“Does respecting privacy mean asking about the origin of others when they meet?” Xu Ye asked rhetorically.

“This is a procedure necessary to ensure the stable operation of the known universe. Angel Yan said: “I not only need to know where you came from, but I also need to have a preliminary understanding of the philosophy that your civilization follows, if your thoughts are like… Morgana, the greatest evil in the known universe, knows, right?”.

“You know, are you trying to say that if my civilization follows a philosophy similar to Morgana’s, it will be like hunting Morgana, and my civilization will be included in the Angels’ hunt list?”

“Not really. Angel Yan shook his head: “Our angel civilization will not interfere with the natural evolution process of civilization, and we will not interfere with what your philosophy is, at most it is just to divide the hierarchy and pay close attention to it.” ”

“We will not interfere with you unless you put evil ideas into practice and spread them throughout the universe. ”

The righteous order of the angels is also very reasonable.

Just like the Holy Keisha faced Carl, even if she knew that the other party had the same smell as Morgana, it would be a scourge in the universe.

But before Carl took action, he only paid special attention to it, and did not directly send troops to pursue it like Morgana.

“It’s really a domineering order. Xu Ye said his feelings.

The meaning expressed by these words of Angel Yan is that all civilizations in the known universe must be under the righteous order, and the ideology and development process of these civilizations must also be roughly explained to the executors of the righteous order, that is, the angels.

Similar to buying and selling, whether you want to be under the righteous order or not, the angels will find a way to obtain information about civilization.

Angels are responsible for ensuring that weak civilizations are not directly destroyed by other civilizations, and the protected civilizations must also hand over their own ideology and other information to angels, which is undoubtedly very cost-effective for weak civilizations, after all, weakness is the original sin.

To paraphrase a phrase from the three-body world, it is “what does it have to do with you to destroy you?”.

Under the just order, weak civilizations exchange their worthless civilization ideology and development process for protection, and there is simply no more cost-effective deal in the whole universe.

It is cost-effective for weak civilizations, but correspondingly, it is more torturous for those top civilizations.

As we all know, the resources in the universe are limited, and if a civilization wants to develop all the time, it will inevitably need more resources, and based on this, when a civilization develops to a certain extent, there will inevitably be a shortage of resources.

And at this time, if you still want your civilization to continue, you will inevitably have to compete for resources and start an interstellar war.

And the occurrence of such a thing as the ban of the angel civilization also prevents those top civilizations from continuing to move forward in disguise.

The stagnation of the development of a civilization does not mean that other civilizations are the same, this is the limitation that the righteous order brings to the top civilization in the universe, and it is also the biggest drawback of the righteous order.

At this time, Angel Yan looked at Xu Ye, who was deep in thought, and supported his chin with his right hand

“How about it, after talking to you so much, I should have a preliminary understanding of our angelic civilization, how about it, do you want to tell me about your homeland, the third civilization, and the ideology of the third civilization, or the concept you want to adhere to? ”

“There’s so much you want to know. Xu Ye nodded, and then showed a heavy expression: “The ideology of our Third Civilization… In my memory, it is somewhat similar to the scorching sun, if the universe is compared to the earth, then our third civilization is similar to the Chinese civilization here. ”

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“We don’t take the initiative to start a war, we just want to develop with peace of mind, of course, if someone comes to provoke us, that’s another story. ”

Angel Yan listened to Xu Ye’s introduction, and showed an interested expression: “Guotai Min’an, don’t cause trouble, don’t be afraid of trouble, very good concept, but why do you say it’s in memory?”.

“Because our Third Civilization was destroyed in a terrible war a long time ago, and only me and a few others escaped from that war. ”

“A long time ago, war?” said Angel Hiko, accessing his angelic knowledge base, and then continued, “The third civilization you are talking about can’t be a pre-nuclear civilization in some corner of the known universe, why don’t I know about this war?”

“I don’t know. Xu Ye shook his head, not intending to answer the question.

At this time, Rena’s untimely laughter interjected into the conversation between the two.

“Hahahaha, Angel Yan, you can’t help but be too arrogant, you said before how old you are, seven thousand years of warrior career, right, you don’t think that seven thousand years will understand all the history of the entire universe. ”

Rena had been suppressed, and this time she frantically taunted Angel Hiko as if she had found an outlet: “You’ve only lived for 7,000 years, and you want to know about a war that took place 50,000 years ago, or even more?”.

“If I’m not mistaken, it’s only been about 17,000 years since your angelic civilization spread the righteous order to the entire known universe, let alone you, I’m afraid there is no record of the war that occurred 50,000 years ago in your knowledge base!”

As early as the first sentence of Angel Yan’s conversation with Xu Ye, when she called Xu Ye a little guy, she wanted to laugh at Angel Yan.

It’s just that Dukao, his nominal general, has maintained his image for a while, and now he finally can’t help but mock.

Listening to Rena’s introduction, Angel Yan cast an inquiring glance at Xu Ye.

Xu Ye just nodded silently and didn’t explain too much.

In fact, he didn’t know how old he was, but when he was sober, he was in his four hundreds.

But if he said that during the time when he floated from the Three-Body Universe to the Super God Universe, the Three-Body Universe went directly to the time when the universe restarted, then he is afraid that it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was tens of millions of years old.

If the first universe in which I lived also reached the era of cosmic degeneration, then I would already be an old man of more than five billion years…

Angel Hiko watched the two sing and harmonize, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

50,000 years?

It’s only been 30,000 years since their angelic civilization was born, and you’ve been doing it for 50,000 years, or even longer

Could it be that the civilization of the Kamigawa era could not be achieved?

The descendants of such an ancient civilization, you are only the first generation of super soldiers, who would believe it?

Angel Hiko obviously didn’t believe Rena’s introduction, and directly opened the Eye of Insight, wanting to see this dishonest guy with his own eyes.

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