Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 70: Closed industrial base

In the evening, Chen Lang and Chen Da ’s father and son talked for a long time. Finally, Dad Chen finally understood.

儿子 The son is now more approved than his cattle.

插 If I intervene myself, I don't think the son is thoughtful, so I can't intervene and let him make his own decision.

With this heart, Dad Chen was suddenly relaxed, and slept for half an hour late at night.

一 Chen Lang got up early the next morning, and Xiao Xiaoai was already waiting in the living room.

"What did you get up so early? The press conference didn't start at 10 am?" Chen Lang frowned.

"The person from Jin Hongjian called me."

Xiao Xiaoai said helplessly: "These people went to the gate of Tianhong Industry at five in the early morning in order to complete the task earlier. Sun Tianhong always thought that the enemies were going to demolish his company. I came here after I dealt with things over there. "

Chen Lang sweated.

I'm so **** strange.

"What did President Sun say?"

"General Manager Sun said that he almost scared to buy a ticket to run by plane. Let's get over early. The press conference is ahead of time. At 8 o'clock in the morning, there is still an hour."

"Let's go, then!"

Chen Lang picked up a thin coat and put it on, then went out.

Because of the tight time, Chen Lang didn't take a taxi and drove Chen's Passat directly. Although this car has been around for some years, the condition of the car is still good because Dad rarely drives.

After arriving at Tianhong Industry, Xiao Xiaoai showed the gatekeeper a certificate and the car entered Tianhong Industry.

Tianhong industry is very large, much larger than the thirty supercomputing bases combined. After all, this is an industrial area, not as expensive as the land in the city center.

Moreover, Tianhong Industry is still one of Hangzhou's established industries, and has received a lot of policy support.

The car entered, drove past a huge industrial plant, and finally arrived at the headquarters building.

红 The red carpet and chairs have been laid in front of the headquarters building, and a podium has been set up, with oversized posters hanging behind it.

Is everyone who knows Sun Tianhong sells a company?

You're not afraid of me regret, right?

浪 Chen Lang was speechless.

"Mr. Chen!"

Sun Tianhong, who was standing by the red carpet, was obviously informed by the gatekeeper, and hurried to see Passat.

Behind him, about a dozen people are all high-level of Tianhong Industry.

There are also three young people.

I should be the three sons of Sun Tianhong.

来 "Come, let's welcome President Chen!"

Sun Tianhong opened the door and shouted.


The applause suddenly sounded, and the sound of snapping photos was endless, and dozens of reporters had surrounded them.

After Chen Lang selectively answered several questions, he stepped onto the podium with Sun Tianhong.

Subsequently, under the witness of the reporters, the two parties formally sealed the contract. Since then, Tianhong Industry has been handed over to Chen Lang.

"Think about this life, what a picture, the foundation of a lifetime, but in the end it was all sold for money to three unfilial sons."

Sun Tianhong asked people to arrange for a red envelope or something for reporters, but he was standing beside Chen Lang with a group of people and he was emotional.

Chen Chen glanced at Sun Tianhong and said, "What do you want to say?"

"Mr. Chen, these are my old brothers. They have been with me for many years. The company's shares also have them. This time the company sold it. Although I shared the money with them, I still feel guilty. I don't want to leave here. "

Sun Tianhong sighed and said, "Tianhong has no core competitiveness. Of course, I know that, and it is because of them that Tianhong can reach today.

I do n’t have much to say. After all, it ’s an evil made in my house. I only ask President Chen. If I can, I hope President Chen will not mind that they were my subordinates. I hope that President Chen can stay in the absence of manpower. Down them. "

"it is good!"

Chen Lang nodded, and then asked curiously, "How about you? Are you ready to start a business with money?"


Sun Tianhong said with emotion, saying: "I have saved 100 million yuan, and the rest have been distributed to three sons. That's it. I'm old, and I'll see them later."

"You are spoiled!" Chen Lang shook his head slightly.

"Not necessarily."

Sun Tianhong shook his head and said, "How do I say, my three sons? They all have real talents and they have learned before. It was Tianhong's stand that restricted them. If they let them start a business from scratch, I think they are feasible. But their own grandchildren Son and grandfather, I am too lazy to ask. "

"Are you interested in staying? I'm short of people. If you like, I'll give you the position of CEO of Tianhong Industry. How about that?"

"What?" Sun Tianhong froze.

"Do you think I like rotten?" Chen Lang disdain: "I am ready to hatch the real industry I want on the basis of Tianhong. Although Tianhong Industry is not bad, it looks too bad to me. If you wish, you will continue to be responsible for the affairs of Tianhong Industry. Of course, I plan to establish a new closed industrial base in Tianhong Industry. This industrial base is not yours.

"New base? How much does it cost?" Sun Tianhong was horrified.

"About 1.5 billion yuan in budget, together with the transformation costs of Tianhong Industry, a total of 3 billion!"

Chen Lang said lightly.

"Okay, UU reading I will do it with you!"

Sun Tianhong marveled at Chen Lang's masterpiece, hesitated for a moment or two, and nodded: "Anyway, I'm idle, I don't want to start a business anymore. I can still tell the old brothers about the old ones, I'll do it with you."

"Well, let Jin Hongjian's people come in. The useless equipment is now sold while there is still some value, leaving only some industrial mother machines and the like. The workers will dismiss some and leave the true elite. Middle and senior management ... "

Speaking of this, Chen Lang glanced at Sun Tianhong and said, "You take care of yourself. I want a dynamic company, not your mess, you should understand what I mean."

"Relax, leave these things to me."

Sun Tianhong nodded.

"Since you are so confident, the construction of the closed industrial base is also entrusted to you. You can transfer it to Jinhong Construction Engineering or find another construction company. However, my request is that within two weeks, I must Build it up. "

Two weeks? how can that be?

Sun Tianhong was unbelievable, and at this time, Xiao Xiaoai handed him a notebook.

He looked for a moment, and suddenly found that this so-called closed industrial base was built only without any industrial equipment.

In other words, the cost of the base alone is 1.5 billion?

If you say so, two weeks is possible with heavy money.

Well, it took so much money to figure out what?

Sun Tianhong can't figure it out.

'Why, since it ’s not the boss, then follow the boss ’s idea, but look at the internal facilities of this closed industrial base. Is the boss ready to import a batch of top-level machinery from abroad? ’


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