Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 84: Mr. Chen's atmosphere!

The first game ended soon.

Twenty-six will advance to the quarter-finals, eight will be eliminated, and the remaining eight will decide on the quarter-finals at night.

进 It will be four at noon tomorrow and the final will be the evening.

Those who can enter the top 16 are already regarded as the top chefs of the young generation in China.

The food they cook is naturally not bad. Whether they are Chen Lang or a few old people, they are very satisfied.

Until the end of the game, Chen Lang returned to the accommodation arranged by the staff.

I took a little rest for two hours, and then Lao Ma's secretary knocked on the door.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Ma and Mr. Lei are playing cards in the chess room. Let me ask if you want to play together?"

Chen Lang was slightly wrong.

Wearing slippers, Chen Lang followed the secretary to the chess and card room, hesitating as he walked: "This is still live, isn't it good to gamble in front of the people in the country?"

The secretary, Khan Khan, quickly explained: "If you do n’t play with money, you can just play with it. There may be some highlights, but it has nothing to do with money."

That's good!

Chen Lang nodded, and followed the secretary into the chess room.

"Come here? Sit!"

Lao Ma reached out and gestured, Chen Lang then sat down and looked around, looking away! There are still a lot of people, a group of judges are basically there, playing chess, playing cards, playing cards, and a few people are chatting over tea.

浪 Chen Lang first greeted everyone, then looked at Lao Ma and Rebes, and asked, "What to play? How old?"

"Fight the landlord!"

Lao Ma casually said, then thought about it, and then said, "If you have a lot of fun, then, whoever has the most to lose in the end, the one who promises to win the most is not an excessive condition."

好 "OK! I like this, if I win, I will let you Magnum to help me sell my mobile phone for free!" Rebes said.

"What kind of cowhide?" Lao Ma dismissed with a smile: "You still obediently go back and make my Magnum treasure into the phone's built-in software."

Still this kind of operation?

Chen Lang's eyes brightened.

He laughed and said, "My requirements are not high. If I win, let me be able to hahahahaha late at night."

The old horse and Rebston were unconscious.

"What is late at night ha ha ha ha ha? President Chen, aren't you gay?" Rebus moved his buttocks back.

"I'm also a little curious!" The old horse also looked at Chen Lang in confusion.

"Oh, this is what you rich guys don't understand."

Chen Lang sighed and shook his head and said, "Do you know what I am in now? My youth is young? A wave of riches? None! I have too big a plan for the future. In two weeks, I will spend almost 20 billion yuan, so two big brothers, I can describe my current state in a short period of time. "

"What is it?" The old horse took a slobber, and couldn't help asking.

"Morning: Hahahahaha!"

"Noon: Hahahahaha!"

"Evening: Hahahahaha!"

深 "Late Night: Not Worth on Earth!"


Old horse sprayed.

Rebus also looked at Chen Lang with a grim expression.

Qun Lian took her around, quietly watching the major judges here showing different colors.

"Isn't it worth it?" Lao Ma laughed: "Ha ha ha ha, Chen Lang, you are too showy? You became rich as an Internet technology gangster this night, it is not worth it to come back to personal, what do you want to do? . "

"I was sent to save you from heaven, but the lives of the poor are so sad, so it's not worth it." Chen Lang said quietly with tea.

This time I couldn't help even taking Rebus, and laughed, "You can be a prodigal brother, you're a kid."

He said, Rebus started shuffling and said, "Come on, as long as you can win, I will give you money!"

"Even if you lose, as long as you nod, I will give you money."

Lao Ma also laughed when he heard.

Just kidding, how valuable is the Second World? Who doesn't know this?

But it's not because Chen Lang hasn't let up and refused to accept investment. Otherwise, it is not easy to raise tens of billions or hundreds of billions at will.

In the penguin video, the dense barrage began to talk about it.

"This Chen Langzhen is a personal talent."

"Five big kings add another person, Chen Lang is not worth it after he became rich."

"Hahahaha, it's not worth it late at night, I'm so damned."

"Compared to Duanzi, what I was more curious about was Chen Liang's 20 billion yuan. It took only two weeks to spend it? Is this so capable?"

"Yes, 20 billion yuan. Except for 4 billion yuan to buy a supercomputing base, what about the other money? Where did you spend it?"

"I hope Chen Lang's early listing of the company will also allow us to make a little money by buying some stocks."

"It took two weeks for 20 billion yuan, really a legendary prodigal son!"


The poker field is like a battlefield, and Chen Lang smiles at the corner of his mouth, without saying a word, but secretly turned on the switch of the super glasses.

I said that the computing power of artificial intelligence is up, because everyone has a camera behind them, Chen Lang can be said to be watching the two of them playing cards with them.

玩 Play like this, you tell me, how to lose?

"Grab the landlord!"

After three minutes, "Win!"

"Grab the landlord!"

After four minutes, "Win!"

"Grab the landlord!"

Uh ...

An hour passed.

The faces of Lao Ma and Rebus changed from smiling at the beginning to becoming stiff, and finally turned pale, and finally, angry and angry.


The card is still one.

"Don't play anymore, let's meet the **** of gamblers!" Lao Ma was anxious.

"Change, play chess!"

Rebus can't bear it anymore. This keeps losing. Who can bear it?

"Okay, play chess," Chen Lang said cheerfully.

I changed to playing chess. Shouldn't this kid be so perverted? After all, it is normal for young people to play cards now, but it is rare to play chess.

Old horse and Rebus secretly make eye contact.

Alas, they were disappointed.

Qi Yunzhai, Dad Chen watched the live broadcast on the computer, then turned his head and looked at a large pack of Chinese cigarettes in a red plastic bag, and couldn't help laughing.

I was another hour.

"Say, how much investment do you want?"

As the ultimate loser, Lao Ma looked a little tired, and he was a bit autistic.

"Investment is fine."

浪 Chen Lang grinned, he did not intend to sell shares, even if it is not the case.

After thinking about it, Chen Lang said: "I remember that Ali has a fund business, right? In this way, help me get a fundraising project with a fixed annual income of 10%. Okay, how much is required, I take second world companies as a guarantee. "

"Are you crazy?"

Old horse and Rebus are scared.

People who do n’t understand the investment industry do n’t think there is anything. After all, many funds have good luck with dozens, twenties, or even dozens of returns.

But there are also times when luck is bad, that is unstable. If luck is really bad, the principal can be lost.

What can Chen Lang say?

It is a fixed fund, the type guaranteed by the company. This kind of fund is equivalent to only making no losses, and it is stable. It deposits 100,000 yuan in the fund, and the income is 10,000 yuan in a year. .

This is similar to Yu'ebao, but even if Yu'ebao's economy has gradually improved in the past two years, the annual interest rate is currently only 6%.

Chen Lang gives ten percent?

Isn't this crazy?

"If you take the Second World as a guarantee, according to the fund guarantee rules, the company's market value only counts the company's own assets and the next three years of profit. The Second World can raise about 100 billion yuan. You have to give investors 10 billion yuan in earnings, are n’t you kidding me? ”He hesitated.

"I know a lot of people don't believe it, and don't like it!" Chen Lang smiled slightly and said, "But 6% and 10% are only four billion yuan a year. How much wealth does one year have for me? Compared to this In terms of money, I would like to give some benefits to those who trust me. The 4% more is benefits. "

"Mr. Chen's atmosphere!"

The old horse gave a thumbs up, and at the same time, he was a little aggressive.

This boy, obviously has hundreds of billions of assets, how can he be more proud than my old horse?

Is he deliberately peeping at the title of my national father?

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