Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 34: Women are fickle

浪 Chen Lang and Shen Xiong are classmates. One time, Shen Xing's martial arts failed to fight for justice. Chen Lang passed by to help escape, and the two became friends.

But the good times are not long. In the past few years, just when Shen Xie entered the university, several ships of his dad suffered shipwrecks, dozens of people died, and compensation was directly lost to bankruptcy. For some reasons, his dad even more Was sentenced.

Chen Shen fierce is also because of major changes in the family. The whole person's efforts have not only completed the university studies, but also surpassed Chen Lang, and went directly to graduate school, making Chen Lang unable to help himself.

浪 Chen Lang still remembers, that is, a few years later, Shen Xie graduated, logically speaking, as a talented student, and caught up with the great changes of the times, he should have been able to skyrocket to become the most elite group of scientists and scientists in the world.

But unfortunately, he met the right person at the wrong time. He felt that he could do it, but then his dad was released from prison, his second venture failed, and his debts owed a lot. Reality finally overwhelmed him, and overwhelmed him. His dad.

Shen fierce dad jumped off the building and committed suicide, and then his mother followed him after a year. Shen fierce's persistence for several years became a joke completely, and he could not end up destiny.

Finally, at the beginning of the Xinghe era, he still didn't give up. He took part in a genetic experiment in a laboratory for money. The experiment failed. When Chen Lang saw him again, he was already a ghost, and he was hiding in Africa. A remote tribe lives alone.

Chen Lang wanted to help him, but was rejected. Later, when he heard from him again, he was at a classmate party.

He died. Like his father, he chose to commit suicide.

Every time Chen Lang thinks of him, he can't help feeling, is a relationship really worth paying for?

浪 Chen Lang could not get the answer.

不同 He is different from Shen Xiong. He likes beauties and loves. He also prefers to be cared for and accompanied. But he did not like restraint, and did not like the dullness after passion.

As a result, Chen Lang also had a few feelings, but in the end they all ended without illness, and by the way won a name of a scumbag.

He may also be affected by the ferocity. Chen Lang was not married until the next generation of humans became extinct.

I heard the familiar and unfamiliar voice in my ear, and Chen Lang almost burst into tears. He smiled on his face, but his heart was extremely complicated.

I'm fine, I'm back.

I'm so nice, I'm back.

浪 Chen Lang has a sore nose and an indescribable feeling in her heart.

最终 But in the end, it all became a sense of responsibility.

There are too many people like Shen fierce,

回来 Regenerating yourself can save one Shen fierce, but what about the rest of the thousands?

能 Can I do it myself?

do not know.

But whether or not it is necessary, after all.

I have a saying that is good, how can there be good times? But someone is going forward for you.

Before the rebirth, for more than a hundred years, too many people were sacrificed, and too many people moved forward for the sake of others' quiet years.

Chen Lang before the rebirth was one of those ‘others’.

既然 Since this life can come again, then return this kind of kindness and go and be a person who carries forward with a heavy load.

Chen Lang suddenly reached out and wiped the corners of his eyes.

喂 "Hey? Brother Lang, what's wrong with you? Why don't I listen to your voice?"

The deep, stern voice came again.

"What can I do wrong?" Chen Lang smiled. "Brother now founded an internet company, Nissin Dougin, the goose factory and pig factory begging to buy me shares, but I didn't agree. Brother just chose a technology. Easily sell tens of billions, believe it or not? "

"I believe you a ghost!"

Shen Xiong said silently: "It is such a prodigal brother. I heard you resigned some time ago, and I do n’t know if you have found a job. My mentor, Professor Chen Jianfeng, do you know? Technical consultant of several large and medium-sized Internet companies, some time ago I got a technology research and development project from a Penguin subsidiary, but there is a serious shortage of people in the research laboratory. Do n’t you learn this too? I just want to help you if you have nothing to do. The salary is definitely higher than you were before The company is tall. "

"Forget it fat, I'm really starting a business now." Chen Lang was moved.


Is 帮 help? No.

浪 Chen Lang has a memory of a lifetime, he knows Shen fierce is helping him.

In the past life, when he was about to eat after leaving office, the fat man said to help, and then cheekily pulled Chen Lang into Professor Chen Jianfeng's laboratory to work.

浪 Chen Lang is just an undergraduate. What can I study? After all, it's about doing some simple work.

As a result, Chen Lang not only survived a difficult period, but also met Professor Chen Jianfeng and several senior brothers and sisters Shen Shen.

教授 Professor Chen Jianfeng is a temperamental person who often loses his temper with a few small things, and has a bad attitude and a fierce tone. Overall, this person is a difficult person.

But this kind of person also has an advantage, the more difficult it is to get along, when he really accepts you, it is absolutely good to you.

In the previous life, with the completion of that research, Chen Jianfeng also actively arranged for Chen Lang to enter a company that was not very large, but had a good working environment and treatment.

Chen Lang remembered his kindness. In his later years, Chen Lang visited the old man more than once. This old man has a lot of regrets throughout his life. It is a pity that no child is born due to infertility. The girl is raised, but Shen fierce kills herself, which is also a pity.

When the old man died, he was still thinking about these things.

Chen Lang has a complicated emotion for Chen Jianfeng and his students. They are passers-by in Chen Lang's life, but they play an important role, leaving Chen Lang deeply impressed.

Especially the fierce little sister, Wen Wen!

This is one of Chen Lang's ex-girlfriends. A woman who can make Chen Lang shao fight for a lifetime. Chen Lang still remembers that when she first met her, she was petite and exquisite, beautiful and cute, smart and thoughtful. Extensive, going to school, driving millions of cars, living in luxury villas, his father is the owner of a private medium-sized steel company, a proper princess-level figure.

Although later Wen Wen's steel mill closed down due to various reasons, UU read the book www. can be the princess when Chen Lang and Wen Wen engage in the subject.

But Wen Wen also let Chen Lang see the change of women. When she was in love, she talked about everything. She was elegant, cute and coquettish. Chen Lang felt that this was the most perfect girl in the world.

After the love period, Chen Lang suddenly wakes up.

It ’s all false to hold on to elegance, cuteness, coquettishness, and nothing to talk about.

I used to go to the toilet and said that I would smell bad, and later I said shit.

I used to coquettishly sell cute things, but then I made troubles unreasonably.

I used to talk about nothing before, but then went directly to the Cold War.

The status of the love period and half a year later are completely different.

I was almost two people.

I still talk about you mmp!

浪 Chen Lang didn't think of eating soft rice from the beginning, so he broke up with a rash, just because Chen Lang had deliberately hid for a while, lest the woman came with a group of bodyguards to hit him.

Holding the mobile phone in his hand, thinking of all the past, Chen Lang couldn't help smiling.

Some have long forgotten, but some still leave a deep mark on Chen Lang's heart.

Now I want to come, no matter what is good or bad, as long as he can impress, it is part of his life.

"Fat, come to see me when I have time, I ’ll take you to eat, drink, and have fun. I ’m really starting a business. You do n’t have to worry about me. I have a very good life here. I ’ll go there when I have time Your school will pick you up to play. "

The mobile phone was still talking, Chen Lang interrupted Shen Xiong's words, explained it carefully, and then hung up the phone.

He shook his head and smiled. Chen Lang threw his phone on the table, lying on the sofa holding his head, wondering what he was thinking.

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