Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 93: 75 million sweepstakes

Recommend a friend to me?

浪 Chen Lang slightly stunned, and then received a friend add request.

Click through, this new friend's avatar is very formal.

He is the upper body of a man in a suit.

谁 Who is this?

浪 Chen Lang frowned for a moment, and at this time, the new friend will start sending messages.

"Hello, President Chen, I'm Cao Wei, the chairman of Xinliang Weibo, and I'm glad to meet you."


Chen Lang suddenly realized that the person's information was immediately in his mind.

This person is not easy.

This is a person who can make the ordinary to the extreme. It can be said to be one of the most talented and most capable big men in the domestic Internet industry.

However, because of his personality, this person is relatively stable and more orthodox. Therefore, unlike the publicity style of Lao Ma, this one rarely appears in public.

I am even more low-key than my pony.

I even kept a low profile to receive very few interviews from the media.

According to rumors, more than a decade ago, he was selected as one of Time Weekly's 100 most influential personalities in the world, but even so, when asked about media interviews, he only said three words, ‘Do n’t say’.

This is a person who really sees the essence of things. No matter what the situation is, he can remain calm, not showy, not show, avoiding enemies, and only care about his own recognition in the heart.

This is a person who can easily influence the domestic public opinion market.

"Hello President Cao, Xiaoma said he recommended me a friend. Who do I think it is? It turned out to be you for a long time." Chen Lang replied.

"General Chen is polite."

Cao Wei bluntly replied: "I have heard about Mr. Chen and Lao Ma about their ten-day appointment, and I have some interests, especially tonight, you show the smart technology of its products, I am even more excited, saying yes It ’s recommended by my little brother, it ’s better to say that I am self-recommended. When can Mr. Chen be interested to sit and talk together? ”

"Yes, now that you know this, it's naturally they thought it through. The ten-day appointment counts as one of you."

"Thank you, Mr. Chen. I heard that Mr. Chen is busy propaganda. Now that we are friends, I will send you a small gift. You sign up for a Weibo account and send it to me. I will help you get your attention. "

I'm done!

Kyoto, Xinliang Technology Headquarters, Chairman's Office, Cao Wei, sitting in front of the computer and logged in to the computer WeChat, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"This unprecedented car, you have caught up!"

Cao Wei said a word, then Cao Wei saw the account sent by Chen Lang, and quickly forwarded it to the propaganda department.

"This is Chen Lang's Weibo account. He is the chairman of the Second World Technology Corporation and the chairman of Hangcheng Tianhong Industrial Technology Corporation. Give him V and promote it with the utmost strength."

"Yes, Chairman!"

Uh ...


The phone vibrates slightly.

浪 Chen Lang looked to the mobile phone interface, which was the push of the newly downloaded Weibo app.

[The legendary rich man officially joined the Weibo family, click on the follow to participate in the lucky draw! ]

[Chen Lang, Chairman of Second World Technology Co., Ltd., settled on Weibo platform, click to follow to draw the prize! ]

[Chen Lang, the creator of the magic world ...]

Is it so powerful?

浪 Chen Lang was a little embarrassed, and then opened the Weibo app. In less than half a minute, his originally empty followers directly exceeded one million.

And this number is exploding at an extremely fast speed.

The only Weibo, the one that is automatically sent by registration: I'm on Weibo, please follow me!

数量 The number of comments exploded.

"Boss Chen finally opened Weibo."

"Hello Boss Chen, touch up close!"

"Hello prodigal, I'm following you."

"All members of RPG Esports Club follow the big guys!"

"Good guy, good-bye big guy."

"The big guy really has a card, Weibo's official three consecutive pushes, unprecedented strength."

"Brain Remnants said they will continue to increase their efforts!"

"Does no one care what the prize is?"

Yeah, what is the prize?

Chen Chen was curious when he saw it.

Click on the lottery option on the page, and I see that the winning prize has been made into a roulette.

The first prize is 88888 in cash, one place.

The second prize is 66666 in cash, with three places.

The third prize is 33,333 in cash and six places.

The 24th prize is 888 in cash with 100 places.

The 25th prize is 88 in cash and 1,000 places.

The 26th prize is 8.8 yuan in cash and 10,000 places.

I go!

A total of seven hundred thousand and eight hundred thousand bonuses.

This should be a personal gift from Cao Wei himself.

Chen Lang was somewhat surprised.

Then, after thinking about it, Chen Lang simply talked to Cao Wei in private and said, "General Cao, thank you."

"Polite brother!" Cao Wei replied quickly.

"Well, I'll send you a red envelope."

He said, Chen Lang sent Cao Wei a WeChat red envelope, and said, "This lottery is a round of ten minutes. Give me a hundred rounds, okay?"

Cao Wei was aggressive, some incredible.

You are so shameless?

One round is seven hundred and fifty thousand, and one hundred rounds is seven hundred and fifty-five. What about you?

Thinking this way, Cao Wei picked up his mobile phone and clicked to receive a red envelope.

After Cao Wei opened the red envelope, Cao Wei pushed again.


The virus?

how can that be?

75 million?

What a joke, when can WeChat send a red envelope of more than 200 yuan?

Cao Wei rubbed his eyes, UU read the book carefully, it was correct, it was 7,500.

Eight figures!

"Mr. Chen !!! How did you do that? We can only pay 200 yuan, why can you send tens of millions of red envelopes? Same nine years, Ru Hexiu?"

"Oh, I asked my little brother to help me change the WeChat red envelope limit." Chen Lang replied casually.

I believe you have ghosts!

Cao Wei looks strange.

Can this be done by modifying the quota? Such a large amount of transactions, unless your money is all in WeChat wallet, otherwise, the bank does not support such a large amount of online transactions, right?

Smart, it must be the WeChat server that hacked the bank and my little brother with smart!

Cao Wei's eyes flickered, and there was speculation in his heart.

For Chen Lang, it is very likely that mastering artificial intelligence is basically no secret in their eyes.

I don't care about Chen Lang's show of intelligent technology in the show tonight.

Can the average team make this game alone? And for making such a game, why hasn't that team appeared yet?

Coupled with its stable financial system, this all proves that the game is not artificially controlled.

Manual control cannot do this.

They are all experienced people.

"It seems that this boy is not only trying to do propaganda, but also to give me a shock."

I thought for a moment, Cao Wei could not help but smile.

If it ’s just a lottery, Chen Lang does n’t need to show his skills so publicly. In addition to doing lottery, he wants to deter himself and get himself to attend the party after ten days.

Alas, what a good Chen Lang, what a new young man.

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