"Oh, that's sad for me."

Liu looked at Chen Lang with one hand and the door closed tightly after entering the office.

Xiao Xiao Ai came out to pick up water and saw Liu's frowning face rubbing his head on the sofa, couldn't help but give Liu Yi a disposable cup and took a cup of warm water on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

经理 "Manager, are you okay?" Xiao Xiaoai couldn't help asking.

"How could it be all right?" Liu sighed, took a sip of warm water, and said helplessly: "Our boss doesn't know what to think. Obviously the game industry has already done so much, but it has to run into industry It is useless to persuade him to engage in industry. "

Xiao Xiao Ai had no WeChat friends with Chen Lang. He was shocked when he heard that, "Our company is going to close down?"


Liu Liu froze with a single hand, and said blankly, "Why?"

"Don't you say that the boss wants to do other business, then he must have sold the company." Xiao Xiaoai sighed, thinking of the difficulties at home, thinking of going out of work soon, and her mood suddenly fell.

"What is it?"

Liu rolled his eyes and said silently: "Be assured, even if the boss is determined to engage in industry and industry, our company will not be closed. The boss is rich and has just made 20 billion from the penguin and pig factory. . "

"Two ... two billion?"

Xiao Xiao Ai opened her mouth wide, and the cup in her hand fell to the ground with a crack.

Uh ...

Ignoring Liu's persuasion, Chen Lang had his own intentions.

进入 After entering the office, he started his daily work.

The first is to maintain the balance in the game, and constantly modify the internal data, and the second is to check the domestic industrial companies that are suitable for starting.

Now the game has entered a stable period. Both Little Pony and Old Ding know that the magic world is overwhelming, so they have not continued to limit the magic world.

Of course, if you do n’t continue to restrict, in fact, it is because the old man and the little brother want to see where the limit of the magic world is.

The rise of the magic world may cause a lot of losses to the game industry of pig factory and goose factory, but these losses can be fully bearable.

Compared with these losses, they want to see if the magic world is full and nearly ten million people are online at the same time. Will Chen Lang really come up with more advanced technology?

Fortunately for other technologies, if Chen Lang really comes up with artificial intelligence, then they will carry out deeper cooperation at all costs based on the current cooperation.

可能性 For them, a possibility is more important than all the benefits currently lost.

Whether it is a penguin or a pig factory, a limit has been reached, and if you want to break through this limit, you can only master the epoch-making black technology.

Time passes by.

Chen Lang's busy work lasted all afternoon. Fortunately, he had a good drinking capacity. Otherwise, if he drank at noon and worked that long in the afternoon, he wouldn't be able to work without a headache.

Doing the final finishing, Chen Lang easily closed the background management system of the magic world, and then opened a document.

In the file is the introduction and address of the two companies.

Of course, there is also contact information.

But it is not right to say that it is two companies, it should be said that it is an industrial company and a research base.

Both of these are in Hangzhou.

The research base was bought by Chen Lang after he accidentally saw it.

The base is called Tianhe Supercomputer Hangcheng Central Base.

what is this?

The most important weapon in the country!

Chen Lang never thought that this thing could be sold.

You know, this is built by the country in various important cities and regions for scientific research. Basically, those who have the right to use this thing are national universities and important research places in China.

Supercomputer is a type of computer with the most powerful functions, the fastest computing speed, and the largest storage capacity. It is used in national high-tech fields and advanced technology research, or scientists use numerical simulations to predict and explain natural phenomena that were previously impossible to experiment with.

最大 The biggest feature of supercomputers is their super-computing and processing capabilities. The computing speed can reach more than one trillion times per second.

This kind of thing cannot be bought, which contains the most advanced computer technology in a country, whether it is hardware or software.

浪 Chen Lang had thought before that the birth of artificial intelligence must require hardware to have sufficient computing power and processing power. Chen Lang even thought of building a data processing storage center by himself.

"Tianhe 2 supercomputer?" Chen Lang thought for a moment, then turned on the phone.

"Brother, do you know the news that Hangzhou Tianhe Supercomputer Center Base will be sold?"

Chen Lang asked Laoding, who was obviously more enthusiastic than Xiao Ma.

After a while, the old man returned to WeChat.

"I know, my brother is interested in supercomputing? Six months ago, the country established the Shenwei series of supercomputing bases in Hangzhou, so the Tianhe base was basically idle.

Tianhe No. 2 is an old model produced ten years ago. In general, it is worth between three and five billion yuan, but this is the first time the country has sold a supercomputing base for sale. Many domestic companies are interested. I also received an invitation letter a few days ago. UU reads www.uukanshu. The com auction time is next Monday, if the brother is interested, you can go together at that time. "


浪 Chen Lang frowned slightly, and then asked, "How much do you think this Tianhe Supercomputing Base can take?"

"A minimum of 3 billion!"

Lao Ding replied: "Because the Tianhe Supercomputing Base was built early, the area in the city is not small. It is enough to build a company on the basis of the Tianhe Supercomputing Base, so let alone say that It ’s worth a lot of money. Adding the two together, 3 billion is still an estimated figure, and the entire figure will easily be surpassed by the time of the auction. "

行 "Okay, I see, thank you brother!"

Chen Lang replied, and then set the phone aside.

He touched his chin, Chen Lang thought for a moment.

Take it down!

I must win.

It is definitely the best choice to directly set up the second world company headquarters on the basis of Tianhe base. Moreover, although the supercomputing of Tianhe 2 is a little behind, artificial intelligence can go online immediately after supercomputing, which can save A lot of time.

Compared with time, hundreds of billions or billions need not be taken into consideration at all.

With a decision in mind, Chen Lang looked at the second goal.

Tianhong Industry!

公司 The name of this company is simply four words.

But these four words cover a lot of things.

Generally speaking, industrial companies have a focus on either heavy industry or light industry, or industrial manufacturing, foundry processing, etc.

But this company is amazing, all-round and full coverage.

Certainly, if you do a good job in all aspects and coverage, then Chen Lang can't afford it.

公司 This company says that big is really big, but when it is small, it is also really small.

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