew towards the Western Capital. Vidili also kept up.

"Really inexplicable!" No.18 snorted coldly.

"No. 18, you have a lot of mouths." No. 17 is a little dissatisfied, "Why tell outsiders about everything."

"The old woman is noisy and annoying. She doesn't even think about fighting with you. I also want her to leave early so she can calm down and fight with you." No.18 said lightly.

"Hmph, you always have a reason. Now that people are gone, you can fight with me at ease." Road 17.

"I don't know why, my heart is still a little irritable." No. 18 flew to No. 17, "but it should still be okay to fight." No. 17 and No. 18 battled again, but No. 18 was not originally No. 17's opponent. At this moment, she was a little upset and made mistakes again and again. Even if No. 17 let her, No. 18 was properly suppressed. The two fought for a while, and No. 17 knocked No. 18 into the air.

"Stop it, on the 18th, you can't show your true strength at all like this, and I can't get exercise. It's better not to fight if you fight." No.17 said coldly. No. 18 frowned: "I have worked very hard, what do you want from me?"

"I don't blame you, but the fight is useless, so there is no need to fight again." Number 17 flew to the top of a hill. Number 18 also flew down and landed beside him: "I don't know why, I'm a little annoyed, I can't always focus on the battle."

"I know that the guy named Qiqi said that Klin was interested in you, so he let us go." On the 17th, a smile suddenly appeared, "Sister, I think if you marry that bald head, it's actually pretty good." No. 18 felt hot, she glared at No. 17: "What are you talking about, we are like this, do you think he will accept?" "That's not necessarily, I think he seems to be really interesting to you, but this is normal, sister Your appearance is the best in the world." No.17 joked.

No. 18 fell into silence, and the mountain wind blew her hotter than normal cheeks. After a while, No. 18 whispered: "No. 17, do you think we can return to normal human life?"

"Don't think about it so much." No.17 said lightly, "We are no longer ordinary people."

"But that bald-headed Klin is not an ordinary person, I see him...seems to have a good time." No.18 said slowly. On the 17th, he was stunned, and the appearance of Klin appeared in his mind a while ago, and then nodded: "He is very confident, very casual, that kind of arrogant, free and easy temperament, and possesses an intriguing charm. Klin, cowardly, timid, and cautious... I really didn't expect that it will become what it is now in more than ten years."

"What makes him change so much?" No.18 showed a smile on his face. "No.17, Kiki said that there are people dead in Xizhi, and Klin might also go there. How about we go and see?"

No.17 frowned. He didn't want to face Sun Wuben now, but... facing No.18's hopeful eyes, he didn't want to refuse.


No. 17 and No. 18 flew in the direction where Kiki left. Soon the two of them reached the area near the center of the West Metropolitan Area. Suddenly, No. 17's eyes seemed to flash with light and shadow.


No. 17 turned around and flew in a direction behind him.

"Huh?" No.18 could not help but chased after her in doubt. At this moment, she saw dozens of miles away in her eyes, and it seemed that there was smoke and dust rising up like a Qigong bomb.

"It's a fight!"

"Could anyone be fighting there!" Number 18 understood at once. The distance of tens of miles was only an instant for the two of them. In just two or three breaths, the two appeared above the dusty earth.



There was a desperate coquettish sound, which belonged to Vidili.

No. 17 and No. 18 followed the sound and flew past an abandoned building. Their pupils shrank and saw three figures in front of them, Kiki, Vidili, and a green body with black spots on the skin. It looks like a locust, has a human body, and is an ugly creature with a pair of black wings.

At this time, the ugly creature stretched out a tail from behind to restrain Kiki's waist. The end of the tail seemed to be inserted into Kiki's back. Kiki's face was pale and her eyes were wide in horror. She struggled hard, but Just like a mouse pressed by a cat under its paw, it can't organize effective resistance at all.

On the other side, Vidili attacked the locust creature frantically, but her fist hit the locust creature, and she couldn’t even make the locust creature take a step back. No. 17 and No. 18 could even see the mockery on the face of the locust creature. The sneer.

Look at this green locust.


On the 17th and 18th, their hearts were tight, and an inexplicable fear arose in their hearts. Sweat gushed out uncontrollably, and even their calves were sore and tingling, and some of them were shaking uncontrollably.

"Who is that green creature?"

On the 17th and 18th, thoughts flashed through his mind. On the 18th, she looked at Qiqi, who was bound by the tail of the green creature. Qiqi's lips had begun to turn pale at this time, and her face was pale and blue. It was obvious that her life was at stake.

Inexplicably, a thought ‘I’m going to save her’ flashed through No. 18’s mind, but No. 18 felt that her feet could not be moved at all, as if the green bug was the **** of death. Once she got close, her life would end.

"Damn it!"

No. 18 strode hard to get closer to the green bug.

No matter what, she must save Kiki.

Kiki was really bad, she could feel her strength being continuously sucked away by the green bug in front of her with the tail needle.


"Why is this?" Qiqi shouted in her heart, struggling hard, the fear of death made her very powerful at this moment, but no matter how strong she was, she couldn't break away from the worm's tail.

"What is this terrifying bug? Why does it appear here and eat people here?"

Previously, Kiki and Vidili followed the disappearing breath to find the past, but they saw this green bug.

Now Kiki can’t forget the first time she saw this bug, when the bug’s long tail was inserted into the body of a human middle-aged man. In the blink of an eye, the strong middle-aged man became skinny. It was as if he had suddenly changed from a middle-aged man to an old man who was very old, and then died.

Then the worm flicked its tail again. This time it was aimed at a little boy, a six-year-old boy, but this time the worm did not insert the tail needle into the boy's body, but the tail needle suddenly became larger and changed. It swallowed the boy directly into a huge mouth.

"Do I want to become like that middle-aged man?" Qiqi is not afraid of death, but she is afraid of becoming like an old woman when she dies, but she is afraid of being sucked away by this bug with all the power in her body and dying. That would be too shameful and shameful.

But what can Kiki do, UU reading she looks forward.

In front of Vidiri, he was still attacking the green bug like crazy.

"Videli, go quickly, run away!" Qiqi screamed.

"No! I must rescue you!" Vidili attacked, her face pale, angry, frightened, and even desperate.

"Vidili, you are not its opponent, run away, as far as possible!" Qiqi screamed, her voice is getting weaker and weaker, she can feel that her cultivation power is almost exhausted.

"No, I can't run away, Kiki, you are dead, and I will die with you!" Of course Vidili knew that he was not the opponent of the insect in front of him.

"You can't do this, you run away, you can still report to Klin, let Klin take revenge for us..." Qiqi yelled, and at this moment another figure appeared in front of her.

It was a building 700 meters away. From the corner of the building, a beautiful figure turned out, with golden hair fluttering. This man's face was pale, and she was walking towards this side as if struggling step by step, her hands lit up strongly. The light is obviously condensing qigong bombs.

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