Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 729: Crazy fight

"It is undeniable that my current life is indeed a little more leisurely." The pain in Lian Suo's eyes quickly disappeared, and he sneered, "But isn't everyone who likes that passionate life, Klin, in this world? People still like peace and stability. After all, the restless are only a few. Don't use your thoughts to speculate on others."

"It seems that Lian Suo is really because of his broken leg." Sun Wuben felt astonished. Although Lian Suo's eyes had concealed a trace of pain just now, Sun Wuben still saw it.

"His leg should be cured well with fairy beans." Sun Wuben thought in his heart, but his face showed sarcasm.

"Yes, at least nine hundred and ninety thousand of the 1 million people in this world like peace and stability, and Saiyans don’t like to live peacefully and peacefully, but Saiyans prefer to fight with blood and love. Challenge, I would never like to lie in bed all day long like you, except for eating and sleeping, drunk and dreaming!"

Lian Suo couldn't help being a little angry.

"Asshole, fight if you want to fight, don't talk nonsense!" Lian Suo shouted.

"Lian Suo, you probably don't want to fight because your legs and feet are inconvenient, right?" Monkey King said with a smile.

"Damn it!"

Lian Suo's face changed suddenly.

A ray of red light shot at Monkey King, this time the red suoguo shot hundreds of times faster than before, and at the same time, Lian Suo also exploded a strong aura. The bed he was lying on exploded directly, and the whole person seemed to burst out in anger. Like a tiger, he pounced on Sun Wuben with terrifying energy.

The green piping flew high into the sky, and after Sun Wuben pushed away Pi Lu next to him, he raised a hand and slapped the red light.


The red fruit burst into a cloud of red mist, as bright as blood.

The huge fist pierced the red mist of blood and took it straight to Sun Wuben's chest, and his shot was faster than imagined.

"it is good!"

Monkey King's pupils shrink slightly.

Lian Suo's fists were weird, and the speed was beyond Sun Wuben's expectations, showing that his unique martial art was extremely terrifying.

Seeing that Lian Suo's fist was about to hit Sun Wuben's chest, Sun Wu himself leaned forward, his chest collapsed strangely, and shrank back, and at the same time his body shot back.

"Don't try to escape!"

I saw Lian Suo's body that seemed to be reaching the extreme, his flying speed soared again, and at the same time his other free hand drilled towards Sun Wuben's chest. This fist looked very peaceful, with the same speed as the previous Lian Suo fist. Than appears to be slow and erratic, making it impossible to predict when his punch will come over.


Sun Wuben's previously hung hand flew from the side, ignoring the fist that Lian Suo was chasing his chest, but directly hit Lian Suo's head.


Lian Suo's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, and then he slammed Sun Wuben's fist back, and moved to the side.

Sun Wuben's fist hit Lian Suo's arm, and both of them shook. At this time, Lian Suo's other fist was like a poisonous dragon drill, and I don't know when it appeared in front of Sun Wu's belly.


Sun Wuben's hand that smashed Hong Suuo Guo also appeared in front of his abdomen, directly blocking Lian Suo's fist, Sun Wu himself shot backwards, and even Suo's forward shot body also flung back.


Lian Suo smashed the wooden house and hit a giant tree, his eyes flashed with excitement and surprise.

"Very good, really good, your skill is beyond my expectations, you are qualified to fight with me." Lian Suo shouted loudly.

"Haha!" After Sun Wuben knocked down a row of big trees, he landed on the canopy of a big tree. He looked at Lian Suo in the distance with excitement on his face. This time, Sun Wu was looking for Lian Suo. A martial art that is more intelligent and can give you great help in martial arts, at the worst, you have to find a martial arts that can stimulate you, and Lian Suo is the first goal of Monkey King.

Although it only took two short moves just now.

However, the two consecutive shots seemed to come from a fantasy monster from the outside world, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes peaceful and slow, sometimes weird and quick.

"It's no wonder that the Saiyans around him don't need to be transformed into Super Saiyans to have strengths comparable to those of Super Saiyans." Sun Wu was excited, and Sun Wu didn't think his martial arts was weaker than Rensuo, but even the martial arts were also By no means weaker than Monkey King, but the two are completely different martial arts.

"Mr. Kling, I have a question that I really don't understand. With your skill and challenge to masters, it is impossible to be unknown in the universe. Why have I never heard your name before?" Lian Suo yelled Dao, in the short fight just now, he could see that the challenger in front of him, even if he was not as good as himself, had reached the same level, which was terrifying.

What level is his connection?

It can be said that in the entire universe, except for the one named Hit who is too deep and unfathomable, other people, including the current Captain of the Razor Defense Team, Gabe, and the super strong Frost of the Frozen Clan, he doesn’t even pay attention. in.

In the entire universe, he is confident that he can rank second in his skill.

"Didn't I tell you last time, I am from the seventh universe, and this is the first time to come to your sixth universe." Sun Wuben said.

"What? You said we are the sixth universe, you are the seventh universe?" Lian Suo asked in surprise, "Does this world have many universes?"

"Originally there were eighteen, now there are only twelve."

"There were 18, but now there are only twelve?" Lian Suo looked at Sun Wuben in confusion, where did the other six go?

"Mr. Lian Suo." Sun Wu was not interested in explaining at this moment, "Let's have a good fight first. I will introduce you to these chores after the fight."

"Well, I would also like to see the martial arts from the top masters of the Seventh Universe." Lian Sohaha laughed and rushed towards Monkey King.

The two figures collided again, and there was a roar like a fighter passing by between the sky and the earth, and occasionally this sound would be interrupted. It was one of them that was hit, and he was beaten to the ground for a long time and couldn't fight back.

Sun Wuben and Lian Suo were almost evenly matched. They both had some reservations at the beginning, but the more they went back, the more they had to use stronger martial arts and stronger power to fight each other's moves. When they came back, they both went crazy. Up.

In the sky, Piru flew into the sky tens of thousands of meters and turned his hands in circles.

An hour later, Sun Wuben and Lian Suo were still fighting.

Two hours later, the strength of both men began to decline.

Three hours passed, four hours passed, five hours passed...

At this time, Sun Wuben punched out in the sky, and you could see that this move was similar to Lian Suo's punch.

"The trick to this trick should be..." Sun Wu's mind had a continuous movement, while constantly adjusting his punches.


Sun Wuben was hit **** his right cheek, and his body flew out like a meteorite.

"Not enough, I have learned his moves, and I haven't got home yet." Sun Wu was feeling the hotness of his cheeks, but he was analyzing in his heart, "When he hit this punch, the trajectory was obviously 30 degrees, but the power penetration was 90 degrees. Degree, it seems that the strength of his punch should be..."

For Monkey King, every blow to the opponent is an opportunity to learn.

"Haha, Klin, it seems that you won't be able to hold on for long, you can't win this battle!" Lian Suo hung in the air panting, taking advantage of this opportunity, he had to do his best to recover in order to welcome the next time.

"This Klin is terribly powerful, but his physical strength is also terribly strong. It seems to be stronger than my Saiyan." Lian Suo was very excited. Since he became the captain of the Lasse defense team, his battles have been I have never lost, and I will never lose this time.

In just a moment, Monkey King rushed to the cable again.


The punch is like a dragon, and the dragon body appears overlapping phantoms.

Sun Wuben's punch is also an imitation of Lian Suo, and compared to the previous one, this one is more similar.

"Hey, this trick is a bit like me." Even Suo couldn't help but feel a little surprised, but he didn't think much about it, but blasted out a punch.


The two fists collided, and both figures flew out backwards.

"Very good, progress!" Sun Wuben was excited. He was different from Lian Suo, who was pursuing victory with all his strength, while Sun Wu was originally pursuing martial arts.

Sun Wuben kept trying to figure out and imitating Lian Suo's martial arts in battle. As time passed, Sun Wuben's understanding of Lian Suo martial arts continued to improve, which also made him more effective in defensive counterattacks when faced with a powerful attack from Lian Suo.

Of course, because sometimes he imitated Lian Suo's moves, at this time, Sun Wu couldn't beat the genuine ones, so if you look at the scene, Sun Wu was not dominant. The two were at best half a catastrophe, evenly matched.

Three hours passed Both of them were extremely tired, but they were still fighting.

"Uncle Klin!" Piru's voice sounded.

"You've all been fighting for a day. If you don't return, Sister Bouma and the others will be worried and angry." Pirou shouted, because he has magical healing powers, even people who are dying can be cured with super powers. , So Sun Wu originally brought him, saying that he was treating a strong man with a leg injury.

After I came here, it became like this.

Pilu hid alone in the sky tens of thousands of meters and blew the cold wind all day, and the two people below were still fighting.

Piru was naturally worried.

Especially when he watched Sun Wuben and that Lian Suo being driven into the ground time and time again, the entire forest turned into a wasteland, and he was even more worried.

"Uncle Klin and the one named Lian Suo, I'm afraid they have already hit a real fire. If this goes on, I am afraid they will never die." Pi Lu was very anxious. If this continues, the two are likely to die, although he is treated by Pi Lu. The technique is very powerful, but the person being healed must still be alive. If one of the following two accidentally kills the other, how can he treat it?

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