The sun was sprinkled on the silver ground. On the big square, the **** general and Qiqi looked at the tall bald figure in front. After leaving the star Galo, everyone came to this Red Ye star. At this time, except for them and Kelin in the square. , There are three men and three women, these are the descendants of the giant dwarf genius disciples, and they are also selected to be sent to other planets.

"The arm is too tight when the sword is out, do it again."

Klin shouted at a leopard-eyed man with cold eyes.

"Yes, Uncle Klin." The leopard-eyed man looked at Klin with admiration. Not only him, but the other two men and three women around him looked at Klin with excitement.

"Uncle Klin personally taught us to practice today."

"Uncle Klin is really amazing, and I feel that after his guidance, my kendo has improved a lot."

Everyone was very excited, but they learned from Sister Qiqi that among the three teachers of the Empress, the God General, and Klin, Uncle Klin was the most terrifying in kendo and combat power, Uncle Klin It has reached a height that the empress and **** will never even imagine.

In addition, in recent years, the swordsmanship of the **** generals and the female emperor has also been instructed by Senior Uncle Klin, and Senior Sister Qiqi has grown fast because of the guidance given by Senior Uncle Klin.

With this, they naturally asked the Empress and Shinto.

How arrogant the empress and **** general are, but they acquiesced to this question.

This is still the second place. What they admire most is the most terrifying female emperor of the giant dwarf. No man can control the terrifying existence, but was conquered by Uncle Klin.

For boys, compared to Kendo, they are more interested in Master Klin’s ability to chase women. It’s just that Master Klin never teaches them how to practice, let alone teach them in this regard, and in the last three days, I don’t know how Uncle Lin went crazy, and he actually taught them how to practice.

"call out!"

The leopard-eye man brandished his sword.

"It's better this time, but you can relax a little bit more." Klin said lightly, then looked up at the sky, "Okay, that's it, okay, you guys will stop for me."

"Uncle Klin?" The other two men and three women returned their swords and looked at Klin.

"You have to remember that the way of practice is nothing more than spirit and spirit, and **** is the most important thing. My martial arts is called the heart of martial arts. If you practice kendo, you must cultivate your own heart of kendo." Klin Shen said.

"The heart of kendo? How should this be cultivated?" the leopard-eye man shouted.

"It's up to you. Ask yourself, do you want to practice swords every day when you wake up? Do you feel excited when you think of kendo? Do you want to go out to practice enthusiastically even in the severe cold and heat?" Lin Shen said, everyone was lost in thought.

"Ask your own heart, how sincere your heart is, and how high your future height will be. Of course, your heart is not sincere enough, so try to make your heart more sincere. Therefore, practice is to cultivate your heart. Swordsmanship skills and even exercises are learned, and it is easy to comprehend it. I will stop here. This lesson may also be the last lesson I will teach you." Klin waved his hand, "Okay, you continue to practice. Right."

"The last lesson?" The three men and three women looked at Klin in doubt, only to see Klin took out a small box from his arms, took out a small capsule from it, and then pushed it and threw it forward.


After a sound, what appeared to be a spaceship appeared in the open space ahead.

"Uncle Klin, do you really want to leave?" Qiqi rushed forward and hugged Klin from behind.

"Klin, stay." The **** general also stepped forward, looking at Klin with beautiful eyes, there seemed to be flowing water waves in her eyes.

Klin lowered his eyes and dared not look at the gods.

After coming to this Red Ye star, although Kelin and the empress did not get married, did not go through the formalities for marriage, and did not even announce their affairs to anyone, they lived together and ate and slept together. Essentially, the married life is very happy and happy for Klin.

Of course, as the leader of the inheritor of the fire, it stands to reason that Klin should guide his disciples’ practice, but what Klin is all about is to improve his martial arts. It is troublesome enough for him to guide the practice of the female emperor, the **** general, and Qiqi. How could I be willing to spend time mentoring others.

In the end, the female emperor and the **** general also gave up on letting Klin give advice to other disciples. After all, they also knew that Klin's own growth was far more important than teaching a few disciples.

During this period of time, Klin has improved wildly both in martial arts and in his cultivation, and the rate of improvement is faster than when he was the fastest before.

In just one year, Klin's martial arts realm has reached a terrifying level, and the combat power, according to Klin's estimation, is at least 200,000.

Only after a year and a half, the martial arts reached a bottleneck, and the growth rate slowed down, but although the growth of the cultivation base has slowed down, it is still relatively fast, and then half a year later, Klin's martial arts almost stopped growing. At this time, the growth was getting slower and slower. After another year, the growth of Klin's cultivation base was already unbearably slow.

The practice of martial arts is the lifeblood of Klin. In other words, Klin in this world is under the influence of Sun Wuben, and his own martial arts has never been thrown away by Monkey King, so his persistence in martial arts is far stronger than the original Klin. .

At the beginning, the improvement of martial arts slowed down, Klin was still in a good mood, but after half a year, the martial arts almost stopped growing, Klin's mood became worse, and then the growth of his cultivation became slower, which can be said to be on fire. Pumping oil, at this time, Klin wanted to leave this planet many times and wander in the universe looking for breakthrough opportunities, but the Empress did not agree with him to leave.

If you are anxious, you will break up when you leave.

And Klin couldn't let them go. Although the battle power of the empress and the gods had reached 30,000 plus, it was logically not dangerous, but their battle strength was less than 100,000, and they would be in danger after all.

So I haven't left. After a year, Klin often went into the forest alone to find inspiration. Sometimes he stayed in the forest for a month and came out like a savage. Unable to find inspiration in the forest, Klin entered the world half a year later, or opened a small cloth shop on a lively street, or just sat on the street watching people coming and going, or playing games.

Half a year later, under Sun Wuben's suggestion, Klin entered the school to study philosophy. It has been nearly a year now. He has learned a lot of philosophy, but his martial arts training is still stuck in it.

At this time Klin couldn't help leaving after all.

Only three days ago, Kelin had a quarrel with the empress, and then Kelin finally decided to leave the planet at noon today, which of course also marked the breakup with the empress.

"It's time to go." Klin murmured, looking in a direction where the empress was swinging her sword frantically in the training room. Kelin sighed in his heart, because the martial arts stopped progressing and he was in a bad mood, and the relationship between Kelin and the empress gradually encountered crisis.

The characters of Klin and the Empress were never suitable for being together.

The female emperor is domineering by nature, she must be strong, and she is very face-saving, because her self-esteem is too high, she naturally has high demands on Klin. This requirement is not only in martial arts, but also in life.

But Klin is the least particular about life. In some things, the empress thinks it is very embarrassing, but he does not feel that there is anything wrong with it. Of course, during the honeymoon with the empress, although Kelin did not pay attention to this aspect, as long as the empress requested him, he was absolutely obedient, but the empress’s desire to control was too strong, and Kelin had to report everything to her. Lin can't stand it a bit, but during the honeymoon period, this is not a contradiction.

It wasn't until Klin was in a bad mood because of the martial arts things that these gradually became contradictions.

At first, it was just a little emotional and awkward, but Klin was getting worse and worse because of the martial arts, and the friction became more and more. The small conflicts accumulated for a long time, and the two became more and more cold.

"You and the Empress..." The God General sighed. She was also watching the changes between Klin and the Empress. She occasionally tried to persuade her, but it was obviously useless, and she was an outsider after all. There may be too much talk on this.

"Uncle Klin, you can go, but when will you come back?" Qiqi called.

"come back?"

Klin looked a little blank.

"I don't know, maybe I will come back, maybe I never will?" I still don't want to give up to the female Emperor Klin, but Klin also knows that even if the two are in love, it is not suitable to live together after all, at least for him. It’s still uncomfortable to worry about martial arts. At this time, instead of coming back noisy and making both parties unhappy, it is better to stay in the memory of the good old and die.

Pulling away Kiki's hand, Klin walked towards the spaceship.

"Uncle Klin!"

"Uncle Klin!" At this time, the disciples also understood what was probably going on, and even shouted.

The door of the spaceship opened, and Klin floated up and slowly entered it. From beginning to end, the empress swung her sword in her training Finally the spaceship shot into the sky and disappeared.

"Pop!" Kiki's tears fell like beads.

But at this moment, Klin's spacecraft appeared in the sky again, and then landed towards their location, and soon stopped at the place where they took off before. When the hatch opened, Klin walked out.

"Uncle Klin, you won't go!" Qiqi rushed up with joy and hugged Klin.

"Klin, it's great that you can come back." God said in a low voice, holding his hands in front of his chest.

"It's not that I won't leave, but a strong man is approaching our planet." Kelin said solemnly.

"The strong?"

"The Darius I let go back then." Klin's eyes flashed. Just after the spacecraft entered the universe, Klin felt Darius's qi, and Darius's aura was extremely powerful at this time. When it reached about 100,000, Klin or Sun Wu had been looking for Darius’s spiritual fruit. How could he not be excited when he met Darius, and then after a little sense, he realized that Darius’s anger was directed towards this one. Hong Ye star came from.

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