Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 601: Klin's vitality bomb

On a large tree above the spiritual tree, a figure sat cross-legged.

"The aura of life on this planet is diminishing as if it is broken, isn't it possible that this planet has reached its final moment?" God will open his eyes, look at the spiritual tree crown ahead, and suddenly his gaze condenses.

"The spiritual fruit is ripe?"

The little red among the leaves a hundred meters away was a red ball with fleshy thorns, which looked very similar to the red ball that Klin grabbed from Darius.

"No wonder the breath of life on the planet seems to be diminishing. It turns out that the spiritual fruit is mature, but..." The **** turned his gaze to another place, where there is also a spiritual fruit, but this spiritual fruit is blue. Obviously Although some spiritual fruits have matured, more are still growing.

"call out!"

A silhouette of Qianli shot out.

"God, everything is ready, we can leave only when the spiritual fruit is ripe and picked." The female emperor said solemnly.

"Unexpectedly, we will not be able to keep this planet in the end." God will sigh.

"There is no other way." There was also a faint sadness in the female emperor's voice. At this moment, the brightest light in the two people's aura became sharply stronger.

"Hey, Klin's anger has grown so fast!" The God General muttered.

"What does that guy want to do?" The empress frowned.

Not far away, Qiqi's voice calling for the King of the North Realm also froze. She looked in the direction of Klin: "Uncle Master's qi is growing so fast, is it gathering qi again? Still not giving up, but also wanting to the spirit tree Launch an attack?" A thought flashed through Qiqi's mind, and then she continued to shout the words Klin had ordered.

Although the female emperor, the **** general, and Qiqi felt that Klin's qi was soaring, she didn't care much. After all, Klin's current distance is too far away from here, but after a minute, Klin's qi is still growing. Minutes, the growth rate of Qi is getting faster and faster, three minutes!

Four minutes!

five minutes!


When ten minutes passed, the empress, god, and Qiqi couldn't help being shocked, because at this time the intensity of Qi had exceeded five million, but it was still growing rapidly.

Eleven minutes!

Twelve minutes!

fifteen minutes!

twenty minutes!


In a blink of an eye, another ten minutes passed. Klin's Qi in the induction of the Empress, God General, and Qiqi has exceeded 10 million, but the strength of this Qi is still rising, but the upward momentum is much slower, and Klin's position is also It started to move, and it was coming here at a terrifying speed.

"What happened?"

"Even if it is gathering qi, how can it be possible to gather more than ten million qi?" The **** general and the empress were shocked, excited, and a little confused.

They have practiced fast enough, breaking the record of the giant dwarf for countless years, reaching a combat power of more than 30,000, and Darius, as the most famous fighting nation in the universe, is only relying on the **** fruit. Reached 100,000 combat power.

But their bald junior, who was originally far weaker than them in martial arts and physical strength, in just a few years...

Not only was the **** general and the female emperor a little stunned with joy, but Qiqi was also stunned at this time. She admired Uncle Klin very much and believed that Uncle Klin was omnipotent, but she would never think that Uncle Klin could. ...

"Uncle Klin seems to...seems to be so perverted that people and gods are angry." Qiqi was in a daze, and became excited. Her face was ruddy, and she shouted at the sky: "Northern King, hide your head and tail, pretending to be deaf and dumb Guy, I really don’t understand why Uncle Klin asked you to teach him vitality bomb..."

On the Northern Realm King Star, at this time, the Northern Realm King was facing the direction of Hong Ye Star, and the two black tentacles on his head were bent towards Hong Ye Star. Although the Northern Realm King didn't want to see Darius' ugly face, but he had to master Darius' actions, so the Northern Realm King finally turned his attention to Red Yexing.

"Spirit tree, where is the spiritual tree? This is the root of the spiritual tree, this is the sub-stem, then the main trunk should be in...that position..." The Northern Realm King searched for a while, locked the main trunk of the spiritual tree, and then looked at it. It also fell on the trunk of the spirit tree, "Next is Darius and the others..."

The King of the Northern Territory followed the trunk of the Spirit Tree and searched the surroundings. At this moment, the figure of the **** general and the empress jumped into his eyes.


"Are they still alive?"

"It's impossible!" The King of the Northern Realm yelled a few steps back.

"Could it be that Darius had just arrived at Red Ye Star, and he had not had time to do anything with them? No, the spiritual tree is already so big. It is impossible for Darius not to meet them. Is it because they are strong women, so Darlie? Si let them go? But where is Darius?" The king of the northern world searched other places suspiciously, and then another bright figure jumped into his eyes.

"King of the North, you bastard, are you too creative, beyond human imagination, so you dare not come out to meet people? My grandma called you for so many hours, you didn't even show your tail, also I'm so sorry for my grandmother, right?..." I saw a young girl swearing at the sky with her hands on her hips, her face was red, and she seemed to be cursing vigorously.

"Uh..." The North Realm King blinked, "Are you scolding me?"

"Northern King, **** bastard, why didn't you come out and scream..." Qiqi's voice continued to ring in the northern king's mind.

"It really seems to be scolding me." A strange look on the northern king's face, he propped up the eyes he was wearing on his face, "Strange, this girl Kiki actually knows me? Since BoJack and his gang were sealed After that, my northern king disappeared in the universe. I didn’t expect my reputation to be so great. Even Qiqi, the girl, knew me. By the way, why did she scold me? Do you know that I can’t deal with Darius, and I can’t eliminate Foley? Sa and Kvera can’t destroy the mental tree and make the Milky Way messy..."

The King of the Northern Realm pushed his glasses again and sighed, "I can't blame me. Those people are too powerful. Even if the King of the Northern Realm is desperate, I can't subdue them." He said that his eyes were about to leave Qiqi. .

"Do you really know how to play vitality? I don't think it is possible at all. I don't know why Uncle Klin asked me to call you and let you teach him vitality bomb..." Qiqi's voice jumped into the ears of the king of the north.

"Vitality bomb, let me teach Klin the bald vitality bomb?" The Northern Realm King's heart jumped, and his heart was full of doubts. Although the Northern Realm King knows vitality bombs, he rarely displays them in the outside world, so the outside world probably doesn't know that he will. Vigorous.

"Strange, it seems that the girl Kiki knows a lot, no, he said that Klin Bald head let her call, and Klin Bald head let me pass his vitality bullet..." The eyes of the North Realm King were again full of doubt.

"So, Klin Bald was not killed by Darius? But how could Darius not kill Bald? He hates Bald so much that he even dreams of wanting to kill him." The Northern Realm King even moved his gaze further away. After searching the place, he suddenly felt a strong breath.



Sweat beaded densely on the forehead of the king of the north.

"How could this aura have such a powerful aura? Could it be that Frieza has arrived? No, this aura is very clean, pure, and kind..." The Northern Realm King tremblingly slowly turned his eyes to the terrifying aura. Removed, I saw that it was a completely white round ball of light.

You can see countless white light spots between the sky and the earth rushing to the huge round white light ball.

How could these white light spots be unrecognizable by the Northern Realm King.

"It's vitality!"

"So, it's a vitality bomb, yes, it's a vitality bomb!" The North Realm King's eyes stared like a bronze bell, "How could it be a vitality bomb, my vitality bomb was not passed to anyone outside the underworld at all!" "The King of the North felt that his brain was a little confused, and now there are too many questions.

The vitality bomb flew in the air at a terrifying speed and shot towards the spirit tree, obviously trying to attack the spirit tree.

"Who sent this vitality bomb?"

"Does he want to bomb the mental tree with vitality bombs?"

"Doesn't he know that the spiritual tree is impossible to destroy at all, although this vitality bomb has gathered a terrifying aura, but the spiritual tree is not an evil body." The Northern Realm King propped his chin, and suddenly he raised his eyebrows, "No, this vitality The bomb is completely different from my vitality bomb. Although it is also composed of vitality, the composition structure is a little different from mine. It turns out that it is a vitality bomb created by someone. It's amazing..."

The expression in the eyes of the Northern Realm King was complicated, and he knew best how difficult it was to create a vitality bullet.

Red Ye star.

There is a figure hidden in the huge ball of light. It is Klin sitting cross-legged. Klin maintains the spiritual tree version of vitality and body art. His spirit is getting higher and higher, and his will is getting stronger and stronger, but his mind is not. Condensed completely on the vitality and body art.

"Using the vitality body art to make vitality centered on me, condense into a ball, thus forming something similar to vitality bombs, and then attacking the spirit tree is equivalent to attacking the spiritual tree with vitality bombs..." Klin thought The method Sun Wuben told him before emerged.

The vitality Klin absorbed by the vitality nurturing body technique can't be digested at all. Since it cannot be digested, Klin still continuously uses the vitality nurturing body technique. The result is that the vitality is centered on his body and constantly Finally, the body overflowed, and the rich and substantial vitality wrapped his body in it, thus forming the current spectacular scene-a vitality bomb flying in the air.

Of course, the qi gathered by Klin exceeded 10 million, which also meant that the qi of this vitality bomb exceeded 10 million.

Above the spiritual tree, the empress and **** will look in the direction where Klin flew, and soon the huge white ball of light appeared in their eyes.

"That's Klin?"

"That guy's anger is almost 15 million, what a terrible ball of light!" The empress and the **** will be excited. Qiqi also stopped calling the North Realm King, but looked at Klin suspiciously.

"What does Uncle Master want to do?"

"By the way, he should hit the spirit tree!" Qiqi understood it fiercely, and the empress and **** general also understood at this time.

"Is this all right?"

"The spirit tree is impossible to destroy, but this guy..." Although the **** general and the empress were full of suspicion, they shot out from the spirit tree.

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