Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 66: Old man's nephew

The two sat down, but while sitting down, they couldn't help looking at each other.

This is hostility!

Xun Zheng said that the counterparts are the enemies. In the eyes of the two, Chen Lang called the two of them to come over for price comparison and comparison.

"First of all, I want to know how long it will take to build a company headquarters with the strength of both of you?

Of course, the headquarters is not large, and you also know the situation in my second world. Although the company is not small, but the number is not large, although in the future will increase the number of people, but the industry is different, the company headquarters is also different, just the first The headquarters of the second world company is based on the Tianhe Supercomputing Base, and it has six six-storey headquarters connected with science and technology. "

Chen Lang held up a cup of tea and asked as he drank.

The two of them lost their thoughts, and then Liu Hong hesitated: "General Manager Chen, do you have any plans for the company headquarters?"

"Yes, President Chen, if there are design drawings that can be started directly, it will definitely save a lot of time, and if there are design drawings, we can more accurately predict how long it will take to complete the construction." Zhao Qian also said.

浪 Chen Lang nodded slightly, then looked at Xiao Xiaoai.

At the time of the magic capital, Chen Lang had already designed and transformed according to the drawings of Tianhe Supercomputing Base and Tianhong Industry. Of course, he had the design drawings.

And it is designed in accordance with the future technology style, designed with intellectual brain.

Is definitely one of the pinnacles of design in this era.

哪里 Where did the drawings come from? Of course, it was Chen Langhei who came in smoothly.

Xiao Xiao Ai took out two USB sticks and handed them to Chen Lang.

Chen Lang put it on the table and said, "This is the blueprint of the Tianhong Industrial Reconstruction and the design drawing of the headquarters of the Tianhe Base. You can send them back to the company for professionals to calculate. It is best to combine time with the required cost. Measured. "

"Relax, Mr. Chen. With the drawings, everyone else is easy to say."

The two of them laughed, and then asked the secretary where the laptop came from to start transferring data.

Time passes slowly.

After more than an hour, both companies gave feedback.

"According to a rough estimate, it would take us two months to build the Tianhe Base Headquarters without any cost, but if we do so, the construction funds will increase accordingly, probably about 400 million yuan."

Liu Hong opened his mouth and saw that Chen Lang had no response. He also said, "The transformation of Tianhong Industry takes a lot of time, at least half a year. At the same time, because Tianhong Industry is very large, there are many places that need to be transformed. At least, one billion is needed. "

"Headquarters, one and a half months, 400 million. Tianhong Industry, four months, one billion!" Next, Zhao Qian said, although the price remains the same, the construction period can be improved a lot.

From this point, we can see Jin Hong's strength.

Liu Hong was a little embarrassed, gritted his teeth and looked at Zhao Qian, and finally said in a deep voice: "General Manager Chen, if it is just a project, we will do our best, regardless of the cost, we can shorten time and reduce prices."

"All right!"

浪 Chen Lang waved and said lightly, "You still don't understand what I mean. I don't want you to save money, I want fast!"

After talking about this, Chen Lang thought for a moment, then said, "Zhongji has limited strength, so it is responsible for building the headquarters, half a month, 500 million!"

"How is this possible?" Liu Hongzhang forced. "That's six buildings and six floors, showing six mansions built around the supercomputing base. Moreover, all parties have high requirements for materials. No one can do it for half a month. Do it. "

"600 million, if I can't do it, I will change people!" Chen Lang glanced at Liu Hong.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Liu Hong suddenly stood up.

Look down!

$ 600 million, more than half the company's asking price of $ 400 million.

利润 If this is done, the profit will be scary.

"General Manager Chen, half a month, we can do 500 million." Zhao Qian could not help but speak.

"You Jinhong also needs to be responsible for Tianhong Industry!"

浪 Chen Lang looked at Zhao Qian and said lightly: "It will be completed within one month, 1.5 billion!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

谦 Zhao Qian also stood up excitedly.

"Leave the company account, I'll pay the deposit first, you go back and get people ready, and start work together at noon tomorrow!"

"Yes, President Chen!"

Where the two left their accounts at Xiao Xiao Ai, and then left hurriedly.

"I have heard that President Chen of the Second World is bold, I did not expect to be so bold."

"I do n’t understand, I do n’t understand, it takes more time to get things done, and he is willing to spend more money to solve it. Maybe this is the world of God.


They left, then Chen Lang got up and took Xiao Xiaoai out.

It's already evening.

浪 Chen Lang went out, thinking for a moment, and asked, "How is the evacuation of the staff at the Tianhe Supercomputing Base?"

Xiao Xiaoai made a phone call and said to Chen Lang after the contact: "They said that the people at the supercomputing base had already moved to another base, and now the security in Tianhe base is waiting for us to receive the base. No one is inside. "

"This won't work!"

Chen Lang frowned. The Tianhe base is very important and must not go wrong.

I thought for a moment, Chen Lang called the old man's phone.

I returned to the tea house and waited for half an hour. Two old nephews of Liu's old man drove in a van to the tea house.

"You are Mr. Chen, right? We were introduced by Uncle Liu. My name is Wang Ming and his name is Li Jun."

Both of them are young people, of course, young people are not allowed.

Looking at the age of the two, they should be between 28,9 and 30 years old.

Wang Ming is somewhat bookish, but Li Jun is different, just a rough man.

"Meet me, my name is Chen Lang!"

浪 Chen Lang reached out and shook the hands of the two, both of whom were practicing family members.

"Hello Mr. Chen!"

The two of them respect Chen Lang. UU reading apparently listened to the situation of Chen Lang by the old man Liu.

"Let's go, it's just time, have a meal together."

The place to eat is not too far, not too close, just in a luxury hotel outside the Tianhe Supercomputing Base.

Obviously, the two rarely come to this kind of place and feel a little bit open, but they get better after entering the box.

When the waiter brought a plate of delicate and full of delicious food, the two brothers began to breathe quickly.

"Drink a bar first!" Chen Lang said when they couldn't let go.

Drinking alcohol is a good thing. Strangers can drink together as brothers. For those who meet for the first time, drinking is definitely a good choice.

Really, after a few glasses of wine, the two calmed down and even joked.

"What did you do before? How much was your salary?" Chen Lang asked.

"I had a teacher certificate before, and the master helped find a relationship. I was a teacher in a middle school, but the students were naughty and wanted to hit me because I was too strict. So I can bear it? So I beat people and children. Fired. Now unemployed at home. "Wang Ming said helplessly.

Chen Lang pumped a corner, then looked at Li Jun.

Li Jun scratched his head and said, "I have nothing to learn, I can only go out to work. I always heard people say that as long as they go to Hong Kong, they will lose themselves in a loud voice, so I want to try, but Who knows they all told me to shave my hair after I went, I can bear it? I got back after a fight with someone, and I was still at home. "


浪 Chen Lang bowed her head, her mouth jerking.

Your brothers are here to make me laugh?

Xiao Xiaoai next to her sister had been lying on the table holding her head, her shoulders were shaking constantly.

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