Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 599: Perverted spirit tree

On the horizontal branches of the mental tree that were wider than the football field, the sword light flickered, and Yu Chi ran over and over to practice swordsmanship, occasionally his eyes would look in one direction.

"King of the North, are you deaf..."

"King of the North, if you don't answer again, I'm angry..." The blue girl in a blue dress with a long sword on her back kept yelling with her hands on her hips.

"Senior Sister Qiqi is really aggressive, but Uncle Klin is the weirdest one." Yu Chiben looked at another place, which was also on a horizontal spiritual branch, standing at a height of about 1.6 meters. Bald head, this bald head was cutting the leaves of the mental tree with a sword, and he was cutting the same leaf over and over again. This leaf was quickly chopped by him to be smaller than the dust, and then the bald head waved, All the dust was wrapped with air, and then squeezed, and it quickly became a huge mass of "flour".

I saw Klin kneading, kneading, throwing, and beating the ‘flour’ made from this spiritual leaf... and even tasted it at the end.

"I heard that the uncle uncle has been doing nothing in the past few years. First he stayed in the forest for a whole month and didn’t come back. When he came back, he became a savage. Later, he didn’t go to the forest and ended up mixing up with those marketers. Gambling with darts, eating, drinking and having fun, and even became a beggar for a while. It was because of this that I fell out with the Empress Master. I didn’t believe it at first, but now it seems that it’s true. But Master Uncle is really elegant!" Ben thought about what Klin had seen during this period of time and couldn't help feeling sigh. He really couldn't understand it. If it wasn't for this uncle that he had always admired, he would wonder if he saw a lunatic.

On the other side, Qiqi's eyes fell on Klin from time to time.

Kiki's eyes were shining like stars. During this period of time, Klin had done a lot of extremely ‘humiliating’ things around this spiritual tree.

It's not a big deal to make the spirit leaves into a dough like this, and then rub and beat like a snack.

"I'm afraid that Shishu has such a true temperament to make rapid progress in martial arts, right?" Qiqi admired.

Klin stopped the kneading motion on the branch, stared at the dough in his hand for a while, and suddenly sighed: "It's no different from ordinary leaves. It seems that this won't work." He said The dough was brought to my mouth, and then I ate it bite by bite, and I felt it carefully when I ate it, but there was nothing very noteworthy at all.

Soon after the mass of ‘flour’ was eaten, Klin held his chin and thought for a while, then waved his sword, Qiang! Sparks shot straight up, as if they were splitting on a gold stone, and the branches under my feet were just a little bit of damage on the bark.

"Chang!" "Chang!" "Chang!" "Chang!" "Chang!"

The sword was in a row, and it didn't take long for Klin to stop chopping, panting. At this time, there was a deep sword mark on the bark.

"This texture!"

Klin squatted down and carefully observed the disconnection on the branches. You could see that the texture on it was completely different from that of other trees. It was a beautiful rune that was extremely complex but seemed extremely simple.

If this texture is stretched out and taken out, it will definitely be regarded as a kind of magic rune.

"From this texture, the mental tree is by no means simple, but..." Klin stared at the texture for a long time, his mind was completely blank.

"Let it go first." Klin moved his gaze away from the texture and landed under the sword mark. A lot of green juice came out from where the bark was split. At this time, the juice sparkled like sparks.

Klin observed for a while and couldn't see what was wrong. He could not help but pick up the juice with his hands and put it in his mouth. He was about to taste it, but suddenly he was taken aback, and there was nothing in his mouth.

Klin was stunned, and he pulled out his sword, picked up more juice, and caught it with his mouth, still feeling that there was nothing in his mouth.

"It's not nothing, but the entrance disappears." Monkey King woke up.

"The entrance disappears, is this juice condensed by vitality?"


After half an hour, Klin flew away and left.

Five hundred kilometers high in the sky, Klin was suspended in the air, looking at the spiritual tree ahead. For some reason, the sky was bright and there were few clouds, so Klin was able to see the overall shape of the spiritual tree from a distance. .

"The shape and posture of this tree is..."

Klin closed his eyes and recalled the shape of the mental tree he had just seen, but something shocked him. A tree did appear in his mind, but Klin always felt that the tree in his mind was different from what he had just seen. Is very different.

"what happened?"

Klin opened his eyes, and the tree that appeared at this moment was not the shape in his mind at all.

"How is this possible?" Klin's eyes widened. When the martial arts level reaches a certain level, the brain's intelligence will also be greatly improved. It is completely easy to remember.

Of course, this does not mean that you must be stronger than others when you go to school to study, because intelligence is one aspect, and the heart is the most important. If the heart is unwilling, and does not like to memorize and study, you will have a headache when you see it. Also helpless.

Klin naturally understood this.

For the study of the spiritual tree, although Klin has not achieved any results so far, after studying for so long, Klin has discovered that the spiritual tree seems to hide a very mysterious mystery, so he is also very interested in it. At this time, even the Sun Wuben If you stop him from studying, I'm afraid Klin will ignore it.

Since my heart is happy, it is reasonable to say that it is impossible to remember a dead thing, but the fact is...

"Is this the greatest mystery of the spiritual tree?"

Klinlian carefully observed again, and then closed his eyes to remember that the mental tree that appeared in his mind this time was different from the previous one.

"No, this doesn't seem to be what I saw before." Klin opened his eyes, and as expected, the mental tree was different from what I had in his mind. Klin watched for a while, then closed his eyes again, once, twice, three times... for a long time. , Klin showed a wry smile on his face.

"There is no rule at all, it is simply inexplicable, nothing else, try this..."

Klin glared at the mental tree in front of him, and at the same time he leaned one hand toward the sky, one hand bent on his head, and his feet separated...

Klin kept changing his posture.

Although anyone who sees Klin’s current movements will only feel weird, he will never think of the mental tree, and even if he compares it with the mental tree, he will not think that Klin’s movements are in any way related to the mental tree, but Klin’s Indeed imitating the posture of the spiritual tree.

time flies.

The spirit tree's body grew bigger and bigger. After half an hour, the spirit tree no longer grew, and then his leaves began to change strangely. It seemed to change colors from above, first the top layer became red, and then The second layer also turned red, but the top layer turned yellow...

Red, yellow, orange, blue, blue, purple...

The color changes continue to go down, and this change goes down, as if a rainbow is printed on the spiritual tree, until half an hour later, the color of the spiritual tree leaves reversely changes, turning into green, and then one by one spiritual fruit It bears out, first is the cyan spiritual fruit, and then gradually turns red...

There is a snake path winding through endless yellow clouds, and above the yellow clouds at the end of the snake path is a mini planet.

"Lap 99,992!"

"Lap 999993!"

A red convertible was driving fast on the only lane on the planet. Suddenly, the car slowly slowed down, circled the planet a few times and then stopped in front of a red house.

"Haha, my car skills have improved again. If this continues, I am afraid I will be able to drive the car to fly out of the king star..." the king of the north said, laughing in the car, "fly out of the king star, drive the car I have to fly out of the realm king. I’m too genius. I can even think of such a good joke.” The king of the north smiled so much that he rolled under the seat of the car. After half a day, he stopped laughing and slowly climbed down from the car. Walk to the red villa.


A pointed-eared black orangutan jumped out from behind the villa, yelling around the king of the north.

"Almost forgot, Darius should have planted a mental tree on Red Ye star by now, and the spiritual fruit is about to mature at this time." The Northern Realm King stopped and frowned slightly.

Darius looked everywhere for planets to plant spiritual effects, because it destroyed one planet after another, and many of those planets had already developed intelligent civilizations.

These intelligent civilizations were extinct because of Darius, how could the Northern Realm King, the **** who managed the Northern Galaxy, didn't notice it, but it was too late for the Northern Realm King to notice.

"I blame the bald guy, what's his name... the guy from Klin." The Northern Realm King thought about observing what Darius had gotten, and muttered angrily. From the mouth of Darius, the Northern Realm King knew. The reason why Darius got the seed of the spiritual tree was not for a bald head.

Originally, Darius was the bodyguard of Lord Luo Fei at the auction house of India and Cypress, because Lord Luo Fei went to Jia Guoxing and met a bald guy who seemed to have space equipment, so Lord Luo Fei was tempted and kidnapped. A friend of Bald Guy, who knew that Bald Guy was a terrifying powerhouse. In the end, of course, Lord Luo Fei and his party were killed cleanly, even including one of the masters with a combat power of up to 30,000.

"The guy from Naklin is obviously a righteous martial artist, so he is not so reliable in doing things. Saiyans like Darius actually let him go."

The King of the Northern Territory didn't know the name of the bald man who killed Lord Luo Fei and let Darius's life be called, and whose surname was. It was only from Darius that one of the bald's friends was called Qiqi, one was called Di Jinghong, and the other was called Lian Luo.

It happened that the King of the Northern Realm knew that Di Jinghong was the female emperor of the giant dwarf star, and then followed the vines. Not long ago, he discovered that Emperor Jinghong, Lian Luo, Qiqi and a bald head were hiding in Hong Ye Star, and that bald head was named Kelin.

Another observation, although the King of the Northern Realm could not confirm how strong the bald-headed man named Klin was, Klin's normal status was 15,000.

Of course, it is impossible to kill Lord Luo Fei’s 30,000 men with 15,000 yuan, but when the king of the north heard the conversation between Qiqi and the gods, he learned that they are in a state of transformation, and they have frozen a lot of power. After that, you can be sure, that bald head must be the guy who let Darius go.

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